Author Petra Dajak
Mentor Dalibor Prančević (mentor)
Committee member Dalibor Prančević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Art History) Split
Defense date and country 2018-11-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art
Abstract Kustoski kolektiv Što, kako i za koga? postiže međunarodno i internacionalno priznat uspjeh te su trenutno jedna od najznačajnijih izvaninstitucionalnih kustoskih organizacija na području središnje i jugoistočne Europe. WHW je službeno registriran kao udruga 2001. godine u Zagrebu, a njegovi članovi su se okupili spontano, kao rezultat zajedničkog rada na izložbi povodom 152. obljetnice komunističkog manifesta. Od 2003. godine, kolektiv započinje s vođenjem Galerije Nova u središtu Zagreba te
... More od tada sustavno rade na promoviranju suvremene umjetnosti i educiranju mlade profesionalne publike kroz izložbe, publikacije i diskurzivne događaje. Na području grada Zagreba ostvarene su brojne suradnje s nizom nezavisnih organizacija kao što su CDU (Centre for drama art), Multimedijalni Institut (MI 2), udruga Bacači sjenki, BLOK i Kontejner kroz projekte kao što su Zagreb Kulturni Kapital Europe 3000. WHW je također bio jedan od prvih kolektiva koji je ponovno otvorio suradnju s drugim nezavisnim organizacijama na području zemalja bivše Jugoslavije poput Kuda.org iz Novog Sada, Prelom kolektiva iz Beograda, SCCA iz Sarajeva projektom Političke prakse post-jugoslavenske umjetnosti, a također je ponovno otvorena veza s Ljubljanom i direktoricom Moderne galerije u Ljubljani Zdenkom Badovinac. Kustosice su od samih početaka o svom radu promišljale lokalno i internacionalno, što je rezultiralo brojnim međunarodnim projektima, izložbama i dugoročnim suradnjama. Njihov prvi veliki međunarodni projekt bio je Kolektivna kreativnost u Kasselu (2005.) koji propituje specifičnosti rada umjetničkih grupa i kolektiva. Poznate su njihove suradnje s Tensta Kunsthallom iz Stockholma, Kunstvereinom iz Graza, Muzeumom Sztuki iz Lodza te mrežom nezavisnih inicijativa tranzit.at iz Beča i tranzit.hu iz Budimpešte čiji je glavni partner ERSTE fundacija. Njihovi međunarodni projekti se često isprepliću i s aktivnošću u lokalnoj sredini, pa su tako brojni njihovi projekti poput Kolektivne kreativnosti u Kasselu, Istanbulskog bijenala, projekta Red Thread, Venecijanskog bijenala, izložbe Stvarno korisno znanje u Madridu dobili svoju Zagrebačku inačicu ili su se čak jednim dijelom razvijali kroz aktivnosti Galerije Nova. Stoga možemo zaključiti da se njihove izložbe, projekti i diskurzivna događanja, koliko god bila tematski različita i šarolika, zapravo međusobno prožimaju tvoreći koherentnu cjelinu. Teško je odrediti u kojoj mjeri jedan zaseban umjetnički i kulturni događaj ostaviti vidljivog traga u prostoru, ali kontinuirana produkcija i medijacija suvremene umjetnosti te izuzetan senzibilitet za aktualnu društvenu problematiku koji karakteriziraju rad kustoskog kolektiva WHW su razlozi zbog kojih njihovu kustosku praksu možemo nazvati društveno angažiranim modelom umjetničke i kulturne produkcije. Less
Abstract (english) Curatorial collective What, How and for Whom? achieves internationally recognized success and is currently one of the most prominent non-institutional curatorial organizations in Central and Southeastern Europe. WHW members gathered spontaneously, as a result of collaboration for the exhibition on the occasion of the 152nd Anniversary of the Communist Manifesto and association was officially registered in Zagreb in 2001. The collective has been running Gallery Nova in the center of Zagreb
... More since 2003, and since then they have been systematically working on promoting contemporary art and educating young professional audience through exhibitions, publications and discursive events. Collaborations with a number of independent organizations such as the Multimedia Institute (MI 2), BLOK, Container and others have been realized in Zagreb area. WHW was also one of the first collectives to reopen cooperation with other independent organizations from the former Yugoslavia countries such as Kuda.org from Novi Sad, Prelom Collective from Belgrade and SCCA from Sarajevo through the project Political Practices of (Post-)Yugoslav Art, as well as cooperation with Zdenka Badovinac, director of the Modern Gallery in Ljubljana. From the very beginnings of their work, curators have been deliberatly thinking through their projects both locally and internationally, which resulted in numerous international projects, exhibitions and long-term co-operation. Their first major international project was Collective Creativity in Kassel (2005), which examines the specific circumstances of working in art groups and collectives. They are well known for their cooperation with Tensta Kunsthall from Stockholm, Kunstverein from Graz, Museum Sztuki from Lodz and a network of independent initiatives tranzit.at from Vienna and tranzit.hu from Budapest whose main partner is ERSTE Foundation. Their international projects are often intertwined with activity in the local environment, therefore, many of their projects such as Collective Creativity in Kassel, Istanbul Biennale, the Red Thread, Venice Biennale and an exhibition Really Useful Knowledge in Madrid got their “Zagreb version”, while some of them even partly developed through the activities of the Gallery Nova.Thus, we can conclude that their exhibitions, projects and discursive events, even though they are thematically diverse, are actually permeating each other to form a coherent whole.It is difficult to determine the extent to which a distinct artistic and cultural event leaves a visible trace in space, but continuous production and mediation of contemporary art, as well as an extraordinary sensibility to the current social situation which characterize the work of curator collective WHW are the reasons for considering their curatorial practice a socially engaged model of artistic and cultural production. Less
Galerija Nova
kustoski kolektiv
suvremene kustoske prakse
izvaninstitucionalna organizacija
nezavisna umjetnička scena
modernističko nasljeđe
neprofitna organizacija
Keywords (english)
Gallery Nova
contemporary curatorial practices
non-institutional organization
independent art scene
modernist heritage
non-profit organizations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:868308
Study programme Title: Art History; specializations in: Teacher Education Course: Teacher Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti umjetnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti umjetnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-01-16 14:13:42