Title Kriza identiteta u romanima "Bijeg" i "Đuka Begović"
Title (english) Identity Crisis in the Novels "Bijeg" and "Đuka Begović"
Author Nevena Brdar
Mentor Sanja Tadić-Šokac (mentor)
Committee member Danijela Marot Kiš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Tadić-Šokac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Kolar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Croatian Language and Literature) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-05-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract U diplomskome radu obrađuje se tema kriza identiteta u romanima Bijeg i Đuka Begović. Identitet odgovara na pitanje tko sam ja te su u procesu uspostave identiteta krucijalni određeni sugovornici. Do krize identiteta dolazi ukoliko osoba ne zna tko je, budući da joj nedostaje okvir unutar kojega stvari mogu dobiti smisao te su posrijedi osobe koje su izgubile moralnu orijentaciju. Navedeni romani nastali su u razdoblju hrvatske moderne tijekom koje središnja tema postaje prodor u dubinu čovjekove ličnosti i otkrivanje njegova egzistencijalnog smisla. Modernisti su smatrali da književnost treba prikazati čovjekov bogat i složen unutarnji život. Tako su i Milutin Cihlaer Nehajev te Ivan Kozarac prikazali složen unutrašnji život svojih protagonista. Posrijedi su protagonisti koji prolaze kroz snažne krize identiteta te su u njihovim dušama prisutni bolest volje i pesimizam. Glavni lik Nehajevljeva romana Bijeg, Đuro Andrijašević prolazi kroz seksualnu krizu identiteta, moralnu krizu identiteta,
prosvjetnoučiteljsku krizu identiteta, književnu krizu identiteta, socijalizacijsku krizu identiteta, intelektualnu krizu identiteta te filozofsku krizu identiteta. Glavni lik Kozarčeva romana Đuka Begović prolazi kroz seksualnu krizu identiteta, moralnu krizu identiteta, bećarsku krizu identiteta te socijalizacijsku krizu identiteta. U radu navedeni su potencijalni uzroci njihovih kriza identiteta. Podrobno je opisana njihova „bolest duše“ te njihovo neprihvaćanje društvenih konvencija. To je rezultiralo njihovom neadaptiranošću u društvenu sredinu. Posrijedi su likovi koji su napose prezirali licemjerje društva te nisu pronalazili zadovoljstvo u tradicionalnim „vrijednostima“. U konačnici posrijedi su likovi kojima emocije nadvladavaju razum zbog čega ne uspijevaju postići uspjeh, budući da ih u tome sabotira i odviše proračunato društveno okruženje.
Abstract (english) The thesis deals with the theme of identity crisis in the novels Escape and Đuka Begović. Identity answers the question of who I am, and certain interlocutors are crucial in the process of establishing identity. An identity crisis occurs if a person does not know who he is, since he lacks a framework within which things can make sense, and there are people who have lost their moral orientation. The mentioned novels were created in the period of Croatian modernity, during which the central theme becomes the penetration into the depth of the human personality and the discovery of his existential meaning. Modernists believed that literature should show the rich and complex inner life of man. That´s how Milutin CIhaler Nehajev and Ivan Kozarac portrayed the complex inner life of their protagonists who are going trough strong identity crises and in their souls there is a sickness of will and pessimism. The main character of Nehajev´s novel Escape, Đuro Andrijašević, goes through a sexual identity crisis, a moral identity crisis, an educational and teaching identity crisis, a literary identity crisis, a socialization identity crisis, an intellectual identity crisis, and a philosopcial identity crisis. The main character of Kozarč´s novel, Đuka Begović, goes through a sexual identity crisis, a moral identity crisis, a reveler identity crisis and a socialization identity crisis. The paper lists the potential causes of their identity crises. Their „disease of the soul“ and their non-acceptance of social conventions are described in detail. This resulted in their not being adapted to the social environment. Among them are characterswho especially despised the hypocrisy of society and did not find satisfaction in traditional „values“. In the end, there are characters whose emotions overcome reason, which is why the fail to achieve success, since they are also sabotaged in this by an overly calculated social environment.
kriza identiteta
Đuka Begović
hrvatska moderna
složen unutrašnji život
bolest volje
Đuro Andrijašević
bolest duše
Keywords (english)
identity crisis
Đuka Begović
Croatian modern
complex inner life
disease of the will
Đuro Andrijašević
disease of the soul
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:899053
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature; specializations in: Teaching Track, General Track, Librarian Track Course: Teaching Track Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-08-28 13:23:28