Abstract | Alternativno obrazovanje djeluje još od 19. stoljeća, zajedno sa sustavom državnog obrazovanja. Prvi alternativni modeli obrazovanja javljaju se kao reakcija nastavnika, roditelja i učenika na pokušaj stvaranja zajedničkog, kulturno objedinjenog obrazovanja od strane države. Pluralistički orijentirano društvo danas nudi alternative u svim područjima, uključujući i područje odgoja i obrazovanja. Osnivači drugačijih, tzv. alternativnih škola postaju roditelji, vjerske zajednice, udruge građana i dr. organizacije. U radu je dan pregled koncepata alternativnog odgoja i obrazovanja, a naglasak je stavljen na pedagoške ideje Marije Montessori, Celestina Freineta, Petera Petersena i Rudolfa Steinera. Naglasak je na istraživanju kulture učenja svakog koncepta, uključujući koncepciju učenika, važnost okruženja za učenje, ulogu nastavnika, nastavne planove i programe te vrednovanje i procjenu učenja. Navedeni alternativni modeli organiziraju i poimaju učenje kao aktivni proces koji se temelji na potrebama i interesima svakog pojedinca. Ipak, njihovo se viđenje učenika kao centra interesa razlikuje u određenim aspektima koje ovim radom valja istaknuti. Primjer Nizozemske pokazuje nam kako je pluralizam odgoja i obrazovanja moguće ostvariti na svim razinama odgojno-obrazovnog sustava. Iako su najčešće zastupljene alternativne škole Petera Peteresena (Jena-plan), djeluju i ostali alternativni koncepti, poput Waldorfske pedagogije. Na koncu, valja reći kako neke od ideja alternativnih škola postaju sve zastupljenije i u državnim školama, koje u proces rada nastoje uvesti elemente kao što su: učenje orijentirano na učenika, samostalno učenje, suradničko učenje kroz projekte i sl. |
Abstract (english) | Alternative education operates since the 19th century, along with the system of public education.The first alternative models of education emerged as reaction of teachers, parents and students to the state's attempt of creating a common, culturally unifying education. One of the basic features of a pluralistically oriented society today is that it offers alternatives in all areas, including the area of education. Parents, religious groups, associations of citizens and other organisations are becomming the founders of the different, so called alternative schools. This paper presents an overview of the concepts of alternative education, and emphasis is placed on teaching the ideas of Maria Montessori, Celestin Freinet, Peter Petersen and Rudolf Steiner. The focus is on the exploration the culture of learning for each concept, including the conception of the learner, the importance the learning environment, role of teachers, curricula, evaluation and assessment of learning. These alternative models of education perceive and organise learning as an active process based on the needs and interests of each individual. However, their view of students as the center of interest is different in certain aspects which are to be emphasized/pointed out in this paper. Example of the Netherlands shows that the pluralism of education can be achieved at all levels of the educational system. Although the most common alternative schools are Peter Petersen's (Jena-plan schools), other alternative concepts, such as Waldorf education, operate as well. Finally, it should be said that some of the ideas of alternative schools are becoming more frequent in the public schools, which in the process of education are trying to introduce elements such as: student-centred and independent learning, cooperative learning through projects and etc. |