Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Conceptual Analysis and Intellectual History: Moral Insanity and Harm in the Fin de Siècle Croatian Psychiatry
Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine, 47. (2021), 2 (94); 451-475.

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Korotaj Drača, V. & Malatesti, L. (2021). Conceptual Analysis and Intellectual History: Moral Insanity and Harm in the Fin de Siècle Croatian Psychiatry. Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine, 47.. (2 (94)), 451-475. doi: 10.52685/pihfb.47.2(94).4

Korotaj Drača, Vinko and Luca Malatesti. "Conceptual Analysis and Intellectual History: Moral Insanity and Harm in the Fin de Siècle Croatian Psychiatry." Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine, vol. 47., no. 2 (94), 2021, pp. 451-475.

Korotaj Drača, Vinko and Luca Malatesti. "Conceptual Analysis and Intellectual History: Moral Insanity and Harm in the Fin de Siècle Croatian Psychiatry." Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine 47., no. 2 (94) (2021): 451-475.

Korotaj Drača, V. and Malatesti, L. (2021) 'Conceptual Analysis and Intellectual History: Moral Insanity and Harm in the Fin de Siècle Croatian Psychiatry', Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine, 47.(2 (94)), pp. 451-475. doi: 10.52685/pihfb.47.2(94).4

Korotaj Drača V, Malatesti L. Conceptual Analysis and Intellectual History: Moral Insanity and Harm in the Fin de Siècle Croatian Psychiatry. Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine [Internet]. 2021 [cited 2024 October 06];47.(2 (94)):451-475. doi: 10.52685/pihfb.47.2(94).4

V. Korotaj Drača and L. Malatesti, "Conceptual Analysis and Intellectual History: Moral Insanity and Harm in the Fin de Siècle Croatian Psychiatry", Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine, vol. 47., no. 2 (94), pp. 451-475, 2021. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 06 October 2024]