Title Percepcija duljine spusta danju i noću
Title (english) Perception of descent lenght during day and night
Author Mateja Grabovac
Mentor Igor Kardum (mentor)
Committee member Dražen Domijan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Asmir Gračanin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Psychology) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology General Psychology
Abstract Kretanje okolinom ključan je aspekt ljudskog ponašanja i prethodi većini drugih važnih ponašanja. Pri kretanju se služimo percepcijom udaljenosti, čija funkcija nije točna procjena, nego procjena koja doprinosi reproduktivnom uspjehu. Dugi niz godina nije bilo moguće objasniti zašto ljudi vertikalne površine precjenjuju, a horizontalne ne. Teorija evoluirane navigacije (ENT; Jackson i Cormack, 2007) uzima u obzir da je ljudska percepcija oblikovana prirodnom selekcijom. U okviru teorije definirani su troškovi navigacije, posebice rizik od pada, koji oblikuju percepciju udaljenosti tako da se put s većim troškovima doima duljim, što posljedično smanjuje frekvenciju kretanja potencijalno opasnim putem, budući da ljudi preferiraju kraći put za dolazak do cilja. Teorija je testirana u nekoliko istraživanja, pri čemu su različiti troškovi navigacije povezani s percepcijom udaljenosti. Međutim, mnogi uvjeti koji utječu na percepciju troška ostaju neodređeni. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati percepciju duljine spusta te horizontalne površine danju i noću, uz pretpostavku da će spust danju biti procijenjen duljim u odnosu na stvarnu udaljenost, a dodatno duljim noću. Pretpostavlja se i dulja procjena horizontalne površine noću. Proveden je eksperiment u vanjskom okruženju na sveučilišnom kampusu u kojem je sudjelovalo 104 ispitanika prosječne dobi 23.37 godina. Ispitanici su precijenili duljinu 4.82 metra dugog spusta (strme površine), a još veće precjenjivanje pokazali su ispitanici koji su procjenu radili noću. Horizontalna površina iste duljine precijenjena je noću, ali i danju, unatoč pretpostavci o približno točnoj procjeni u tom uvjetu. Dobivenim nalazom noć se pokazala potencijalnim novim uvjetom koji doprinosi percepciji troška navigacije. Predstavljeni su doprinosi istraživanja, kao i metodološki nedostaci zbog kojih se ne preporuča generalizacija određenih rezultata.
Abstract (english) Environmental navigation is a key human behavior and precedes most other important human behaviors. While navigating, we use distance perception, the purpose of which is not to accurately estimate any given distance, rather to estimate the path that contributes to reproductive success. For many years no theory existed which could explain why people overestimate vertical surfaces, but not horizontal ones. The evolved navigation theory (ENT; Jackson and Cormack, 2007) considers that human perception is shaped by natural selection. Navigation costs, especially the risk of falling, are defined within the theory framework. Navigation costs shape distance perception so that the path with higher costs seems longer, which consequently reduces the frequency of navigating a potentially dangerous path, since people prefer a nearer path to reach the goal. The theory has been tested in several studies and various navigational costs are associated with distance perception, but many potential costs remain undetermined. The aim of the current research was to examine the perception of lenght of the descent as well as the horizontal surface during day and night, with the assumption that the descent length will be perceived longer compared to its actual distance, and additionally even longer at night. The overestimation of horizontal surface length at nighttime is also assumed. The experiment was conducted in outdoor settings at university campus with 104 participants whose age averaged 23.37 years. Participants overestimated the length of a 4.82-meter-long descent (steep surface) during the day. Nighttime participants additionally overestimated the descent length. A horizontal surface of equal length was overestimated at night as well as during the day, despite the assumption being approximately accurate estimation in daytime. Based on these findings, night is shown to be a potential new condition that affects navigation cost perception. Results are interpreted within the framework of the evolved navigation theory. Contributions of the research are discussed, as well as it’s methodological limitations, due to which it is not recommended to generalize specific results.
Teorija evoluirane navigacije (ENT)
percepcija udaljenosti
percepcija duljine spusta
troškovi navigacije
rizik od padanja
Keywords (english)
Evolved navigation theory (ENT)
distance perception
slope length perception
navigation costs
falling risk
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:146621
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra psihologije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-09-09 08:28:49