Title Ispitivanje mišljenja roditelja o kvaliteti predškolskih ustanova na području grada Rijeke
Title (english) Examining Parents' Opinions about the Quality of Presschool Institutions in the Area of the City of Rijeka
Author Dea Ostojić
Mentor Jasminka Zloković (mentor)
Committee member Sofija Vrcelj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasminka Zloković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Bojana Ćulum Ilić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Pedagogy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-07-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Predškolske ustanove imaju važnu zadaću davanja podrške socijalnom,
emocionalnom, tjelesnom i kognitivnom razvoju djece. Stoga se kvaliteti predškolske
ustanove treba dati posebna pozornost. Prisutnost različitih kriterija vrednovanja kvalitete
predškolskih ustanovama ovisno o razini razvijenosti, društvenim, političkim i drugim
čimbenicima u pojedinim zemljama ukazuje na važnost određenja pokazatelja kvalitete koji
će u odgovarajućem okruženju dati najbolje učinke. Istraživanje je bilo usmjereno na
ispitivanje mišljenja roditelja o pokazateljima kvalitete privatne predškolske ustanove:
suradnju i partnerstvo roditelja s odgojiteljima i stručnim suradnicima, opremljenost
predškolskih ustanova, dodatne programe koje djeca tijekom redovitog programa pohađaju
i prehranu u predškolskim ustanovama. Povratne informacije o kvaliteti predškolske
ustanove s gledišta roditelja omogućavaju bolje sagledavanje i vrednovanje vlastitog rada
predškolskih ustanova te djelovanje ka poboljšanju kvalitete rada u svim njegovim
segmentima. Jedan od osnovnih ciljeva rada bio je ispitati mišljenje roditelja o kvaliteti
privatnih predškolskih ustanova na području grada Rijeke. Za potrebe istraživanja korišten
je mrežni anketni upitnik na Google obrascu koji je distribuiran roditeljima djece upisane u
privatne predškolske ustanove na području grada Rijeke. Upitnik je konstruiran na temelju
relevantne literature i prethodnih istraživanja o strukturnoj i procesnoj kvaliteti
predškolskih ustanova te prihvaćenih kriterija samovrednovanja i vanjskog vrednovanja
kvalitete predškolskih ustanova, kao što su standardizirane globalne mjere ECERS-3
TM i ITERS-3 TM uz određene prilagodbe temeljene na normativnom okviru i pedagoškim
standardima primjenjivim u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 116
ispitanika, od čega ih je najveći broj bio ženskog spola (72,4%). Dobiveni podaci su
obrađeni u programu IBM SPSS Statistics deskriptivnom statistikom korištenjem analize
tablica kontingencije, hi-kvadrat testa, t-testa za nezavisne uzorke uz 95% sigurnosti i 5%
rizika i korelacijom. Pozitivnim mišljenjem o uspostavljenim suradničkim odnosima
odgojitelja i stručnih suradnika s roditeljima koji vode ka uspostavi pozitivnih partnerskih
odnosa, kao i pozitivnim mišljenjem o opremljenosti, dodatnim programima i prehrani u
predškolskim ustanovama na području grada Rijeke, ispitanici su iskazali zadovoljstvo
pruženom uslugom i kvalitetom te usluge. Korelacija instrumenata za procjenu kvalitete
predškolskih ustanova korištenih u istraživanju pokazala je njihovu srednju do jaku
povezanost, pa se može zaključiti kako kvaliteta predškolske ustanove nije moguća bez
kvalitete svih pojedinih elemenata. Statistička značajnost potvrđuje da su odabrani
pokazatelji adekvatan mjerni instrument kvalitete predškolskih ustanova. Istraživanje j e,
također, pokazalo kako još postoji prostora za poboljšanje kvalitete kako bi ona u potpunosti
zadovoljila očekivanja roditelja djece koja su upisana u predškolske ustanove na području
grada Rijeke.
Abstract (english) Preschool institutions have the important task of supporting the social, emotional,
physical and cognitive development of children. Therefore, special attention should be paid
to the quality of preschool institutions. The presence of different criteria for evaluating the
quality of preschool institutions depending on the level of development, social, political and
other factors in certain countries indicates the importance of determining quality indicators
that will give the best results in the appropriate environment. The research was aimed at
examining parents' opinions about indicators of private preschool institution quality:
cooperation and partnership of parents with educators and professional associates,
equipment of preschool institutions, additional programs that children attend during the
regular program, and nutrition in preschool institutions. Feedback on the quality of the
preschool institution from the point of view of the parents of the private preschool
institution enables a better understanding and evaluation of the preschool institutions' own
work and action to improve the quality of work in all its segments. One of the main goals
of the work was to examine the opinion of parents about the quality of private preschool
institutions in the area of the city of Rijeka. For the purposes of the research, an online
survey questionnaire on Google form was used, which was distributed to parents of children
enrolled in private preschool institutions in the area of the city of Rijeka. The questionnaire
was constructed on the basis of relevant literature and previous research on the structural
and process quality of preschool institutions and accepted criteria of self-evaluation and
external evaluation of the quality of preschool institutions, such as the standardized global
measures ECERS-3TM and ITERS-3TM with certain adjustments based on the normative
framework and pedagogical standards applicable in the Republic of Croatia. The survey
included 116 respondents, of which the largest number were female (72.4%). The obtained
data were processed in the IBM SPSS Statistics program with descriptive statistics using
analysis of contingency tables, chi-square test, t-test for independent samples with 95%
certainty and 5% risk and correlation. With a positive opinion about the established
collaborative relationships of educators and professional associates with parents that lead
to the establishment of positive partner relationships, as well as a positive opinion about the
equipment, additional programs and nutrition in private preschool institutions in the area of
the city of Rijeka, the respondents expressed their satisfaction with the service provided and
the quality of that service. The correlation of the instruments for assessing the quality of
preschool institutions used in the research showed their medium to strong connection, so it
can be concluded that the quality of a preschool institution is not possible without the quality
of all individual elements. Statistical significance confirms that the selected indicators are
an adequate measuring instrument for the quality of preschool institutions. The research
also showed that there is still room for quality improvement so that it fully meets the
expectations of the parents of children who are enrolled in private pre-school institutions in
the area of the city of Rijeka.
predškolske ustanove
Keywords (english)
preschool institutions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:894904
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra pedagogije (magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-07 12:06:52