Author Anamarija Rapić
Mentor Josip Vrandečić (mentor)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Split
Defense date and country 2017-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Abstract Thomas Woodrow Wilson rođen je u Virginiji 1856. godine. Školovao se kod kuće, a potom studirao pravo. Nakon toga upisao se na sveučilište u New Jerseyju, gdje se po završetku studija zaposlio kao profesor, a kasnije napredovao do mjesta predsjednika studija. Nakon 20 godina zaposlenja na tom sveučilištu odlučio se okušati u politici. Prvo je postao član Demokratske stranke i guverner New Jerseyja. Brojnim pozitivnim reformama stekao je naklonost građana i nakon samo dvije godine političke karijere kandidirao se za predsjednika SAD-a. Izbore je dobio 1912. godine. Odmah po dolasku na vlast započeo je provedbu svojega predizbornog programa The New Freedom. Unio je brojne reforme. Uveo je porez na dobit, stvorio jak sustav centralnog bankarstva, borio se protiv trustova, smanjio carine za prekomorsku trgovinu. Za vrijeme njegove vlasti Afroamerikanci nisu uspjeli poboljšati svoj položaj. Wilson je čak i pojačao segregaciju podjelom kabineta u vladi na one za crne i one za bijele, a Bijela je kuća u to doba puštala rasistički film The Birth of a Nation. Brojni su Afroamerikanci sudjelovali u ratu, ali u odvojenim jedinicama uvijek dobivajući najgore zadatke i bez mogućnosti za napredak. S druge strane, položaj se žena uvelike poboljšao. Uvođenjem 19. amandmana 1919. žene u Americi dobile su pravo glasa. Wilson nije poštivao politiku izolacionizma. Odmah po dolaksu na vlast započeo je intervencije u Meksiku, Nikaragvi, Haitiju, Dominikanskoj Republici itd. Zemlje je Srednje Amerike smatrao politički nesposobnima. Malo drugačiji stav imao je prema zemljama Južne Amerike: Argentini, Brazilu i Čileu sa kojima je htio učvrstiti gospodarske veze. Zabrinjavala ga je rastuća moć Japana koji je sve više prijetio Kini i trudio se ući u klub najvećih svjetskih sila. Kada je izbio Prvi svjetski rat Amerika je ostala neutralna. Polako su Amerikanci pa i sam Wilson postali svjesni da će rat ipak utjecati na njihove živote. Trgovina s Europom bila je gotovo nemoguća, a Nijemci su potapali američke brodove. Stoga je 1917. Amerika odlučila ući u rat. Zajedno sa saveznicima na zapadnom su bojištu porazili Nijemce i rat se završio 11. studenoga 1918. godine. Wilson je sudjelovao u stvaranju Versajskog mira koji se na kraju pretvorio u osvetu Njemačkoj. On je zagovaraio stvaranje novog poretka na temelju svojega programa nazvanog 14 točaka. Zagovarao je i stvaranje nove internacionalne organizacije Lige naroda koja bi sukobe u svijetu rješavala mirnim putem. Iako je Liga osnovana, SAD nikad nije ušao u nju jer američki Senat nije htio prihvatiti ratifikaciju Versajskog ugovora niti ulazak u Ligu naroda. Wilson je pred kraj drugoga mandata doživio moždani udar i nije se kandidirao na novim izborima. Umro je 1924. godine ostavljajući Ameriku jaču nego prije njegova predsjedništva. Nastupila je era prosperiteta, tehnoloških otkrića, gospodarskog napretka. Amerika je postala najveća svjetska sila.
Abstract (english) Thomas Woodrow Wilson was born in Virginia in 1856. He was first homeschooled and after that he studied law. Next, he entered university in New Jersey, where he got his first job as a professor after getting the degree and then got promoted as president of the studies. After working for twenty years on that university he decided to try out in politics. Firstly he became member of the Democrats and governer of New Jersey. Winning the favor of the citizens with his many positive reforms and after only two years of political career he ran for president of United States. He won the elections in 1912. Right after coming to position he began to realise his campaign program. He implemented profit tax, created strong system of central banking, he fought against trusts, reduced customs for overseas trade. During his presidency African Americans could not improve their position. Wilson even increased segregation by dividing his cabinet on that for whites and that for blacks, and the White House was releasing racistic fillm The Birth of The Nation. Many African Americans were taking part in the war, but in separate units, always tasked with the worst missions and with no chance of promotion. On the other hand, female position improved greatly. By introducing 19th Amandman in 1919. females in America could finally vote. Wilson did not respect the policy of isolacionism. Immediately after becoming the president he started intervensions in Mexico, Nikaragva, Haiti, Dominican Republic etc. He thought that states of Middle America were politicly incapable. He had slighty different views of the countries in South America: Argentina, Chile and Brazil with whom he looked forward to strengthen economic relations. He was worried about growing power of Japan which threatened more and more to China trying to enter big world powers club. When the World War One erupted, America remained neutral. Americans, and the Wilson himself slowly realised that the war will still have an impact on their lifes. Trade with Europe was almost impossible, and the Germans were sinking American ships. Therefore in 1917. America decided to join the war. They defeted the Germans together with allies in western front and war was over on 11. November 1918. Wilson participated in Versailles Peace Agreement that turned into revenge on the Germany. He was a strong advocate of new order based on his program called 14 Points. He stood for creating a new internacional agency League of Nations that would solve the conflicts of the word peacefully. Although the league was created America never entered for american Senat never accepted ratification of the Versailles Peace Agreement nor entering the League of Nations. Wilson had a stroke at the end of his second mandate and did not run for new elections. He died in 1924. leaving America stronger than before his presidency. There came and era of prosperity, technological discoveries, economic progress. America has become the biggest world power.
Woodrow Wilson
The New Freedom
Latinska Amerika
Prvi svjetski rat
Liga naroda
Keywords (english)
Woodrow Wilson
The New Freedom
Latin America
World War One
League of Nations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:234728
Study programme Title: History Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) povijesti (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-04-03 10:43:06