Abstract | Strah je neugodna emocija izazvana sviješću o nekoj realnoj ili nerealnoj opasnosti, te nas paralizira emocionalno i tjelesno. Primarna je emocija baš poput sreće, tuge i ljutnje, te se u svakoj kulturi izražava na jednak način. Fukncija straha jest da upozori tijelo na potencijalnu opasnost. Iako je često smatran iracionalno, strahu ne možemo osporiti egzistencijalni karakter. Strah je proučavan još od antičke filozofije, počevši od Aristotela, pa sve do danas u suvremenoj filozofiji. Nadalje, u današnjem užurbanom i stresnom načinu života, sve više ljudi pati od nekog oblika straha, kao što su tjeskoba i panika. Stoga ne čudi što je pojam straha toliko puta proučavan i u literaturi samopomoći. U ovom radu analiziraju se upravo bitne razlike između interpretacije straha u literaturi samopomoći, i filozofskog stajališta o strahu kao fenomenu. Na početku samog rada upoznat ćemo se sa životom i djelom Martina Heideggera, te preko pojma čuvstvovanja, kao temeljnog načina egzistencije u kojem tubitak ima svoje Tu, dolazimo do samog fenomena straha kao jednog od modusa čuvstvovanja. Rad se dotiče i pojma tjeskobe koji je u korelaciji sa strahom, ali ipak s bitnim razlikama. Heidegger je spomenuo još inačica straha poput prepasti koja ima karakter iznenadnosti, groze koja ima karakter nepoznatog, te užasa koji je kombinacija prepasti i groze. S druge strane, upoznat ćemo duhovno i psihologijsko objašnjenje straha kroz najatraktivnije knjige samopomoći, a to su Osjeti strah, a ipak to učini autorice Susan Jeffers koja smatra da se strah može prevladati ponavljanjem moćnih rečenica, te Strah autora Osha koji smatra da je strah nematerijalan poput ljudske sjene. Ono što se sva tri spomenuta autora slažu jest da strah ne može nestati, ali ga se može staviti pod kontrolu vlastitim razumom. |
Abstract (english) | Fear is an unpleasant emotion triggered by the awareness of either real or unreal danger, and it paralyzes us emotionally and physically. It is a primary emotion just like happiness, sadness and anger. It is expressed in the same way in every culture. The function of fear is to alert the body of potential danger. Although, often considered as irrational, it cannot be denied that fear has an existential character. Fear has been studied since ancient philosophy, beginning with Aristotle and up to the present in modern philosophy. Furthermore, in today's bustling and stressful lifestyle, more and more people are suffering from some form of fear, such as anxiety and panic. Therefore, it is not surprising that fear has appeared so many times in self-help literature. In this paper, we analyze precisely the important differences between the interpretation of fear in the self-help literature, and the philosophical view of fear as a phenomenon. To begin, we will be introduced to life and work of Martin Heidegger, and through the notion of mood, the basic mode of existence in which the being-there (i.e. existence) has its There, we come to the phenomenon of fear as one of the modes of mood. The paper also touches the notion of anxiety, which is correlated with fear, but still with important differences. Heidegger mentioned other modifications of fear, such as the fright that has the character of suddenness, the horror that has the character of the unknown, and the terror that is a combination of fright and horror. On the other hand, we will get to know the spiritual and psychological explanation of fear through the most attractive self-help books, Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers, who thinks that fear can be overcome by repeating powerful sentences, and Fear by Osho, who thinks that fear is intangible, like a human shadow. What all three mentioned authors agree on is that fear cannot disappear, but it can be put under control by one's own mind. |