Author | Antonio Plazonja |
Mentor | Aleksandar Jakir (mentor) |
Committee member | Marko Rimac (predsjednik povjerenstva) |
Committee member | Mladenko Domazet (član povjerenstva) |
Committee member | Aleksandar Jakir (član povjerenstva) |
Granter | University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of History) Split |
Defense date and country | 2018-04-27, Croatia |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History |
Abstract | Diplomski rad nastoji objasniti ulogu i značaj Ante Trumbića u stvaranju Kraljevine Srba,Hrvata i Slovenaca. Počinje političkim i društvenim prilikama na jugoistoku Evrope na prtijelazu 19. u 20. stoljeće, jugoslavenskom idejom i različitim pogledima na nju te hrvatskom i srpskom nacionalnom ideologijom. Nastavlja tematiziranjem Trubićevog životnog puta od njegovih političkih početaka i utjecaja pravaške ideologije preko politike novoga kursa i Riječke rezolucije, pa do Jugoslavenskog odbora, Krfske i Ženevske deklaracije i konačno uspostave Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca. U radu se pokušava objasniti značaj političkog djelovanja Ante Trumbića u Stranci prava u Dalmaciji koju će predvoditi zajedno s Franom Supilom i Ivom Prodanom. Slijedi dio o njegovu političkom djelovanju u Dalmatinskom saboru, ali i Carevinskom vijeću u Beču. U radu se nastoji objasniti značaj politike novoga kursa na ondašnju hrvatsku političku scenu koju je 1903. Trumbić zajedno s Franom Supilom pokrenuo te pojavu Hrvatske stranke u Dalmaciji čije je stvaranje inicirao 1905. Slijedi dio o Riječkoj rezoluziji i Trumbićevoj ulozi u njezinom donošenju koja je direktna posljedica politike novoga kursa, a koja je dala jedan sasvim novi putokaz hrvatskim, društvenim i političkim elitama. Slijedi dio o njegovu daljnjem životnom hodu koji će ga dovest do uloge jednog od glavnih protagonista u stvaranju buduće državne zajednice Južnih Slavena, a ta uloga prije svega će se ogledati u njegovu radu u Jugoslavenskom odboru čijim će postati predsjednikom. Konačno, u radu se pokušava problematizirati različite koncepte Trumbića i Pašića oko uređenja buduće države, pojave i neuspjehe Krfske i Ženevske deklaracije kao i pobjeda Pašićeve koncepcije jugoslavenske države. U radu se pokušava dati šira slika ondašnjih svjetskih zbivanja i objasniti ulogu velikih svjetskih sila i njihovih političkih i društvenih elita u procesu stvaranja južnoslavenske države prvenstveno Velike Britanije, SAD-a, Francuske,Rusjije i Italije. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this thesis is to explain the role and the significance of Ante Trumbić during the formation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovens. It starts with a brief summary of political and social circumstances in the Southeast Europe during the late 19th and early 20th century, with an emphasis being made on the different on the Yugoslav idea, and the Croatian and Serbian national ideology. It continues With Trumbić's evolution as an important political figure - from his early political days influenced by the ideology of the Party of Rights through the "New Direction Policy" and Rijeka Resolution; through his days in the Yugoslav Committee and involvement in Corfu and Geneva Declaration, and finally the formation of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. The first part of the thesis tries to explain the significance of Ante Trumbić's political activities in the Party of Rights in Dalmatia, which he had been leader of (together with Frano Supilo and Ivo Prodan). This is followed by the part about his work in the Diet od Dalmatia and the Imperial Council in Vienna, which underlines the importance of the "New Direction Policy" (shaped by Trumbić himself in the early 1900s) for the Croatian political stage of the time. Resolution of Rijeka is specially analyzed because it is a direct consequence of the "New Direction Policy" and because it was a new milestone for Croatian social and political elites. The second part of the thesis covers Trumbić's role in the creation of the Yugoslav state, most evidently noted in his work as a president of the Yugoslav Committee. Finally, this paper deals with Trumbić's relationship with Nikola Pašić and their clashes regarding the political system of the new state, and interpretations of Corfu and Geneva Declarations. Of course, all of this has to be put ( as it is, in the text) into the wider context of the main political events taking place on the global stage. Also, the roles of the world's political and social elites in the process of formation of the Yugoslav state - especially those of the Great Britain, USA, France, Russia and Italy - had to be explained. |
Language | croatian |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:172:260431 |
Study programme | Title: History; specializations in: Teacher education or research Course: Teacher education or research Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti (magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti) |
Type of resource | Text |
File origin | Born digital |
Access conditions | Access restricted to students and staff of home institution |
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Created on | 2018-05-03 10:50:55 |