Title Validacija samoprocijenjene i bihevioralne mjere dispozicijske usredotočene svjesnosti
Title (english) Validation of Self-report and Behavioral Measure of Dispositional Mindrulness
Author Ivana Blašković
Mentor Asmir Gračanin (mentor)
Committee member Mladenka Tkalčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Asmir Gračanin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Bajšanski (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Psychology) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Usredotočena svjesnost (US; eng. mindfulness) se kroz istraživanja, osim kao stanje koje se postiže u meditativnim praksama, konceptualizira i kao dispozicijska crta – tendencija pojedinca ka usredotočeno svjesnom ponašanju i doživljavanju u svakodnevnom životu. Dispozicijska US uglavnom se mjeri samoprocjenama. Međutim, nedavno je razvijena prva bihevioralna mjera US - zadatak brojanja udaha i izdaha (eng. Breath Count Task – BCT), koji zaobilazi brojne pristranosti tipične za mjere samoprocjene. Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je razjasniti odnos između mjere samoprocjene (FFMQ) i bihevioralne mjere US (BCT) te usporediti njihovu konvergentnu i prediktivnu valjanost na uzorku od 76 studenata psihologije Filozofskog fakulteta u Rijeci u rasponu dobi od 18 do 26 godina. Za provjeru konvergentne valjanosti ispitana je povezanost FFMQ i BCT, kao i povezanost tih mjera sa samoprocijenjenim lutanjem misli i neuroticizmom. Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazuju povezanost US s radnim pamćenjem te brojnim socioemocionalnim ishodima, stoga je za provjeru prediktivne valjanosti US korišten Zadatak detekcije promjene emocionalnih izraza lica. Provedba je uključivala ispunjavanje upitničkih mjera online te rješavanje eksperimentalnih zadataka u laboratorijskim uvjetima. Rezultati pokazuju izostanak povezanosti FFMQ i BCT. Također, FFMQ i BCT nisu se pokazali značajnim prediktorima izvedbe u Zadatku detekcije promjene emocionalnih izraza lica, uz iznimku facete Djelovanje sa sviješću, koja pokazuje granično značajnu negativnu korelaciju s izvedbom na ovom zadatku. Suprotno očekivanom, čini se da pojedinci koji su bili točniji u detekciji promjene emocionalnih izraza lica izvještavaju o manjoj svjesnosti. Nadalje, opažene su visoke negativne korelacije ukupnog rezultata na FFMQ, kao i pojedinih faceta, sa samoprocijenjenim lutanjem misli i neuroticizmom. Utvrđena je i povezanost nesvjesnih grešaka u prvoj polovici BCT s rezultatima na neuroticizmu. No, suprotno hipotezi, manji broj nesvjesnih grešaka povezan je s višim rezultatima na neuroticizmu. Poseban doprinos provedenog istraživanja čine nezavisne procjene disanja koje su po prvi puta korištene u BCT te su se pokazale značajno povezanima s izvještajima ispitanika o vlastitom disanju. Izostanak očekivanih povezanosti među varijablama objašnjava se problemima konstruktne valjanosti mjernih instrumenata US te metodološkim nedostacima samog istraživanja.
Abstract (english) Apart from being defined as a state achieved during meditative practices, mindfulness is also conceptualized as a dispositional trait - the tendency of the individual towards mindful behavior and mindful experiences in everyday life. Dispositional mindfulness (DM) is generally measured by self-report. However, the first behavioral measure - Breath Count Task (BCT), which circumvents many biases typical of self-report measures, has recently been developed. The aim of the present study was to clarify the relationship between videly used self-report measure – FFMQ and the behavioral measure (BCT) of DM and to compare their convergent and predictive validity on a sample of 76 psychology students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, aged between 18 and 26. To assess convergent validity, the association of FFMQ and BCT was examined, as well as the association of these measures with self-reported mind-wandering and neuroticism. Research to date has confirmed the association of DM with working memory, as well as with a number of socioemotional outcomes. Therefore, the Change Detection Task with emotional facial expressions was used to assess the predictive validity of DM. The research procedure consisted of online questionnaire completion and individual experimental probes in laboratory settings. The results show a lack of correlation between FFMQ and BCT. Furthermore, FFMQ and BCT did not predict individual's performance in the Change Detection Task, with the exception of the Acting with Awareness facet, which showed a marginally significant negative correlation with performance on the task. Contrary to expectations, individuals who were more accurate in detecting changes in facial expressions appear to report less acting with awareness. High negative correlations were observed between the total score on FFMQ, as well as individual facets, and mind-wandering and neuroticism. An association of miscounts in the first half of BCT with results on neuroticism was obtained. Contrary to the given hypothesis, fewer miscounts were associated with higher scores on neuroticism. Important contribution of the current research is made by independent assessments of breathing, which were used for the first time in BCT and proved to be significantly related to the respondents' reports of breathing. The absence of expected correlations between constructs is explained with DM construct validity issues and methodological shortcomings of the research itself.
usredotočena svjesnost
Petofacetni upitnik usredotočene svjesnosti
Zadatak brojanja udaha i izdaha
detekcija promjene emocionalnih izraza lica
Keywords (english)
dispositional mindfulness
Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire
Breath Count Task
change detection paradigm
emotional facial expressions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:200248
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-11-05 08:42:31