Abstract | U središnjem dijelu Jadrana, u grupi srednje dalmatinskih otoka, pruža se od istoka
prema zapadu oko 40 km dugi pošumljeni otok Korčula. Grad Korčula na otoku Korčuli
predstavlja u mnogo čemu jedinstvenu racionalnu urbanističku regulaciju i jedan je od
najbolje sačuvanih primjera srednjovjekovnog grada uopće.
Prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima grad je nastao sredinom XIII. stoljeća, kao izuzetno
važna postaja na jadranskoj transverzali koja je povezivala Veneciju s njenim ostalim
posjedima. Jedna od važnijih osoba vezanih za utemeljenje grada jest Marsilije Zorzi.
Grad se puno razvio u XIII. stoljeću, stoljeću Statuta Korčule iz 1214. godine. S dolaskom
prinčeva iz obitelji Zorzi u XIII. stoljeću, razvoj se nastavlja i u sljedećim stoljećima te je
Korčula procvjetala i dostigla vrhunac svoje moći u XVI. stoljeću.
Tematika rada prati temeljito razvoj grada Korčule u XV. i XVI. stoljeću. Kao što je
već navedeno, velika građevna djelatnost u ovom gradu kamenara, bogatstvo i napredak
začeti u XIV. stoljeću, a razvijeni tokom XV. i XVI. stoljeća izbrisali su sa gotičkorenesansnim
i kasnijim pregradnjama veći dio najstarijih zgrada. Za sada nema tragova kuća
romaničkog stila kojih ima mnogo u Splitu, Trogiru i u Zadru, a vrlo malo, ali ipak u Rabu,
Kotoru, Poreču, Dubrovniku, pa i u Šibeniku. Zbog ograničenog prostora poluotočića,
omeđenog morem i jarkom, postojeći prostor je iskorišten do kraja uskim ulicama i skučenim
trgovima. Novi prostor se mogao tražiti samo u visini i tako su nastale u XV. stoljeću
višekatnice, ponajviše trokatnice koje su dobivale svjetlo i zrak kroz prozračne trodijelne i
dvodijelne prozore koje je Dalmacija usvojila zbog uskoće ulica, a u visini, širile su prostor s
balkonima i ponekom lođom-altanom.
Arhitektura i urbanizam grada Korčule koja se u XV. i XVI. stoljeću formirala ujedno
je izgled koji prevladava i danas. Spomenuto je razdoblje bilo uistinu plodonosno za grad
Korčulu unatoč turbulentnim okolnostima koje su ga tada okruživale te se sačuvao i do dana
današnjeg. |
Abstract (english) | The island of Korčula is in a group of middle Dalmatian islands and it is 40 kilometres
long, going from east to the west. The town of Korčula on Korčula Island in many ways
represent a unique rational urban regulation and is one of the best surviving examples of
medieval town in general.
Research indicates that the town was founded in the mid 13th century, as a very
important station on the Adriatic transversal that connected Venice with its other holdings.
One of the important figures related to the founding of the city is Marcilius Zorzi.
The town developed immensly in the 13th century, which is the century of the Korčula Statute
from 1214. With the arrival of the princees from the Zorzi family in the 13th century, Korčula
continued in the following centuries to flourish and reached the peak of its power in the 16th
The main point of this work is the progress of town Korčula in the 15th and 16th
century. Large building activity in this city of stonecutters, its wealth and progress conceived
in the 14th century have developed during the 15th and 16th centuries and with the Gothic-
Renaissance and later alterations most of the oldest buildings were erased, so that, at least for
now, there are no trace of the Romanesque house style which are abundant in Split, Trogir
and Zadar, and very little, but in Rab, Kotor, Poreč, Dubrovnik, and in Šibenik.
It is because of the limited space of the peninsula, bounded by the sea and a moat, that its
existing space was used to its limits with narrow streets and cramped squares. To build in
higts was the only avalable option, and so came the results in the 15th century as a multistorey
buildings. They were mostly three-storey building that received light and air through
the airy triple and double windows which were adopted by the Dalmatiaclip engage streets
and in the height, spreading the space with balconies and occasional lodge.
Architecture and urban planning of the city of Korčula, which formed in the 15th and
16th centuries, is also a look that prevails today. This period was indeed fruitful for the city of
Korčula, despite its turbulent circumstances that have surrounded it then, butnevertheless it
survived up to this day. |