Abstract | Sindrom iritabilnog crijeva (SIC) je funkcionalni gastrointestinalni poremećaj u čijoj kliničkoj slici dominiraju osjećaj nadutosti, abdominalna bol, mučnina, povraćanje, vjetrovi, konstipacija i dijareja. Za SIC karakterističan je manjak jasnih bioloških markera potrebnih za postavljanje dijagnoze, stoga istraživanja nastoje odrediti glavne čimbenike koji pridonose razvoju i održavanju simptoma u okviru biopsihosocijalnog modela. U provedenom istraživanju ispitana je povezanost spola, stresa i katastrofiziranja s intenzitetom i učestalošću simptoma SIC-a. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati postojanje spolnih razlika u intenzitetu i učestalosti simptoma te ritmu crijevnog pražnjenja, odrediti odnos stresa i simptoma s obzirom na međusobni vremenski odnos te naposljetku ispitati učinke katastrofiziranja na odnos stresa i simptoma. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 86 ispitanika; 71
osoba ženskog, te 15 osoba muškog spola. Dob ispitanika kretala se u rasponu od 21 do 80 godina. Zadatak ispitanika bio je tijekom dvotjednog perioda svakoga dana prije spavanja ispuniti dnevnik kojim se prikupljaju podatci dnevne razine stresa, učestalosti i intenziteta simptoma SIC-a te broja stolica. Također, nakon ispunjenog dnevnika ispitanici su ispunili ljestvicu katastrofiziranja iz Upitnika o strategijama suočavanja (Rosenstiel i Keefe, 1983). Statistička je obrada pokazala značajnu spolnu razliku u intenzitetu i učestalosti simptoma SICa, ukazujući na njihovu intenzivniju i češću pojavu u ženskom uzorku ispitanika. Dobiven je statistički značajan glavni efekt vremenskog pomaka na odnos stresa i simptoma SIC-a, pri čemu je ustanovljena povezanost stresa i simptoma statistički značajno veća u uvremenjenom uvjetu u odnosu na dva uvjeta vremenskog pomaka. Dobiven je statistički značajan efekt katastrofiziranja na uvremenjeni odnos stresa i simptoma, odnosno porast povezanosti stresa i simptoma predviđen je porastom u katastrofiziranju. Također, stres istoga dana značajno utječe na intenzitet simptoma, pri čemu prisutnost katastrofiziranja pojačava navedeni odnos stresa i simptoma SIC-a. |
Abstract (english) | Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder characterized by sensation of bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, sensation of gas, constipation and diarrhea. SIC is characterized by a lack of clear biological markers which are needed for diagnosis, therefore previous research strives to determine the main factors that contribute to
the development and maintenance of the symptoms within the biopsychosocial model. This study examines the relationship of gender, stress and catastrophizing with the intensity and frequency of IBS symptoms. The main aims of this study were the examination of gender differences related to intensity and frequency of symptoms and the bowel movement rhythm, furthermore examination of the relationship between stress and symptoms depending on their temporal relationship, and finally the examination of the effects of catastrophizing on the relationship between stress and symptoms. 86 participantstook part in the study; 71 were female and 15 were male. The age of the subjects ranged from 21 to 80 years. During a two-week period, the subjects' task was to fill in a diary every day before going to bed, which collects data
on the daily stress level, the frequency and intensity of IBS symptoms, and the number of stools. After completing the diary, the subjects completed the catastrophizing scale from the Coping Strategies Questionnaire (Rosenstiel and Keefe, 1983).
Statistical analysis showed a significant external difference in the intensity and frequency of IBS symptoms, indicating more intense and frequent occurrence in the female sample. A statistically significant main effect of the time lag on the relationship between stress and IBS symptoms was obtained, with the relationship between stress and symptoms being statistically more significant in the zero-lag condition compared to the two different lagged conditions, when one time series precedes the other. A statistically significant effect of catastrophizing on the timed relationship between stress and symptoms was obtained, more precisely, an increase in the connection between stress and symptoms is predicted by an increase in catastrophizing. The results of the study indicate the existence of a higher prevalence of IBS symptoms in the
female sample compared to men. Also, stress on the same day significantly affects the intensity of symptoms, with the presence of catastrophizing reinforcing the relationship between stress and IBS symptoms. |