Title Modni identiteti mladih
Title (english) Fashion identities of youth
Author Stella Besednik
Mentor Anči Leburić (mentor)
Committee member Marija Lončar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anči Leburić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Toni Popović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Sociology) Split
Defense date and country 2018-07-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology Sociological Methodology
Abstract U ovom radu prikazani su interpretirani rezultati istraživanja provedenog na mladim ispitanicima grada Splita. Istraživana su mišljenja i stavovi o odijevanju, modnim stilovima, te modnim identitetima. Predmet samog istraživanja bili su modni identiteti mladih, te društvena 67 određenja i funkcije mode. Moda je za čovjeka sredstvo identifikacije i socijalizacije, prijepor s okolnim svijetom, simbolička komunikacija, obaveza prestiža, predmet užitka i primijenjena umjetnost. Pojam identiteta definira se kao osjećaj vlastitosti koji se razvija kada dijete počne diferencirati od roditelja i obitelji, zauzimajući svoje mjesto u društvu. U kontekstu toga, temeljni cilj rada bio je ispitati i utvrditi stavove mladih ispitanika grada Splita o modnim identitetima. Nastojalo se ispitati pridavanje važnosti odjeći, modnim dodacima i modi općenito s obzirom na spol, zatim učestalost kupovine nove odjeće s obzirom na dob, također izražavanje kroz modu na različite načine obzirom na ispitanikovo obrazovanje i prihode. Identitet više nego ikad postaje stvar osobnog izbora vlastitog imidža, pojedinci su sve više prisiljeni odabrati vlastite identitete. Većina smatra da se odjećom stvara modni identitet. Najveći broj ispitanika ističe da je način odijevanja izraz osobnosti, te da se načinom odijevanja može komunicirati. S druge strane, neki smatraju kako modnim dodacima ili šminkom ne prenose nikakve poruke društvu. Odijevanje je najizrazitiji primjer svakodnevnog izgrađivanja individualne slobode. U istraživanju se pokazalo da više od pola ispitanika smatra da se pripadnost pojedinca nekom društvenom sloju ističe stilom odijevanja, ali ovisi o kojem je društvenom sloju riječ. Modnim detaljem pokazuje se različitost koja svakog čini nezamjenjivim, posebnim, nadarenim.
Abstract (english) The results of a research conducted among young respondents in Split are interpreted in this thesis. The thoughts and stances on clothes, fashion styles and identities have been researched. The subject of the research were the fashion identities of young people, how they are represented within society and the different functions of fashion itself. Fashion is an individuals tools for identification and socialization, stirring controversy with the world around them, a way of symbolic communication, an obligation of prestige, a way to enjoy themselves or as applied arts. The concept of identity is defined as a sense of self which starts developing when a child begins separate from parents and family, taking up their place in society. Within that context, the base goal of this thesis was to survey and determine the stances of young respondents in the city of Split about fashion identities. The aim was to examine the importance of clothes, fashion accessories and fashion in general with respect to gender, then the frequency of purchasing new clothes in terms of age, as well as expressing in 68 different ways with regards to the respondent's education and income. Identity, more than ever, becomes a matter of choice of your own image and individuals are increasingly forced to choose their own identities. Most consider that fashion identity is defined by the clothes they wear. The majority of respondents point out that dressing is an expression of personality, and that you can communicate with the way you dress. On the other hand, some think that fashion accessories or makeup do not convey any messages to society. Dressing is the most expressive example of an everyday way to build individual freedom. The survey found that more than half of the respondents considered the affiliation of an individual to a social layer to be distinguished by the style of dress, but it depends on the social layer. Fashion detail shows the diversity which makes everyone irreplaceable, special, gifted.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:398482
Study programme Title: Sociology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) sociologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) sociologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-11-06 13:04:53