Abstract | Ovaj rad usmjeren je na istraživanje nastanaka, utjecaja i posljedica djelovanja
filozofske grupe Praxis. Radi se o filozofskom pravcu koji je 60-ih i 70-ih godina bio
prepoznatljiv u međunarodnim intelektualnim krugovima zahvaljujući prvenstveno vođenju
Korčulanske ljetne škole i filozofskog časopisa Praxis. U okviru ljetne škole i filozofskog
časopisa razvijali su "stvaralački" marksizam spram dogmatskog marksizma sovjetskog tipa. U
posljednjih desetak godina kod nas je u nekim krugovima primjetna tendencija "rehabilitacije"
filozofske grupe Praxis. Ta se tendencija podjednako temelji na nekritičkom i apologetskom
odnosu prema njezinim idejama, kao i na zanemarivanju činjenica o njezinom značaju i
utjecaju. Nepostojanje sustavne analize djelovanja te filozofske grupe izravno je pridonijelo
nastanku, održavanju i širenju mita o neshvaćenoj vrijednosti njihove filozofske ostavštine.
Stoga se ovim istraživanjem nastojalo ispraviti taj nedostatak i pridonijeti objektivnom
razumijevanju fenomena filozofske grupe Praxis u širem društveno-povijesnom kontekstu, a
samim time i boljem razumijevanju čitavog jednog razdoblja novije povijesti hrvatske filozofije
kao dijela hrvatske intelektualne povijesti.
U tom smislu, cilj je ovog istraživanja bio rekonstruirati društveno-politički kontekst u
kojem je nastala, djelovala te nestala filozofska grupa Praxis. Tu je naglasak stavljen na tri
prijelomna događaja: poslijeratnu transformaciju hrvatske akademske filozofije, djelovanje
Korčulanske ljetne škole i izdavanje filozofskog časopisa Praxis, tj. njihovo gašenje, te
nestanak političkog i društvenog okvira u kojem su praksisovci dugi niz godina djelovali i za
koji su bili najuže vezani. Namjera je bila i analizirati njihove temeljne pojmove, stavove i
argumente te procijeniti njihovu utemeljenost, plodotvornost i izvornost. Također, cilj je bio
utvrđivanje stanja recepcije praksisovskih ideja, kao i posljedica djelovanja praksisovaca na
akademsku filozofiju, ali i društveno-humanističke znanosti u cjelini. Na temelju navedenog
doneseni su zaključci koji ukazuju na nedostatak sustavne analize i kritičkog vrednovanja
filozofske grupe Praxis što utječe na stvaranje iskrivljene slike o novijoj povijesti te aktualnom
stanju hrvatske filozofije. |
Abstract (english) | This paper investigates the foundation, influence and consequences of the work of the
philosophical group Praxis. It refers to a philosophical movement that was recognized in
international intellectual circles in the 1960s and 1970s, owing primarily to the Korčula
Summer School and the philosophical journal Praxis. As part of the summer school and the
philosophical journal, a "creative" form of Marxism was developed in opposition to the Soviet
type of dogmatic Marxism. In the last ten years in some circles in Croatia there is a noticeable
tendency to "rehabilitate" the Praxis group. This tendency is equally based on an uncritical and
apologetic relation to its ideas, as well as ignoring the fact of its significance and influence. The
lack of systematic analysis of the activity of this philosophical group has directly contributed
to the creation, perpetuation and dissemination of the myth of the unrecognized value of its
philosophical legacy. Therefore, this research seeks to correct this fault and contribute to an
objective understanding of the phenomenon of the Praxis group in a broader socio-historical
context, and thus to a better understanding of an entire period of modern Croatian philosophy
as part of Croatian intellectual history.
In this sense, the aim of this research is to reconstruct the socio-political context in
which the group Praxis was created and operated. The emphasis is placed on three key events:
the postwar transformation of Croatian academic philosophy, the activity of the Korčula
Summer School, and the publication of the journal Praxis, i.e. their eventual termination, and
the disappearance of the political and social framework in which the members worked for a
significant number of years and with which they were most closely connected. Moreover, its
intent is to analyze their underlying concepts, attitudes and arguments, and evaluate the
foundation, fertility and originality of their theoretical concepts. Also, its aim is to determine
the status of the reception of their ideas, the effect of their work on academic philosophy, as
well as the social sciences and humanities as a whole. Based on the above, the following
conclusions on the topic of this paper were reached:
(1) The self-proclaimed school of creative Marxism, which is here most often referred to as
the Praxis group, is one of many of the post-war Continental-European currents of
interpretation of Marx's thought.
(2) The group members explicitly rejected the possibility of establishing ethics as a
philosophical discipline, which resulted in the absence of principles and criteria
according to which a better and more humane world should be defined. Also, their
demand for the creation of a more humane society on the basis of an unspoken critique of virtually everything was reduced to a rejection of traditional social institutions and
market economics, and their sole concrete proposal was to accept the idea of selfgoverning socialism.
(3) Considering the socio-political context in which it came into being, the Praxis group
determined not only the course of Croatian academic philosophy but influenced
developments in other social and humanistic disciplines, and thus the formation of a
general intellectual climate in Croatia (to a lesser extent also in some other areas of
former Yugoslavia) in the period from the early sixties to the late eighties of the last
(4) If we ignore the very rare dissonant notes, it can be said that past attempts at a systematic
analysis and critical evaluation of their legacy have remained at the level of quasicritical or apologetic approaches.
(5) In recent years, interest in the group Praxis has increased, but their legacy and influence
are always presented in the same, tendentious and laudatory manner.
(6) As a consequence of (4) and (5) a distorted picture of recent history and the current state
of Croatian philosophy was created, and hence of the consequences of the dominance
of a Marxist approach in social and humanistic sciences in Croatia.
Disregarding the facts about the actual theoretical range of the philosophical group
Praxis and the socio-political conditions of its emergence, development and disappearance,
opens up the space for manipulating the general scientific public, creating a distorted picture
not only of the aforementioned philosophical movement, but also of the recent history of
Croatian philosophy. Moreover, such a state contributes to the mistaken and ideologized
perception of the role of philosophy itself, and then to the degradation and relativization of
criteria for the evaluation of its achievements, those same criteria that have been harmonized
with international standards in other fields and domains. |