Abstract | Srednjovjekovni Split nastao je iz antičke palače rimskog cara Dioklecijana, ali preuzeo je društveni kontinuitet Salone koja se nalazila nedaleko od palače. Tijekom ranog srednjeg vijeka Salonitanci su naselili palaču i adaptirali je za stanovanje. Tijekom 10. st. palača je postala tijesna i grad se širi na zapad gdje tvori tijekom kasnog srednjovjekovlja novo gospodarsko i upravno središte. Što se tiče ranosrednjovjekovnih i predromaničkih kuća, većina ih je uništena kasnijom gradnjom. Međutim, zahvaljujući ostacima i arhivskim spisima, moguće je rekonstruirati osnovna obilježja ranosrednjovjekovne i predromaničke kuće. Riječ je o višekatnici s jednom prostorijom na katu koja će prevladavati i u romaničkom razdoblju. Romaničko razdoblje odgovara razdoblju autonomnih komuna na istočnojadranskom području. U tom se razdoblju grade višekatnice s jednom prostorijom na katu koje se sastoje od prizemlja gospodarskoga karaktera, prvoga kata namijenjena stanovanju te potkrovlja s kuhinjom. Također, to je razdoblje bez palača, te su razlike između kuća elite i kuća pučana minimalne. Razlike su vidljive u veličini, tehnici zidanja te ukrasima, dok su raspored prostorija i romanička obilježja gradnje ono što ih povezuje.Srednjovjekovni Split nastao je iz antičke palače rimskog cara Dioklecijana, ali preuzeo je društveni kontinuitet Salone koja se nalazila nedaleko od palače. Tijekom ranog srednjeg vijeka Salonitanci su naselili palaču i adaptirali je za stanovanje. Tijekom 10. st. palača je postala tijesna i grad se širi na zapad gdje tvori tijekom kasnog srednjovjekovlja novo gospodarsko i upravno središte. Što se tiče ranosrednjovjekovnih i predromaničkih kuća, većina ih je uništena kasnijom gradnjom. Međutim, zahvaljujući ostacima i arhivskim spisima, moguće je rekonstruirati osnovna obilježja ranosrednjovjekovne i predromaničke kuće. Riječ je o višekatnici s jednom prostorijom na katu koja će prevladavati i u romaničkom razdoblju. Romaničko razdoblje odgovara razdoblju autonomnih komuna na istočnojadranskom području. U tom se razdoblju grade višekatnice s jednom prostorijom na katu koje se sastoje od prizemlja gospodarskoga karaktera, prvoga kata namijenjena stanovanju te potkrovlja s kuhinjom. Također, to je razdoblje bez palača, te su razlike između kuća elite i kuća pučana minimalne. Razlike su vidljive u veličini, tehnici zidanja te ukrasima, dok su raspored prostorija i romanička obilježja gradnje ono što ih povezuje.Što se tiče podjele prostora kuće, plemići, elita i pučani jednako su podijelili prostor. Prizemlje je bilo gospodarskoga karaktera, na katovima se nalazio stambeni prostor, dok je u potkrovlju bila kuhinja. Kućanski namještaj ovisio je o ekonomskoj mogućnosti njegovih vlasnika. Kuće elite bile su raskošne i udobne za razliku od pučanskih kuća. Nadalje, u kućama komunalne elite nalazio se inventar koji se u srednjem vijeku smatrao luksuzom, dok se u pučanskim kućama rijetko nailazi na takav inventar. Pučanski namještaj funkcionalan je, sklopiv i višenamjenski. Bitan je i odnos gradske vlasti prema stambenim prostorima, o kojem obavještavaju srednjovjekovni statuti grada. Zahvaljujući njima, poznato je da se kuće nisu smjele graditi u blizini gradskih zidina, da se trebalo paziti na razmak između kuća, ali i da se u taj prolaz bacalo smeće. Također, stanovnici srednjovjekovnih komuna prostor ispred kuće morali su održavati čistim. Statut je propisivao i kazne onima koji se nisu držali odredbi. Stoga, moguće je zaključiti da su komunalne vlasti tijekom srednjovjekovlja mnogo pažnje pridavale regulaciji privatne gradnje i urbanističkom uređenju grada, ali i higijeni grada. |
Abstract (english) | The medieval Split originated from the ancient palace of the Roman emperor Diocletian, but it took over the social continuity of Salona, which was located near the palace. Initially, the palace was settled by Salonitans who adapted it for housing. Soon, the palace was no longer sufficient for housing and the city started to spread to the west creating a new economic and administrative center. As far as early medieval and pre-Romanesque houses are concerned, most of them have been destroyed by later construction. However, thanks to the remains and archives, it is possible to reconstruct the basic features of an early medieval and pre-Romanesque house. This refers to multi-storey houses with a single floor space that would prevail in the Romanesque period as well. The Romanesque period corresponds to the period of autonomous communes in the eastern Adriatic area. At the time, they were built as multi-storey houses with one room on the ground floor, which had an economic character, the first floor which was intended for living and the loft, where the kitchen was located. Also, it was a period when there were no palaces, and the differences between elite houses and the houses of commoners were minimal. The differences are visible in size, masonry and ornamentation, while the layout of the rooms, as well as the Romanesque construction features, is the same. With the arrival of the Venetian authorities and Juraj Dalmatinac, the Venetian type of housing slowly spread. Also, this was the period when Gothic appeared, and in the beginning there was a mix of Romanesque and Gothic style of construction, but the spiked arch started dominating increasingly. Also, houses began to experience changes such as elevation of floors, gothic windows or portals. With the arrival of Juraj Dalmatinac in Split, the residential buildings flourished. At the time, domestic and foreign families were gaining wealth due to trade. It was a time when palaces were built and the differences between commoners’ houses and palaces were greater than ever. The commoners’ houses of the Gothic period remained narrow and high and changed only partially, mostly in decorative style. On the other hand, the palaces were built on the site of several Romanesque houses and were divided by a high wall with a yard and an outside staircase behind it, wells with swapes and a lodge that offers rest to its tenants. On the first floor, the piano nobile, there was a representative hall, portego. The most beautiful example of all Gothic palaces is the Velika Papalić palace which belonged to the old noble family Papalić of Split. Jurajʾs palaces disappeared in the 16th century when the inside yards disappeared, and all the attention went to the facade. Regarding the division of the space in the house, noblemen, elites and commoners equally divided the space. The ground floor had an economic character, on the first floor there was living space, while the kitchen was in the attic. The furniture in the houses depended on the wealth of its owners. Houses of the elite were luxurious and comfortable as opposed to houses of commoners. Also, in the homes of the communal elite, there was inventory that was considered luxury in the Middle Ages, while in commoners houses we rarely encounter such inventory. Commoners furniture was functional and could be folded after use or had more purposes. Also, the relationship between the city government and the housing was also important. The mediaeval statutes of the city inform us about that relationship. Thanks to them, it is well known that houses were not to be built near the city walls, that space was to be kept between the houses , but also that garbage was to be thrown into that passage. Moreover, residents of medieval communes had to maintain a clean space in front of the house. The Statute also prescribed punishments for those who did not comply with the provisions. It is therefore possible to conclude that communal authorities during the Middle Ages paid much attention to the regulation of private construction and town planning, as well as the hygiene of the city. |