Abstract | Ovaj istraživački rad bavi se ispitivanjem koliko se literatura i stvarna situacija utjecaja razvoda na ponašanje djece razlikuju, te ispitivanjem koliko zapravo učitelji uočavaju promjenu ponašanja na djeci razvedenih roditelja. Međutim, razvod, isto kao i bilo koje drugo stresno iskustvo, djeluje drugačije na svakog pojedinca. Upravo zato, rezultati ovog istraživanja ne mogu se generalizirati, ali može se dobiti uvid u situaciju na određenom uzorku djece razvedenih roditelja s područja Rijeke. U sklopu istraživanja ispunjeno je 35 anketa14 od strane učitelja trećih i četvrtih razreda osnovnih škola s područja Rijeke i Kraljevice (OŠ Nikola Tesla, OŠ Kantrida i OŠ Kraljevica). Rezultati su pokazali kako se situacija u tim školama na kojima se istraživanje provodilo, razlikuje od situacije zastupljene u literaturi. Naime, prema rezultatima, dalo bi se zaključiti da razvod nije uzrokovao neke značajne promjene ponašanja djece, te da su se nastavila ponašati jednako kao i prije njega. Također, pokazalo se kako je u velikoj mjeri suradnja učitelja i razvedenih roditelja zadovoljavajuća, te da u tom nema nikakvih ukazatelja na to da je u tome pogledu potrebno poboljšanje. Isto tako, jedna od svrha ovog rada, inspirirana detaljnom analizom literature, jest, biti poruka razvedenim roditeljima, te bilo kome tko ima doticaja s djecom rastavljenih roditelja, da iako djeca to možda ne pokazuju, proces razvoda jest jako stresan (za djecu pogotovo), te bi se djeci to vrijeme trebalo pokušati čim više olakšati i biti im potpora, te im pomoći da to razdoblje prebrode najbolje što mogu. |
Abstract (english) | The purpose of this research study is to examine how much do the literature and the real situation about the impact of divorce on children differ and also, to examine in which extend do the teachers notice the difference in behavior regarding the children of the divorced parents. However, divorce, much like any other stressful life event, has a different effect on every single person. Precisely because of that, the results obtained by this research cannot be generalized, but we can get the insight on the situation regarding children of divorced parents from a certain area in Rijeka. In this research, 35 questionnaires were filled out15 by teachers of third and fourth grades of elementary schools from the area of Rijeka and Kraljevica (Elementary school Nikola Tesla, Elementary school Kantrida and Elementary school Kraljevica). Results show that the situation in the aforementioned schools is different that the one presented in literature. Based on the results, we might conclude that divorce did not cause any significant change in behavior of children and that they continued to behave the same after the divorce as they did before it. Also, it can be said that the cooperation between teachers and divorced parents is good and that there aren't any problems regarding that. Moreover, one of the purposes of this research paper, inspired by a detailed reading of the literature, is to be a message to the divorced parents, and anyone who might come into contact with children that have divorced parents, for that matter, that although children might not show it, the process of getting divorced is a really stressful experience (especially for children), and it should be done anything in our power to make it easier and to be there for them to help them surmount that period the best they can. |