Title The Criminal Responsibility of Persons within the Autistic Spectrum
Author Mladen Bošnjak
Mentor Luca Malatesti (mentor) MBZ: 308096
Committee member Filip Čeč (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Luca Malatesti (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 308096
Committee member Marko Jurjako (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Philosophy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy
Abstract This thesis investigates, from a philosophical perspective, whether high-functioning autists are legally responsible for their crimes, with a focus on the legal defense by insanity. According to the Croatian Criminal Code, but also criminal codes adopted in many other countries, the legal responsibility of the person is undermined due to insanity when two conditions are satisfied. The first can be called the incapacity requirement. It states that a person, at the moment of committing the crime, exhibits cognitive or volitional incapacities, which are relevant for criminal responsibility. The second, let us call it the mental disorder requirement, states that the exculpatory incapacities are due to the presence of a mental disorder. Regarding the application of the mental disorder requirement to high-functioning autists, the philosophical challenge is that of offering a satisfactory account of mental disorder. I argue that mental disorder requirement is a justified legal condition of exculpation. Thus, addressing the issue whether functioning autists can be excused due to insanity requires investigating whether they have a mental disorder. I argue that Wakefield’s harmful dysfunction theory of mental disorder is a plausible account of mental disorder to be used in this investigation. I argue that the list of basic psychological capacities offered to George Graham adequately clarifies the notion of harm that is left rather underdeveloped in the Wakefield account. I argue that the question of whether high-functioning autism is a disorder should be decided on a case-by-case basis, depending on an assessment of the harm caused by it. Regarding the application of the incapacity requirement to high-functioning autists, the philosophical challenge is that of explaining how the empirical neuropsychological data about high-functioning autists can be related to legal requirements concerning exculpating incapacities. I use the theory of criminal responsibility offered by Hirstein et al., which is based on executive functions to bridge these two domains. I thus claim that criminal responsibility of autists may be diminished due to impairments in executive functions but that they cannot be excused. I argue that the notion of duress, elaborated by Carl Elliott in the discussion of the moral responsibility of the people with volitional disorders, can also be applied in cases of criminal responsibility of autists.
Abstract (croatian) Ovaj rad iz filozofske perspektive istražuje jesu li visokofunkcionalni autisti kazneno odgovorni za svoje zločine s naglaskom na obranu neuračunljivošću. Prema hrvatskom Kaznenom zakonu, ali i kaznenim zakonima usvojenim u mnogim drugim državama, kaznena odgovornost osobe je podrivena uslijed neuračunljivosti kada su zadovoljena dva uvjeta. Prvi uvjet može se nazvati zahtjevom za nesposobnošću. U njemu se navodi da osoba u trenutku počinjenja zločina iskazuje kognitivne ili voljne nesposobnosti relevantne za kaznenu odgovornost. U drugom, nazovimo ga zahtjevom za mentalnim poremećajem, navodi se da ispričavajuće nesposobnosti postoje uslijed mentalnog poremećaja. Što se tiče primjene uvjeta mentalnog poremećaja na visokofunkcionalne autiste, filozofski je izazov ponuditi zadovoljavajuću teoriju mentalnog poremećaja. Argumentiram da je zahtjev za mentalnim poremećajem opravdan zakonski uvjet ekskulpacije. Bavljenje pitanjem mogu li autisti biti oslobođeni odgovornosti zbog neuračunljivosti tako zahtjeva istraživanje imaju li oni mentalni poremećaj. Argumentiram da je Wakefieldova teorija mentalnog poremećaja kao štetne disfunkcije uvjerljiva u svrhu tog istraživanja. Argumentiram da popis osnovnih psiholoških sposobnosti koji je ponudio George Graham adekvatno razjašnjava pojam štete koji je u Wakefieldovoj teoriji ostao prilično nerazrađen. Argumentiram da se o pitanju je li visokofunkcionalni autizam poremećaj treba odlučivati od slučaja na temelju štete koju uzrokuje. Što se tiče primjene zahtjeva za nesposobnošću na visokofunkcionalne autiste, filozofski je izazov objasniti kako empirijski neuropsihološki podaci o visokofunkcionalnim autistima mogu biti povezani sa zakonskim zahtjevima koji se tiču ispričavajućih nesposobnosti. Upotrebljavam teoriju kaznene odgovornosti koju su ponudili Hirstein et al., koja se temelji na izvršnim funkcijama kako bih povezao ove dvije domene. Tako tvrdim da kaznena odgovornost autista može biti smanjena uslijed oštećenja izvršnih funkcija, ali da ne mogu biti oslobođeni odgovornosti. Argumentiram da pojam prisile, koji je razradio Carl Elliott u raspravi o moralnoj odgovornosti osoba s voljnim poremećajima, također može biti primijenjen i u slučajevima kaznene odgovornosti autista.
Mental disorders
High-functioning autism
Criminal responsibility
Neurodiversity movement
Harmful dysfunction
Executive functions
Keywords (croatian)
Mentalni poremećaj
Visokofunkcionalni autizam
Kaznena odgovornost
Pokret neuroraznolikosti
Štetna disfunkcija
Izvršne funkcije
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:232259
Study programme Title: Philosophy (double major); specializations in: General Track, Teaching Track Course: Teaching Track Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije filozofije (magistar/magistra edukacije filozofije)
Study programme Title: History (double major); specializations in: Teaching Track Course: Teaching Track Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti (magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-11-05 13:43:19