Abstract | Na poĉetku ovog rada ukratko je opisana povijest blagdana Boţića kao katoliĉkog i vjerskog
blagdana, njegovi vjerski aspekti te povijesni kontekst boţićne slavljeniĉke prakse u Hrvatskoj.
TakoĊer, definiran je pojam performansa kao obiljeţje boţićnih festivalskih umjetniĉkih izvedbi
i nabrojeno je nekoliko boţićnih performansa. Rad analizira ovaj blagdan i kao performans i kao
blagdan koji je sve više konzumeristiĉki, istraţuje dinamiku boţićne slavljeniĉke prakse unutar
suvremenog konzumeristiĉkog društva, utjecaj konzumerizma na tradicionalno znaĉenje Boţića i
naĉine na koje je slavlje Boţića postalo sve više povezano s komercijalizacijom. Istaći će se i
definirati pojmovi kao globalizacija, amerikanizacija, spektakl, hiperpotrošaĉko društvo. Rad
analizira kako je ovaj najpoznatiji kršćanski blagdan postao spektakl, senzacija, sezona
kupovanja poklona i nadmetanja izmeĊu društvenih klasa, kako marketinške strategije,
potrošaĉka kultura, društvene mreţe i mediji oblikuju percepciju slavljenja Boţića. Svjedoci smo
vremena u kojem se svake godine sve ranije gradske ulice, trgovi i šoping centri poĉinju
ukrašavati, boţićne pjesme na radiju poĉnu emitirati već u 11. mjesecu, a police u trgovinama
poĉinju puniti boţićnim asortimanom još i ranije. Rad istraţuje rast potrošnje tijekom
blagdanskog razdoblja, promoviranje prakse darivanja kao kljuĉnog aspekta Boţića te utjecaj
oglašavanja na percepciju potrošaĉa. Pojave kao globalizacija i amerikanizacija, nove
tehnologije, novo moderno doba utjeĉu na ljude da budu konzumenti Boţića, da kupuju darove,
stavljaju slike svog ukrašenog doma na društvene mreţe. Istraţuje se kako konzumerizam utjeĉe
na simbole, obiĉaje i vrijednosti Boţića. Simboli poput Djeda Mraza, snjegovića Olafa iz
animiranog filma „Frozen“, soba Rudolfa itd. postaju središnji elementi marketinških kampanja.
Rad analizira Boţić kao izvedbu jednog blještavila, spektakla, (ne)ukusa, socijalnog i
ekonomskog statusa. Na koje sve naĉine mediji i popularna kultura (npr. radio, televizija, boţićni
filmovi, djeĉji boţićni crtići, popularna boţićna glazba, reklame) utjeĉu na širenje tzv. boţićnog
duha i dodatno doprinose spektakularizaciji spomenutog blagdana i stvaranju potrošaĉkog
društva baš u to vrijeme godine, samo su neka od pitanja koja će ovaj rad analizirati. U
zakljuĉku, rad saţima kljuĉne nalaze o promjenama u boţićnoj slavljeniĉkoj praksi uslijed
utjecaja fenomena kao što su amerikanizacija, konzumerizam, popularna kultura, masovni
mediji, spektakularizacija. |
Abstract (english) | At the beginning of this paper, the history of the Christmas holiday as a Catholic and religious
holiday, its religious aspects, and the historical context of the Christmas celebration practice in
Croatia are briefly described. Also, the term performance is defined as a feature of Christmas
festival artistic performances, and several Christmas performances are listed. The paper analyzes
this holiday both as a performance and as a holiday that is increasingly consumerist and
investigates the dynamics of Christmas celebration practices within contemporary consumerist
society, the influence of consumerism on the traditional meaning of Christmas, and the ways in
which the celebration of Christmas has become increasingly connected with commercialization.
Concepts such as globalization, Americanization, spectacle, and hyperconsumer society will be
highlighted and defined. The paper analyzes how this most famous Christian holiday has become
a spectacle, a sensation, a season of gift-buying and competition between social classes, and how
marketing strategies, consumer culture, social networks, and the media shape the perception of
celebrating Christmas. We are witnessing a time in which every year the city streets, squares, and
shopping centers start to be decorated earlier, Christmas carols start to be broadcast on the radio
already in the 11th month, and store shelves start to be filled with Christmas assortments even
earlier. The paper investigates the growth of consumption during the holiday period, the
promotion of the practice of gift giving as a key aspect of Christmas, and the impact of
advertising on consumer perception. Phenomena such as globalization and Americanization, new
technologies, and the new modern age influence people to be consumers of Christmas, to buy
gifts, and to post pictures of their decorated homes on social networks. It investigates how
consumerism affects the symbols, customs, and values of Christmas. Symbols such as Santa
Claus, Olaf the snowman from the animated movie "Frozen", Rudolph's room, etc. become
central elements of marketing campaigns. The paper analyzes Christmas as a performance of
glitter, spectacle, (dis)taste, and social and economic status. In what ways do the media and
popular culture (e.g., radio, television, christmas movies, children's cartoons, christmas popular
music, and advertisements) influence the spread of the so-called Christmas spirit and additionally
contribute to the spectacularization of the mentioned holiday and the creation of a consumer
society at that time of the year, are just some of the issues that this paper will analyze. In
conclusion, the paper summarizes the key findings on changes in Christmas celebration practice
due to the influence of phenomena such as Americanization, consumerism, popular culture, mass
media, and spectacularization. |