Title Mobilnost mladih kao platforma za transformativno učenje
Title (english) Learning Mobility as a Platform for Transformative Learning
Author Nensi Nadarević
Mentor Bojana Ćulum Ilić (mentor)
Committee member Jasminka Ledić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Bojana Ćulum Ilić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Bojana Vignjević Korotaj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Pedagogy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-12-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Mobilnost mladih fenomen je koji je značajno porastao u svijetu, a u posljednja tri desetljeća privlači veliku pozornost znanstvenika na međunarodnoj razini. Boravak u drugoj zemlji radi studiranja, učenja ili rada postao je „standard“ europskog prostora visokog obrazovanja, a sve veći broj studenata i mladih u visokom obrazovanju nastoji provesti određeni period u inozemstvu, i na taj način postati tzv. mobilan građanin. Međunarodna mobilnost mladih postala je sve veći globalni, nterkulturalni
... More i obrazovni fenomen, u kojem se prilike za mobilnost proširuju s organiziranim programima mobilnosti kao što je Erasmus- program Europske unije za obrazovanje, osposobljavanje, mlade i sport. U tom kontekstu, sve veći broj studenata odlazi u
inozemstvo studirati jedan do dva semestra na drugom visokom učilištu zbog svog potencijala i dubokog učinka na razvoj znanja, vještina i kompetencija. Međutim, ono što je nedovoljno istraženo, a dotiče se međunarodne mobilnosti odnosi se
na: a) iskustva međunarodne mobilnosti mladih u neformalnom obrazovanju, poput projektnih mobilnosti za mlade- „razmjene mladih“; te b) doprinos međunarodne mobilnosti u pogledu ”dubljih” učinaka iskustva mladih u području osobnog rasta i razvoja. Kako bi se istražio učinak „dubljih“, i kompleksnijih unutarnjih promjena kod mladih, rad se oslanja Mezirowu transformativnu teoriju učenja. Slijedom navedenog, cilj ovog diplomskog rada jest opisati iskustva mladih koji su sudjelovali u Erasmus+ programima razmjene mladih, kao i dobiti uvid o tim neformalnim programima kao platformi za transformativno učenje. Cilj je realiziran pomoću proučavanja i istraživanja dostupne relevantne literature na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku o međunarodnoj mobilnosti mladih i transformativnoj teoriji učenja, te provođenjem kvalitativnog istraživanja iz fenomenološkog očišta. Primjena (fenomenološkog) polustrukturiranog intervjua sa šest mladih iz Republike Hrvatske omogućio je spoznaju esencije/biti mobilnosti mladih kao platforme za transformativno učenje, kroz značenja koja pridaju stečenom iskustvu sudjelovanjem
u neformalnim programima mobilnosti- „razmjene mladih“. Analiza tematske trorazinske mreže ukazuje na to da razmjene mladih kao neformalni oblik učenja uz promjenu kulturnog okruženja kreira plodno tlo za transformativno učenje koje se nanovo ostvaruje unatoč postojećim teškoćama i nedovoljnoj informiranosti, a vidljive (pozitivne) promjene u osobnosti temelj su ponovnog odlaska i motiviranja drugih na programe mobilnosti. Less
Abstract (english) Learning mobility is a phenomenon that has grown significantly in the world, and in the last three decades, it has attracted a lot of attention from scientists at the international level. Staying in another country to study, learn or work has become the "standard" of the European Higher Education Area, and an increasing number of students and young people in higher education strive to spend a certain period abroad and thus become so-called mobile citizen. International learning mobility has
... More become an increasingly global, intercultural, and educational phenomenon, in which opportunities for mobility are expanding with organized mobility programs such as Erasmus - the European Union's program for education, training, youth and sport. In this context, an increasing number of students go abroad to study for one to two semesters at another university because of its potential and profound effect on the development of knowledge, skills, and competencies.
However, what is insufficiently researched, which touches on international mobility, refers to: a) experiences of international mobility of young people in non-formal education, such as project mobilities for young people - "youth exchange"; and b) the contribution of international mobility regarding the "deeper" effects of the youth experience in the field of personal growth and development. To investigate the effect of "deeper" and more complex internal changes in young people, the paper relies on Mezirow's transformative theory of learning. Accordingly, the goal of this thesis is to describe the experiences of young people who participated in Erasmus+ youth exchange programs, as well as to gain insight into these non-formal programs as a platform for transformative learning. The goal was realized through the study and research of available relevant literature in Croatian and English on the international mobility of young people and the transformative learning theory of, and by conducting qualitative research from a phenomenological point of view. The application of a (phenomenological) semi-structured interview with six young people from the Republic of Croatia made it possible to understand the essence of learning mobility as a platform for transformative learning, through the meanings they attach to the experience gained by participating in informal mobility programs - "youth exchange". The analysis of the thematic three-level network indicates that youth exchanges as a non-formal learning, along with a change in the cultural environment, create fertile ground for transformative learning that is realized anew despite existing difficulties and insufficient information, and visible (positive) changes in personality are the basis for going again and motivating others to mobility programs. Less
Erasmus+ program
neformalno učenje
međunarodna mobilnost
razmjene mladih
Mezirowa transformativna teorija učenja
Keywords (english)
Erasmus+ program
non-formal learning
international mobility
young people
youth exchanges
Mezirow's transformative learning theory
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:800074
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra pedagogije (magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-03-24 13:22:16