Abstract | U radu su komparativno prikazani nacionalni waldorfski, Montessori i standardni kurikulum za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje. Navedeni su kurikulumi komparativno prikazani s obzirom na ciljeve, zadaće, sadržaje i organizaciju odgojno-obrazovnog rada,
metode, medije i strategije koje su karakteristične za pojedini kurikulum te evaluaciju rezultata odgojno-obrazovnog rada. U sklopu diplomskog rada provedeno je istraživanje čiji je cilj opisati i razumjeti sličnosti i razlike između waldorfskog, Montessori i standardnog kurikuluma za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje, a komparativni prikaz kurikuluma rađen je pomoću
kvalitativnih metoda istraživanja. U radu su korištene kvalitativne metode analize dokumentacije i polustrukturiranog intervjua pri čemu su provedena tri intervjua s troje odgajatelja zaposlena u waldorfskom, Montessori i standardnom dječjem vrtiću. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da su kurikulumi najsličniji, pa čak i jednaki, u ciljevima i zadaćama odgojnoobrazovnog rada dok se razlikuju s obzirom na načine na koje se dolazi do postavljenih ciljeva i zadaća. Tako su waldorfski, Montessori i standardni kurikulum različiti s obzirom na sadržaje, organizaciju odgojno-obrazovnog rada, metode, medije, strategije i evaluaciju odgojnoobrazovnog procesa. |
Abstract (english) | The paper comparatively presents the Waldorf, Montessori, and standard curriculum for early and preschool education. The mentioned curriculums are presented comparatively concerning the goals, tasks, content, and organization of educational work, methods, media, and strategies that are characteristic for each curriculum and the evaluation of the results of the
educational work. As part of the diploma thesis, research was conducted to describe and understand the similarities and differences between the Waldorf, Montessori, and standard curriculum for early and preschool education, while the comparative presentation of the curriculum was made using qualitative research methods. Qualitative methods of document
analysis and semi-structured interviews were used in research, three of the interviews being conducted with three educators employed in Waldorf, Montessori, and standard kindergartens. The research found that the curricula are the most similar, and even equal, in the goals and tasks of educational work, while they differ in terms of how the set goals and tasks are reached. Thus, the Waldorf, Montessori, and standard curriculum are different in terms of content, organization of educational work, methods, media, strategies, and evaluation of the educational process. |