Title Odnos pristranosti pažnje, viscelarne anksioznosti i anksioznih misli kod oboljelih od sindorma iritabilnog crijeva i zdravih osoba
Title (english) Relationshipamong Attentional Bias, Visceral Anxiety and Anxious thoughts in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Control
Author Tea Marinović
Mentor Mladenka Tkalčić (mentor)
Committee member Dražen Domijan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladenka Tkalčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Tončić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Psychology) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Ciljevi ovog istraživanja su ispitati potencijalne razlike u pristranosti pažnje između
oboljelih od sindroma iritabilnog crijeva (SIC) i zdravih pojedinaca pomoću modificiranog
Stroopovog zadatka, a potom ispitati efekte pripadnosti skupini na odnos indeksa pristranosti
pažnje s visceralnom anksioznošću i anksioznim mislima. Istraživanje je provedeno unutar okvira
znanstvenoistraživačkog projekta „Kognitivno-afektivne i ponašajne odrednice sindroma
iritabilnog crijeva“ s pacijentima gastroenterološke poliklinike Zavoda za gastroenterologiju KBC
Rijeka i KB sv. Duh u Zagrebu, a u kojemu je sudjelovalo sveukupno 167 ispitanika. Ukupno 90
ispitanika boluje od SIC-a (75 ispitanika ženskog spola te 15 muškaraca) uz 77 ispitanika kontrolne
skupine (58 žena i 19 muškaraca) koji su prema drugim, općim karakteristikama odgovarali uzorku
oboljelih. Provedba istraživanja sastojala se od ispunjavanja upitničkih mjera visceralne
anksioznosti (Indeks visceralne anksioznosti) i anksioznih misli (Upitnik anksioznih misli) te
rješavanja modificiranog Stroopovog zadatka. Zadatak ispitanika sastojao se u prepoznavanju
crvene ili narančaste boje riječi pritiskom na odgovarajuću tipku, pri čemu je mjereno izborno
vrijeme reakcije ispitanika. Riječi su prezentirane slučajnim rasporedom, a pripadale su jednoj od
sljedećih kategorija: emocionalno relevantne riječi (stres, sram), kontekstualno relevantne riječi
(lift, izlazak), riječi povezane sa simptomima (grčevi, bol) te neutralne riječi (šalica, olovka). Kako
bi se ispitala pristranost pažnje ispitanika, izračunati su indeksi pristranosti za pojedinu kategoriju
riječi oduzimanjem izbornog vremena reakcije pojedine kategorije od izbornog vremena reakcije
na neutralne riječi. Provedbom trosmjerne analize varijance nije dobivena očekivana interakcija
kategorije riječi i pripadnosti skupini,niti njihovi glavni efekti. Dobiven je statistički značajan efekt
boje i trosmjerne interakcije. Daljnjom analizom dobiveni efekti nisu pokazali značajnim. Rezultati
pak ukazuju na statistički značajnu međusobnu povezanost svih indeksa pristranosti pažnje, pri
čemu ispitanici s većim indeksom pristranosti u pojedinoj kategoriji riječi imaju veću pristranost u
drugim kategorijama, neovisno o dijagnozi. Visceralna anksioznost pokazala se pozitivno
povezanom s anksioznim mislima kod obje skupine ispitanika. Rezultatima regresijske analize
pripadnost skupini pokazala je statistički značajan pozitivan doprinos u objašnjenju visceralne
anksioznosti i anksioznih misli, pri čemu oboljeli od SIC-a pokazuju više razine oba aspekta
anksioznosti u usporedbi sa zdravom populacijom. Niti jedan indeks pristranosti nije pokazao
statistički značajan doprinos u objašnjenju visceralne anksioznosti i anksioznih misli. Dobiveni
rezultati upućuju na važnost visceralne anksioznosti i anksioznih misli kod pacijenata oboljelih od
SIC-a. Budući da indeksi nisu pokazali značajan doprinos u objašnjenju aspekata anksioznosti,
rezultati također upućuju na potrebu za daljnjim ispitivanjem odnosa navedenih aspekata sa
pristranošću pažnje kod ove populacije, kako u svrhu potpunijeg razumijevanja promjena koje se
javljaju kod ovog poremećaja tako i u svrhu stvaranja efikasnijeg pristupa samom tretmanu.
Abstract (english) The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between IBS patients and healthy
individuals in their reaction time (RT) for recognizing the color of the presented word using
different word categories in modified Stroop task. Second aim was to examine the role of
diagnosis in relation to atenttion bias index with visceral anxiety and anxiety thoughts. This
experiment is a part of scientific research project „Cognitive, affective and behavioral
determinants of Irritable Bowel Syndrome“ on patients at the Gatroenterology Department of
the Clinical Hospital Centre in Rijeka and Clinical Hospital sv. Duh in Zagreb, with 167
participants in total, where 90 were IBS patients (75 women and 15 men) and 77 healthy control
participants (58 women and 18 men) that matched the patient sample by general characteristics.
Examination consisted of psychological questionnaires Visceral Sensitivity Index and Anxious
Thoughts Inventory and experimental part consisted of completing modified Stroop task.
Participants' task was to recognize either red or orange colored presented word and press the
button accordingly, while their RT is being measured. Words are represented randomly, as they
belong to one of the next categories: emotionally relevant words (stress, shame), contextually
relevant words (elevator, going out), symptom related words (cramps, pain) and neutral words
(cup, pencil). To examine atenttion bias of participants, index for every category was calculated
by subtracting RT of said categories from RT for neutral words.
Results of three-way ANOVA did not show expected interraction of word category and
diagnosis, nor their main effects. A marginal significant colour effect and three way interraction
was found. Investigating those further, the same effects did not show their significance. On the
other hand, attentional bias indices were positively intercorrelated, meaning that higher indices
in one category showed for higher in another, for IBS patients and healthy control. Visceral anxiety
was positively correlated with anxious thoughts in both groups. Regression analysis showed
significant positive contribution of diagnosis in explaining for visceral anxiety and anxiety thoughts,
where IBS patients show for higher results on both examined anxiety aspects. None of attentional
indices significantly contributed in explaining for visceral anxiety not anxious thoughts. The obtained
results point to the great importance of visceral anxiety and anxious thoughts in IBS patients.
Given that attentional bias indices did not contribute significantlly in explaining anxiety aspects
in IBS patients, results also highlight the need for further investigation of the relationship
between anxiety aspects and attentional bias in IBS patients for more comprehensive
understanding of changes that occur in this disorder, ultimately leading to more effective
treatment approaches.
sindrom iritabilnog crijeva
pristranost pažnje
modificirani Stroopov zadatak
visceralna anksioznost
anksiozne misli
Keywords (english)
irritable bowel syndrome
attention bias
modified Stroop task
visceral anxiety
anxious thoughts
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:873969
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra psihologije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-12-06 08:43:16