Author | Tihana Trogrlić |
Mentor | Dina Ožić Bašić (mentor) |
Committee member | Dina Ožić Bašić (predsjednik povjerenstva) |
Committee member | Dalibor Prančević (član povjerenstva) |
Granter | University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Split |
Defense date and country | 2017-09-22, Croatia |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art |
Abstract | Ovaj rad objašnjava nastanak i razvitak ostakljenih nebodera kroz detaljno sagledavanje uvjeta koji su omogućili njihov nastanak, doprinos koji je tom području dao čuveni arhitekt Mies van der Rohe te kroz prikaz deset suvremenih ostakljenih nebodera. Drugo poglavlje rada ukazuje na niz povijesnih društvenih i tehničkih okolnosti koje su dovele do razvitka visokogradnje, točnije, do gradnje nebodera. Antičko doba donijelo je prva tehnička saznanja o konstruktivnom sustavu stupa i grede te je ... More odredilo razvitak uređene visokogradnje sve do našeg doba. Rimsko carstvo donijelo je prvu tipologiju blokovske izgradnje kroz razvitak gradskog bloka i određivanje veličine blokovske čestice. Daljnji razvitak visokogradnje slijedio je nakon izuma novih građevinskih materijala poput čelika i armiranog betona te primjene stakla velikog formata. Potom visokogradnju unapređuje izum dizala i razvitak tehnologija koje su omogućile bolje prozračivanje visokih zgrada. Treće poglavlje donosi pregled života i djela arhitekta Mies van der Rohea, koji se istakao kao arhitekt, kao profesor i kao izumitelj. Njegovo njemačko razdoblje pratimo kroz njegovo osobno obrazovanje i prve projekte, kroz profesorsko djelovanje na čuvenoj avangardnoj školi Bauhaus, kroz iznimna ostvarenja poput paviljona Barcelona te kroz njegove ikoničke skice „staklenih nebodera“ planiranih na Friedrichstrasse u Berlinu, s početka dvadesetih godina XX. stoljeća. Američko razdoblje pratimo kroz niz djela na kojima je istraživao različite pristupe u oblikovanju staklenih pročelja visokih zgrada / ostakljenih nebodera s posebnim osvrtom na nebodere na Lake Shore Drive u Chicagu i neboder Seagram u New Yorku. Četvrto poglavlje, o ostakljenim neboderima nam približava okolnosti s kraja XIX. stoljeća i početka XX. stoljeća te kroz podpoglavlja Čikaška škola arhitekture i Internacionalni stil (Druga čikaška škola arhitekture) opisuje razvitak oblika ostakljenih nebodera. Drugi dio poglavlja donosi pregled deset visokih ostakljenih nebodera, gdje oblikovanje njihova pročelja i općenito, njihov nastanak, možemo povezati s izravnim / neizravnim utjecajem Mies van der Rohea. Tako su promatrani brojni neboderi diljem svijeta; od europskih primjera (neboder Pirelli i neboder 30 St Mary Axe (Swiss-Re)), preko američkih primjera (neboder Lever, neboder Lake Point, neboder Sears (Willis)), zatim azijskih primjera (neboder HSBC, neboderi Petronas i neboder Bank of China), i, konačno, neboderi Bliskog Istoka (neboder Burj al Arab i neboder Burj Kalifa). Zaključak jest kako je Mies van der Rohe arhitekt za kojeg se sa sigurnošću može reći kako je bio ispred svog vremena te je u cjelosti postavio temelje arhitekture ostakljenih nebodera koje danas vidimo oko sebe. Proteklih sto godina, od njegovih ikoničkih „staklenih nebodera“ do danas, nisu pokazale odmak od njegovih postavki o oblikovanju konstrukcije i izgledu ostakljenih nebodera, čime je rad ispunio svoju svrhu, dokazavši kako i danas postoji neraskidiva veza između „staklenih nebodera“ sa Friedrichstrasse i svih ostakljenih nebodera istraženih u ovom radu. Less |
Abstract (english) | This thesis explains the origins and the development of glazed skyscrapers through: a detailed overview of conditions that enabled their creation; the contribution made by the prominent architect Mies van der Rohe; and through the presentation of ten contemporary glazed skyscrapers. The second chapter of this work points to a series of historical, social and technical circumstances that have led to the development of high buildings, more precisely, to the construction of skyscrapers. ... More Ancient times brought the first technical knowledge of constructive systems of column and beam and determined the development of high-rise buildings to our time. The Roman Empire developed the first typology of block construction through the development of city blocks and land lots of corresponding size. Further development of high-rise follows the invention of new construction materials such as steel and reinforced concrete and the application of large-format glass. Later the high-rise construction building improves with the invention of elevators and with the development of technologies that have enabled better ventilation of tall buildings. The third chapter provides a life and work review of the architect Mies van der Rohe, who stood out as an architect, a professor and an inventor. His German period can be traced through his personal education and first projects, through his professorship at the famous Bauhaus, avant-garde school, through exquisite accomplishments such as the Barcelona Pavilion and through his iconic sketches of "glass skyscrapers" planned at Berlin's Friedrichstrasse in the early twenties of the twentieth century. The American period is marked by a series of works exploring different approaches to shaping glass facades of tall buildings / glazed skyscrapers with a special overview at the skyscrapers at Lake Shore Drive in Chicago and the Seagram skyscraper in New York.
The fourth chapter elaborating glazed skyscrapers, brings us closer to the circumstances of the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, and using the underlays of the Chiacago School of Architecture and the International Style (Second Chicago School of Architecture), describes the development of glazed skyscrapers. The second part of the chapter is an overview of ten high glazed skyscrapers, where the design of their facades and their general appearance can be linked to the direct / indirect influence of Mies van der Rohe. Many skyscrapers were observed from all over the world; from European examples (skyscraper Pirelli and skyscraper 30 St Mary Ax (Swiss-Re)), through American ones
The fourth chapter elaborating glazed skyscrapers, brings us closer to the circumstances of the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, and using the underlays of the Chiacago School of Architecture and the International Style (Second Chicago School of Architecture), describes the development of glazed skyscrapers. The second part of the chapter is an overview of ten high glazed skyscrapers, where the design of their facades and their general appearance can be linked to the direct / indirect influence of Mies van der Rohe. Many skyscrapers were observed from all over the world; from European examples (skyscraper Pirelli and skyscraper 30 St Mary Ax (Swiss-Re)), through American ones
(skyscraper Lever, skyscraper Lake Point, skyscraper Sears (Willis)), then the Asian ones (skyscraper HSBC, skyscrapers Petronas and skyscraper Bank of China), and, finally, through skyscrapers of the Middle East (the Burj al Arab skyscraper and the Burj Khalifa skyscraper). The conclusion is that Mies van der Rohe is an architect for whom we can safely say that he was ahead of his time and completely laid the foundations of the glazed skyscraper architecture that we see today around us. Over the past hundred years, from his iconic "glass skyscrapers" untill today, architects have not turned away from his settings for the design of the structure and appearance of glazed skyscrapers. Thus, this work fulfilled its purpose, proving that there is still an unbreakable connection between "glass skyscrapers" from Friedrichstrasse and between all glazed skyscrapers explored in this paper. Less |
Language | croatian |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:172:557176 |
Study programme | Title: Art History; specializations in: Teacher Education Course: Teacher Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti umjetnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti umjetnosti) |
Type of resource | Text |
File origin | Born digital |
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Created on | 2018-03-12 12:23:12 |