Abstract | Ovaj rad govori o kulturnoj baštini, tradiciji i obiĉajima koji su karakteristiĉni za
Sinjsku i Imotsku krajinu. Rad obuhvaća legende, priĉe, predaje, razne obiĉaje, ali i sve one
prirodne ljepote i bogatstva koja krije ova krajina. Rad prikazuje i proslave svetaca te obiĉaje
vezane za slavlja pojedinih od njih, a sve je obraĊeno kronološki. Tako se u radu moţe
proĉitati o Adventu, Korizmu, vremenu kroz godinu, postu i hodoĉašćima, mjesnim i ţupnim
proslavama, demonološkim i etiološkim predajama prisutnim u ovim krajevima i sliĉno. Uz
pomoć kazivaĉa zapisani su obiĉaji kojih danas više nema ili su prisutni u manjoj mjeri.
TakoĊer, osvrnut ćemo se detaljnije na slavlja svetaca poput Antuna Padovanskog, Nikole,
Lucije, Ivana, Jure i Marka, ali i na blagdane drugih manje spominjanih svetaca poput svetih
Barbare, Jakova i Ane. U ovom radu prikazan je i znaĉaj blagdana Boţića, Uskrsa, Tijelova,
Spasova, Bezgrješnog Zaĉeća Blaţene Djevice Marije, a posebice blagdana Velike Gospe
koja se na poseban naĉin štuje i slavi u viteškom gradu Sinju. |
Abstract (english) | This work is about cultural heritage, tradition and customs which are characteristic of
regions of Sinj and Imotski. The work includes legends, stories, traditions, various customs,
but also all the natural beauty and richness that hides this region. The work also presents the
celebrations of saints and customs related to the celebrations of some of them and everything
is written chronologically. In the paper one can read about Advent, Lent, the time of year,
fasting and pilgrimages, local and parish celebrations, demonological and etiological
traditions present in these areas and similar facts. With the help of narrators were recorded
some customs which are no longer there today or they are less present. We will also review
specifically at the celebrations of saints such as Anthony of Padua, Nicholas, Lucia, John,
George and Mark, but also at the feasts of other lesser-mentioned saints such as Saints
Barbara, James and Anna. This paper also shows the significance of the feasts of Christmas,
Easter, Corpus Christi, Ascension Day, the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, and especially the feast of the Assumption of the Madonna, which is especially
celebrated in the knights’ city of Sinj. |