Title (croatian) Tiskani udes Hanibala Lucića
Title (english) Misprinting Hanibal Lucić
Author Ivan Lupić
Author's institution University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Croatian Language and Literature)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract (croatian) U radu se raspravlja o povijesti izdavanja književne zbirke hvarskog plemića Hanibala Lucića (1485–1553) prvi put tiskane u Veneciji 1556. godine pod naslovom Skladanja izvrsnih pisan razlicih. Analizom prvog izdanja pokušava se rasvijetliti prethodna rukopisna publikacija pojedinih dijelova zbirke te se pokazuje da je raspored Lucićevih tekstova u prvom izdanju smisleniji od onoga koji je uveden u moderna izdanja, od devetnaestog stoljeća naovamo. Posebna pozornost posvećuje se Francisku (Frani) Paladiniću, naslovljeniku Lucićeve Robinje. Ustanovljuje se da je Lucićeva zbirka između 1556. i 1638. tiskana u Veneciji četiri puta. Dosad se znalo samo za tri izdanja. Nedatirano izdanje Sigismonda Bordogne, ovdje prikazano po prvi put na temelju jedinog preživjelog primjerka iz Bibliothèque Mazarine u Parizu, smješta se na temelju analize teksta između izdanja iz 1556. i izdanja iz 1585. Pokazuje se da je ovo drugo, dosad sasvim nepoznato izdanje Lucićevih djela poslužilo kao izravan predložak i za izdanje iz 1585. i za ono iz 1638, te da bez njega ne bismo mogli ispravno razumjeti povijest Lucićeva teksta. Također se pokazuje da je u svim izdanjima nakon prvoga Lucićev ljubavni kanconijer doživio nesreću jer je nekoliko pjesama omaškom ispušteno, a dijelovi dvije različite pjesme spojeni su ovim ispuštanjem u novu, besmislenu pjesmu. Raspravlja se i o kronologiji nastanka Lucićevih djela te se dokazuje da 1519. godine nije bilo kuge na Hvaru, pa da prema tome ne može biti točna uvriježena pretpostavka da se upravo te godine Lucić vratio svojim mladenačkim pjesničkim tekstovima. Zagovara se, umjesto toga, nešto kasniji datum.
Abstract (english) The article discusses the publication history of the poetic collection of the Hvar patrician Hanibal Lucić (1485–1553) first printed in Venice by Francesco
Marcolini in 1556 under the title Skladanja izvrsnih pisan razlicih (Scladanya izvarsnich pisan razlicich). Through a detailed analysis of the first edition the author aims to shed light on the earlier manuscript circulation of different parts of the collection and to show that the order found in the first edition is more meaningful than the rearrangements introduced by modern editors from the nineteenth century onwards. Special attention is paid to the role of Francisko (Frano) Paladinić (Francesco Paladini) in promoting Lucić’s drama Robinja while still in manuscript and to the role of Antun Lucić, Hanibal’s illegitimate son, who commissioned the first edition and advertised the fact on the title page. It is established that between 1556 and 1638 Lucić’s poetic collection was printed in Venice in four different editions: 1556 (Francesco Marcolini), an undated edition published between 1556 and 1638 (Sigismondo Bordogna), 1585 (Ambrosio Mazolleto detto Garbin), 1638 (Marco Ginammi). The second edition, published between 1556 and 1585, was not previously known and is here described for the first time on the basis of the only surviving copy (Bibliothèque Mazarine, shelf-mark 8o 22153). Textual analysis
of the second edition – which changes the title of the collection from Skladanja to Robinja – reveals that this edition predates both the 1585 and the 1638 edition, and that the later editions independently used the second edition as copy text. Without the second edition we would not be able to understand the history of Lucić’s text, especially because the third edition (1585) introduces numberless errors which completely disfigure Lucić’s poetry and are not found in the fourth edition (1638). It is further revealed that the second edition omits several poems and parts of poems, and inadvertently creates a new, nonsensical poem from the remaining bits. In this it is followed by the later editions. The article also revises the chronology of composition of Lucić’s works, showing that an oubreak of the plague on the island of Hvar in 1519 cannot be documented and that the traditional scholarly assumption that Lucić returned to his youthful compositions in 1519 must be abandoned. Instead, a somewhat later date is suggested.
Keywords (croatian)
Hanibal Lucić
Skladanja izvrsnih pisan razlicih
hrvatska renesansna književnost
povijest knjige
mletačko tiskarstvo
Sigismondo Bordogna
rukopisna cirkulacija
rukopisna publikacija
Keywords (english)
Hanibal Lucić (Anibal Lucio)
Skladanja izvrsnih pisan razlicih
Croatian Renaissance literature
Hvar (Lesina)
book history
Venetian printing
Sigismondo Bordogna
manuscript circulation
manuscript publication
Language croatian
Language english
Publication type Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review
Publication version Published version
Journal title Colloquia Maruliana ...
Numbering vol. 32, no. 32, pp. 175-205
p-ISSN 1332-3431
e-ISSN 1848-9613
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:465855
Publication 2023
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/304375
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-12-14 12:18:39