Title Odnos srednjoškolaca prema školskom uspjehu
Title (english) The Relationship of Students Towards School Achievement
Author Tea Cikač
Mentor Sofija Vrcelj (mentor)
Committee member Anita Zovko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sofija Vrcelj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Siniša Kušić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Pedagogy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2016-11-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu dati su rezultati istraživanja odnosa učenika gimnazije, četverogodišnje strukovne i trogodišnje strukovne škole prema školskom uspjehu. Zadaci istraživanja se odnose na ispitivanje određenja i značaja školskog uspjeha kod učenika različitog tipa srednje škole, opis prisutnosti ciljnih orijentacija školskog uspjeha među učenicima različitih tipova srednje škole, identificiranje čimbenika koji mogu utjecati na povećanje odnosno smanjenje školskog uspjeha, te na poticaje i način postizanja školskog uspjeha kod srednjoškolaca. U istraživanju je sudjelovao ukupno 186 ispitanika koji su učenici devet različitih srednjih škola na području grada Rijeke. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako je svim učenicima, bez obzira na tip srednje škole, školski uspjeh itekako važan. Učenici iz gimnazije kod određenja i značaja školskog uspjeha u definiranju prednost daju kriteriju upis na željeni fakultet, dok kod percepcije zadovoljstva školskim uspjehom učenici četverogodišnje strukovne škole izražavaju veliko nezadovoljstvo, a učenici trogodišnje strukovne škole iskazuju veliko zadovoljstvo vlastitim školskim uspjehom. Kod ciljnih orijentacija usmjerenih na učenje zabilježena je povezanost s učenicima koji postižu bolji prosjek ocjena u gimnaziji. Učenici trogodišnje strukovne škole rangiraju važnijim faktore obrazovanje roditelja, želje roditelja i ulogu nastavnika za poboljšanje školskog uspjeha, dok faktor vlastita motivacija smatraju manje važnim za postizanje boljeg školskog uspjeha. S druge strane, učenici trogodišnje strukovne škole faktore obrazovanje roditelja, želje roditelja i učenike u razredu smatraju važnijim za opadanje školskog uspjeha. Dok predavanje od strane nastavnika smatraju manje važnim za opadanje školskog uspjeha. Nadalje, poticaji školskom uspjehu kod gimnazijalca su manje smatrani nastavnici i roditelji, dok su kod učenika trogodišnje strukovne škole nastavnici i roditelji smatrani velikim poticajem. U konačnici odnos srednjoškolaca prema školskom uspjehu se razlikuje s obzirom na tip srednje škole. Iz ovog istraživanja izvode se brojne preporuke te impliciraju vrijedna pedagoška pitanja vezana uz odgojno-obrazovnu teoriju i praksu školskog uspjeha.
Abstract (english) This diploma thesis examines the relationship of students in grammar school, four-year vocational and three-year vocational school towards school achievement. Research assignments are establishing the designation and significance of school achievement among students who come from different types of high schools, describing presence of goal oriented motivation in school achievement among students from different types of high schools, defining differences in the ranking factors that promote or reduce school achievement among students from different types of high schools, and encouragement and way of achieving school success among high school students. The study included 186 examinees who are students of nine different high schools in Rijeka. The research results show that all students, regardless of the type of school, perceived school achievement as very important. Students from grammar school in defining school achievement give priority to the enrollment at certain university, while the perception of the satisfaction with school achievement in four-year vocational school shows their great dissatisfaction, and three-year vocational students expressed great satisfaction with their school achievement. Regarding to goal oriented motivation, the results showed that there is a connection between students who have better GPA in grammar school with the master motivation. Students of three-year vocational school ranked as important factors parent education, the wishes of parents and the role of teachers for improving their school achievement, while self-motivation factor is considered less important for achieving better school achievement. On the other hand, students of three-year vocational school consider factors parental education, the wishes of parents and peers more important for the decrease of school achievement. At the same time, they are considering teaching less important for the decrease of their school achievement. Furthermore, encouragement of academic achievement at the grammar school are less considered by teachers and parent, while in three-year vocational school students teachers and parents are considered highly encouraging. Finally, relationship of high school students toward school achievement varies according to the type of school. From this research its possible to carry out a number of recommendations and findings imply a valuable pedagogical issues related to educational theory and practice.
školski uspjeh
četverogodišnja strukovna škola
trogodišnja strukovna škola
Keywords (english)
school achievement
high school students
grammar school
four-year vocational school
three-year vocational school
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:593525
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra pedagogije (magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-02-27 10:38:08