Abstract | Razvoj civilizacije i tehnologije je uvelike utjecao na mijenjanje stila života, što je rezultiralo promjenama u životu svakoga pojedinca. Stil današnjeg života je čovjeku onemogućio da se odupre štetnim utjecajima iz okoline, što je rezultiralo porastom alergija. Alergije predstavljaju burnu reakciju imunološkoga sustava na strana tijela, alergene. Alergeni se nalaze u zraku koji udišemo, hrani, lijekovima, ubodima insekata, tvarima koje dolaze u dodir s kožom itd. Najčešći simptomi alergijskih reakcija su svrbež, crvenilo, osip, kihanje, kašalj i mnogi drugi. S obzirom na rasprostranjenost alergena, alergije predstavljaju suvremeni problem svjetske populacije za čiji porast nema jedinstvenog objašnjenja. Bez obzira na primjenu lijekova i metode liječenja, alergična osoba ostaje alergična za cijeli život. Cilj ovoga diplomskoga rada je bio istražiti prisutnost alergija i njihov utjecaj na svakodnevni život učenika nižih razreda osnovne škole, ali ujedno i prikupiti podatke o njihovoj procjeni o poznavanju samoga pojma alergije kao bolesti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 126 učenika i učenica Osnovne škole „Stjepan Radić“ iz Imotskog. Testiranjem postavljenih hipoteza utvrđeno je da su alergije u manjoj mjeri zastupljene među učenicima od 7 do 10 godina te da zavisnost postojanja alergija o spolu nije statistički značajna, odnosno ne može se reći da su alergije učestalije kod djevojčica nego kod dječaka, ali i da djeca koja u obitelji imaju probleme alergija statistički značajno učestalije i sama imaju alergije. Prema dosadašnjim znanstvenim spoznajama alergije nisu izlječive, ali se njihov utjecaj uz detaljnu anamnezu te točnu dijagnostiku i pravilnu prevenciju može ublažiti |
Abstract (english) | The development of civilization and technology has greatly influenced the lifestyle of people which has brought some changes in the life of every individual. Today's life made it impossible for a human organism to resist harmful environmental influences which consequently led to an increase in allergies. Allergies represent a strong reaction of the immune system on foreign bodies, the allergens. Allergens are found in the air that we breathe, in food, in medicines, in insect stings, in substances that are in contact with skin, etc. Furthermore, the most common symptoms of allergic reactions areitching, redness, rash, sneezing, cough as well as many others. However, due to the spread of allergens, allergies have become a contemporary problem of the world's population and there is no unified explanation for their increase. According to the current scientific knowledge, allergies are not curable, but through the detailed anamnesis, accurate diagnosis and right prevention their impact can be alleviated. Nevertheless, the allergic person remains allergic for his or her entire life. The aim of this paper is to examine the presence of allergies and their impact on everyday life of lower primary school students as well as to collect data concerning their knowledge of allergy as a concept. 126 pupils and students of the Primary School "Stjepan Radić" from Imotski participated in the research. By analysing the previously set hypothesis, it is concluded that allergies are to be found to a lesser extent among students aged 7 to 10 and that existence of allergies regarding to gender differences is not statistically significant. Therefore, it cannot be stated that allergies are more frequent in girls than in boys, whereas the children whose families have had problems with allergies statistically have themselves allergies more frequent. |