Abstract | Ovaj diplomski rad, nakon kratkog prikaza vladavine njezinih prethodnika i prethodnica, od
kojih su najvažniji Petar I. Veliki i Elizabeta, prikazuje cjelovit portret carice Ruskog Carstva
Katarine II. Velike, rođene 1729. godine u pruskom dijelu Pomeranije u Szczecinu pod imenom
Sophia Augusta Fredericka, princeza od Anhalt-Zerbsta. Kao tinejdžerica, zahvaljujući
makinacijama pruskog kralja Fridrika II. Velikog, ruske carice Elizabete i svoje majke
Johanne, udala se za svog daljnjeg rođaka, ruskog prestolonasljednika i velikog kneza Petra
Fjodoroviča, a sve kako bi, uz pomoć ljubavnika Sergeja Saltikova, mogla roditi sina Pavla
Petroviča, koji je produžio rusku carsku dinastiju Romanov. Nakon smrti carice Elizabete,
Petar Fjodorovič postaje ruski car Petar III., no Katarina ga svrgava s prijestolja državnim
udarom iz 1762. i vlada do svoje smrti 1796. godine. U tom razdoblju, Katarina je uvela velike
promjene i postigla velike stvari koje su omogućile procvat Ruskog Carstva, u što se ubrajaju:
njezino oduzimanje zemlje i kmetova Ruskoj pravoslavnoj crkvi, vojne i mornaričke reforme,
naseljavanje golemih prostranstava Ruskog Carstva stranim stanovništvom, njezino
zakonodavno djelovanje, koje uključuje caričin Veliki ukaz, Zakonodavnu komisiju, te nakazy,
Prva podjela Poljske, u suradnji s Austrijom i Prusijom, prvi rat s Osmanskim Carstvom, odnosi
s Dubrovačkom Republikom za vrijeme tog rata, koji uključuju i Livornski sporazum, potom
borba za poboljšanje zdravstva i zdravstvenih uvjeta u Ruskom Carstvu, borba protiv raznih
urota uperenih protiv njezinog režima, gušenje Pugačovljeva ustanka, ponovni pokušaj
kodifikacije ruskih zakona, koji je uključivao i uvođenje policijske uprave u Rusko Carstvo,
donošenje Povelje za plemstvo te Povelje za gradove, potom aneksija Krimskog Kanata, drugi
rat s Osmanskim Carstvom, u suradnji s Austrijom, što uključuje i nove odnose s Dubrovačkom
Republikom, koji uključuju posredovanje Austrije u dubrovačko-ruskim odnosima i otvaranje
ruskog konzulata u Dubrovniku, potom rat sa Švedskom, Druga podjela Poljske, u suradnji s
Prusijom, Francuska revolucija i potencijalni revolucionari u Ruskom Carstvu, „varšavski
jakobinci“ i Treća podjela Poljske, u suradnji s Austrijom i Prusijom, opis caričinih posljednjih
godina, opis njezinih odnosa sa svojim ljubavnim i političkim favoritima, od kojih su najvažniji
bili Stanislav August Poniatowski, budući poljski kralj Stanislav II. August, s kojim je imala
kćer Anu Petrovnu i koji je, kao poljski kralj, zapravo bio njezina marioneta, Grigorij Orlov, s
kojim je imala izvanbračnog sina Alekseja Grigorjeviča Bobrinskoja, i Grigorij Potemkin, koji
joj je možda potajno bio muž, ali zasigurno prvoklasan instrument za ostvarenje njezinih
osvajačkih ambicija, potom opis njezinih dinastičkih poslova kojima je nastojala osigurati
nasljedstvo, potom odnos sa sinom Pavlom, budućim carem Pavlom I., odnos s unucima i
unukama, posebno s unucima: Aleksandrom Pavlovičem, za kojeg je htjela da bude nasljednik
trona Ruskog Carstva umjesto njegovog oca Pavla, a budućim carem Aleksandrom I., zatim
Konstantinom Pavlovičem, za kojeg je imala velike planove u vezi svog „grčkog projekta“, tj.
htjela je da on bude car Grčkog Carstva nakon potencijalnog uništenja Osmanskog Carstva, te
Nikolajem Pavlovičem, koji se rodio potkraj njezinog života, a koji će naslijediti Aleksandra I.
kao Nikolaj I., te, na kraju, kratak opis Katarininih obrazovnih i ekonomskih reformi te
kulturnog djelovanja, što, između ostalog, uključuje osnivanje Smoljni Instituta, Slobodnog
ekonomskog društva, Slobodnog ruskog društva i Ermitaža. Katarina je u povijesti, osim po
svojim velikim osvajanjima, ratovima i uspješnom djelovanju u cjelokupnoj politici 18. stoljeća,
ostala poznata i po vođenju idejama francuskog prosvjetiteljstva i po svom prosvijećenom
apsolutizmu, što je sve vodilo k pretvaranju Rusije iz zaostale feudalne i barbarske države u
modernu europsku zemlju, te po cjelokupnoj predanoj brizi za očuvanje baštine Petra I.
Velikog, boljitak Ruskog Carstva, za njegovo teritorijalno proširenje, posebno prema jugu i
Crnom moru, te za povećanje njegove slave u europskim i svjetskim razmjerima. Usto, u tu je
svrhu u svojim posljednjim godinama pokrenula i Perzijsku kampanju u sklopu novog, tzv.
„orijentalnog projekta“, koju je, međutim, prekinuo njezin sin i nasljednik Pavao I. Iako je
uveo neke reforme u vezi vojske i Ruske pravoslavne crkve, on u svom djelovanju uglavnom nije
išao majčinim stopama, pa je njegova tiranska vladavina nasilno prekinuta 1801., dok je njegov
sin i Katarinin unuk Aleksandar I. uglavnom išao bakinim stopama, posebno boreći se protiv
Napoleona, pa mu je vladavina potrajala pune 24 godine, tj. od 1801. do 1825., kada ga je,
nakon njegove prirodne smrti, naslijedio brat Nikolaj, poznatiji kao car Nikolaj I. |
Abstract (english) | This diploma paper, after brief depiction of the reign of her male and female predecessors, of
whom the most important are Peter the Great and Elizabeth, depicts the overall portrait of the
empress of the Russian Empire Catherine the Great, born in 1729 in the Prussian part of
Pomerania in Stettin as Sophia Augusta Fredericka, Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst. As a teenager,
owing to the machinations of the Prussian king Frederick the Great, the Russian empress
Elizabeth and her mother Johanna, she married her distant cousin, the Russian heir to the
throne and Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich in order, with the help of her lover Sergei Saltykov,
to give birth to her son Paul Petrovich, who continued the Russian imperial Romanov dynasty.
After empress Elizabeth's death, Peter Fedorovich became the Russian emperor Peter III, but
Catherine dethroned him in her coup d'état in 1762 in order to rule until her death in 1796. In
that period, Catherine endorsed great changes and achieved great things which enabled the
Russian Empire to thrive, and those are: her confiscating lands and serfs from the Russian
Orthodox Church, her military and naval reforms, her populating the Russian Empire's vast
expanses with the foreign population, her legislative actions, which include her Great
Instruction, Legislative Commission, and nakazy, the First Partition of Poland, in the alliance
with Austria and Prussia, the First Russo-Turkish War, the relations with the Republic of
Dubrovnik during the War, which also include the Treaty of Livorno, then struggle for the
improvement of health care and health-care conditions of Russian Empire, fight against the
various plots aimed against her regime, the suppression of Pugachev's revolt, another attempt
of the codification of the Russian laws, which also included the endorsement of the police
administration to the Russian Empire, the proclamation of the Charter to the Nobility and the
Charter to the Towns, then annexation of the Crimean Khanate, The Second Russo-Turkish
War, in the alliance with Austria, which also includes the new relations with the Republic of
Dubrovnik, which include the Austria's mediation in the Russo-Dubrovnik relations and
opening of the Russian consulate in Dubrovnik, then the Russo-Swedish War, the Second
Partition of Poland, in the alliance with Prussia, French Revolution and the possible
revolutionaries in the Russian Empire, ''Warsaw Jacobins'' and the Third Partition of Poland,
in the alliance with Austria and Prussia, the description of the empress's last years, the
description of her relationships with her romantic and political favorites, of whom the most
important were Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski, the future Polish king Stanislaus II Augustus,
with whom she had daughter Anna Petrovna and who, as the Polish king was actually her
puppet, Grigorii Orlov, with whom she had a son born out of wedlock and named Aleksei
Grigor'evich Bobrinskoi, and Grigorii Potemkin, who may have been her secret husband, but
in reality the first-class instrument for achieving her conquering ambitions, then the description
of her dynastic affairs by which she strove to secure her succession, then her relationship with
her son Paul, the future emperor Paul I, her relationship with her grandsons and
granddaughters, especially with her grandsons: Alexander Pavlovich, for whom she wanted to
become the heir to the throne of the Russian Empire instead of his father Paul and who was the
future emperor Alexander I, then Constantine Pavlovich, for whom she had great plans
regarding her the so-called ''Greek Project'', i.e. she wanted him to be the emperor of the Greek
Empire after the possible destruction of the Ottoman Empire, and Nikolai Pavlovich, who was
born near the end of her life, and who would succeed Alexander I as Nicholas I, and finally, the
brief description of Catherine's educational and economic reforms and her cultural actions,
which, among the other, include her establishing of Smolny Institute, Free Economic Society,
Free Russian Society and Hermitage. Besides her great conquests, wars and the successful
actions in the overall eighteenth-century politics, in history, Catherine has also remained
known by leading herself by the ideas of the French Enlightenment and by her enlightened
absolutism, which had all led to the conversion of Russia from the primitive feudal and barbaric
state into the modern European country, and by the overall devoted care to the preservation of
the Peter the Great's legacy, for the welfare of the Russian Empire, its territorial expansion,
especially towards the south and the Black Sea, and for the enlargement of its glory in the
European and the world proportions. Besides, in order to achieve this, in her last years, she
also launched the Persian campaign as a part of her new, the so-called ''Oriental Project'',
which, however, was terminated by her son and heir Paul I. Although he endorsed some reforms
regarding the army and the Russian Orthodox Church, he, in his actions, mainly did not follow
his mother's footsteps, so that his tyrannical reign was violently terminated in 1801, while his
son and Catherine's grandson Alexander I mainly followed his grandmother's footsteps,
especially when fighting Napoleon, so that his reign lasted for full 24 years, i.e. from 1801 to
1825, when, after his death from the natural causes, he was succeeded by his brother Nikolai,
better known as emperor Nicholas I. |