Abstract | Završni rad naslovljen Umjetnost performansa i popularna glazba – multimedijalni performans Laurie Anderson prikazat će pojavu multimedijalnog performansa, tumačeći ga u kontekstu popularne kulture i na primjeru specifičnosti tretmana u radu američke postavangardne vizualne umjetnice, glazbenice, skladateljice, pjesnikinje, fotografkinje, režiserke, te povjesničarke umjetnosti Laurie Anderson. U prvom dijelu rada definirat će se pojam umjetničkog performansa s naglaskom na izvedbeni karakter medija. Kratki pregled povijesti umjetničkog performansa uključit će povezanost performansa i popularne kulture, počevši od pojave u avangardi, te u umjetnosti nakon 1960-ih, te naročito tijekom 1980-ih godina prošlog stoljeća. Razmotrit će se upliv pop-rock glazbe i rock kulture na medij performansa, posebice upliv američkog glazbenog televizijskog kanala MTV-a, kao i primijenjene umjetnosti poput dizajniranja omotnica glazbenih albuma, na destabilizacije granica vizualne umjetnosti i popularne kulture.
Posljednje poglavlje bit će posvećeno karakterističnom multimedijalnom performansu koji se u literaturi veže uz djelovanje umjetnice Laurie Anderson. Uz kratak profesionalni životopis Anderson podastrijet će se ključne odrednice njezinog autobiografskog, multimedijalnog, eksperimentalnog i aktivistički usmjerenog umjetničkog djelovanja, naročito formiranje u okviru umjetničke scene u New Yorku sredinom 1970-ih. Posebice jer je Anderson od samih početaka djelovanja prepoznata po interdisciplinarnosti i suradničkom radu, napose po sinesteziji medija umjetničkog performansa, likovnosti, glazbe, elektronike i govorne riječi u namjeri stvaranja imerzivnog, senzornog iskustva kod publike.
U studiji slučaja analizirat će se dva djela – O Superman i Home of the Brave s fokusom na karakterističnost izvedbe. Cilj ovog završnog rada je pojasniti specifičnosti stvaranja i djelovanja umjetnice Laurie Anderson s naglaskom na povezivanje suvremene vizualne umjetnosti i rock-kulture te naročito u odnosu na pojavu multimedijalnog performansa. |
Abstract (english) | The thesis titled Performance Art and Popular Music – Laurie Anderson's Multimedia Performance will explore the emergence of multimedia performance, interpreting it within the context of popular culture and examining the specific approach of American post-avant-garde visual artist, musician, composer, poet, photographer, director, and art historian Laurie Anderson. In the first part of the thesis, the concept of performance art will be defined, with an emphasis on the performative nature of the medium. A brief historical overview of performance art will include its connection with popular culture, beginning with its origins in the avant-garde and continuing through its evolution in the art world after the 1960s, particularly during the 1980s. The influence of pop-rock music and rock culture on the medium of performance will be considered, especially the impact of the American music television channel MTV, as well as applied arts like album cover design, in blurring the boundaries between visual art and popular culture. The final chapter will be dedicated to the distinctive multimedia performance often associated in literature with Laurie Anderson's work. Along with a brief professional biography of Anderson, the key aspects of her autobiographical, multimedia, experimental, and activist-oriented artistic work will be presented, with a particular focus on her development within the New York art scene in the mid-1970s. Anderson has been recognized from the beginning of her career for her interdisciplinarity and collaborative work, notably for the synesthesia of media in performance art, visual arts, music, electronics, and spoken word, aimed at creating an immersive, sensory experience for the audience. The case study will analyze two works – O Superman and Home of the Brave – with a focus on their characteristic performances. The goal of this thesis is to elucidate the specifics of Laurie Anderson's creative process and work, emphasizing the connection between contemporary visual art and rock culture, particularly in relation to the phenomenon of multimedia performance. |