Abstract | Lutkarstvo kao izvannastavna aktivnost nije dovoljno aktualna u školama i lutkarski mediji je često
zanemaren. Upravo to je razlog zašto sam temu Lutkarska družina u osnovnoj školi odabrala kao
temu mog diplomskog rada. Mali broj učitelja vodi lutkarsku družinu u školama jer je posao dosta
zahtijevan i potrebno je puno vremena, rada i truda kako bi nastala lutkarska predstava. Lutka ima
čudesnu moć te pomaže djetetu komunicirati s odraslima i svojim vršnjacima. Razgovor između
djeteta i lutke je bezbrižan, iskren. Lutka u djetetovim rukama postaje pokazatelj njegovih želja i
emocija, a njegove misli proizlaze iz stvarnog i imaginarnog svijeta. Svijet lutke je čudesan i čaroban.
To je svijet humora, veselja , ponekad tuge, svijet igre, istraživanja. To je svijet koji ne poznaje
granice između životinja, biljaka i ljudi. Svijet lutke je iskorak u svijet mašte, prikaz niza čudesnih,
poetskih, dinamikom prožetih slika. Na početku rada progovaram o tome što je lutka i što ona
predstavlja u životu djeteta. Slijedi povijesni razvoj lutkarstva u svijetu, ali i u Hrvatskoj. Zatim
dolazimo do scenskih lutaka, upoznajemo njihovo porijeklo, izgled i način kako se koriste. Nakon
upoznavanja s vrstama scenskih lutaka, objašnjavam njenu primjenu u razvoju djeteta i kako lutka
može biti poticaj u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu. Glede lutkarstva u osnovnoj školi pomoću tablice
prikazat ćemo odgojno-obrazovne ishode od petog do osmog razreda u Kurikulu nastavnog
predmeta Hrvatski jezik koji su zastupljeni u lutkarskom mediju. Slijedi definiranje izvannastavnih
aktivnosti, objašnjenje koja je zadaća slobodnih aktivnosti u školama i koji su ciljevi, podjela
slobodnih aktivnosti uz kratki zasebni opis svake od njih. Prelazimo na glavni dio diplomskog rada,
što je ujedno i naslov rada, a to je Lutkarska družina u osnovnoj školi. U glavnom dijelu rada
spomenut ćemo sve elemente koji su potrebni za lutkarsku družinu. Elemente ćemo detaljno
objasniti i analizirati. Dakle, govorit ćemo o učitelju kao voditelju lutkarske družine, organiziranju
lutkarske družine u školi, planu rada lutkarske družine i organizaciji, lutkarskim i dramskim igrama.
Upoznat ćemo se s lutkarskim igrokazom, a unutar toga spomenut ćemo lutkarske tekstove i
dramatizaciju lutkarskih predstava. Zatim objasnit ćemo proces rada od teksta do lutkarske
predstave, a za to su nam potrebni sljedeći elementi: režija, upoznavanje s lutkom i osnovama
lutkarstva, izrada lutke i animacija, scenografija, kostimi, rekviziti i glazba. Kad smo obuhvatili sve
elemente, preostaje 2 nam uvježbavanje i izvedba lutkarske predstave. Na kraju glavnog dijela rada
objasnit ćemo važnost posjeta kazalištu lutaka, izložbi lutaka i suradnju s ostalim družinama. |
Abstract (english) | Puppetry as an extracurricular activity is not relevant enough in schools and puppetry media is often neglected. This is exactly the reason why I taught the topic Puppet troupe in elementary school school as the topic of my graduation thesis. A small number of teachers lead the puppet company in schools because the work is quite demanding and it takes a lot of time, work and effort to create it puppet show. The doll has a miraculous power and helps the child to communicate with adults and his own peers. The conversation between the child and the doll is carefree, honest. A doll in a child's hands it becomes an indicator of his desires and emotions, and his thoughts arise from the real and the imaginary of the world. The world of the doll is wonderful and magical. It is a world of humor, joy, sometimes sadness, the world games, research. It is a world that knows no boundaries between animals, plants and people. World dolls is a step into the world of imagination, a display of a series of wonderful, poetic, dynamic images. At the beginning of the paper, I talk about what a doll is and what it represents in a child's life. The following is the historical development of puppetry in the world, but also in Croatia. Then we come to the scenic ones dolls, we get to know their origin, appearance and the way they are used. After meeting with types of puppets, I explain its application in child development and how a puppet can be incentive in the educational process. Regarding puppetry in elementary school using a table we will present educational outcomes from the fifth to the eighth grade in the Teaching Curriculum subjects of the Croatian language that are represented in the medium of puppetry. The following is a definition of extracurricular activities, an explanation of the task of the free ones activities in schools and what their goals are, division of free activities with a short separate description of each from them. Let's move on to the main part of the thesis, which is also the title of the thesis, which is Lutkarska group in elementary school. In the main part of the work, we will mention all the elements that are needed for the puppet company. We will explain and analyze the elements in detail. So, we will talk about the teacher as the leader of the puppet troupe, the organization of the puppet troupe at school, the work plan puppet troupes and organization, puppet and drama games. We will get to know the puppeteer play, and within that we will mention puppet texts and puppet dramatization show. Then we will explain the process of working from the text to the puppet show, which is what we are for the following elements are required: direction, getting to know the puppet and the basics of puppetry, making the puppet and animation, scenography, costumes, props and music. When we have covered all the elements, it remains 2 rehearsing and performing a puppet show. At the end of the main part of the work, we will explain the importance of visiting the puppet theatre, puppet exhibitions and cooperation with other troupes. |