Abstract | U suvremenoj pedagogiji zagovaraju se odgojne vrijednosti koje su determinirane
javnim obrazovnim politikama kroz dokument Nacionalni kurikulum za rani i predškolski
odgoj i obrazovanje (2015) a to su: znanje, identitet, humanizam i tolerancija, odgovornost,
autonomija i kreativnost. Ovim se radom ispituje mišljenje odgojitelja o značajnosti koju
pridaju odgojnim vrijednostima kao prediktoru kvalitete odgojno-obrazovnog procesa i
kulture ustanove ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Istraženo je mišljenje odgojitelja
na području Splitsko-dalmatinske županije na uzorku od 162 ispitanika. Temeljem relevantne
literature, konstruiran je mjerni instrument Upitnik mišljenja odgajatelja o odgojnoobrazovnim
vrijednostima UP-OOV. Deskriptivnom analizom podataka utvrđeno je kako
odgojitelji najmanje značajnim procjenjuju odvajanje igračaka posebno za djevojčice i
dječake (M=2,3; SD=1,267), a najvišim procjenjuju njegovanje prijateljskih odnosa među
djecom (M=4,82; SD=0,401). Kao najznačajnije vrijednosti ispitanici su još izdvojili:
osiguravanje jednakih uvjeta za svu djecu (M=4,72; SD=0,551), njegovanje empatije među
djecom (M=4,77; SD=0,463) pružanje podrške djetetu od strane odgojitelja (M=4,76;
SD=0,508), uvažavanje različitosti kod djece (M=4,79; SD=0,424). Faktorskom analizom
izdvojeno je pet faktora koji se mogu tumačiti kao usmjerenost odgojitelja na poticanje
razvoja djece, demokratsko donošenje odluka, individualan pristup djetetu, dokumentiranje i
uloga odgojitelja. Istraživanjem je utvrđena statistički značajna negativna povezanost između
dobi i radnog iskustva sa procjenom drugog faktora. Razina obrazovanja odgojitelja korelira
sa procjenom drugog, trećeg i četvrtog faktora, što može upućivati na to kako odgojitelji teže
vrijednostima suvremenog kurikuluma. Kvaliteta institucionalnog ranog i predškolskog
odgoja uvjetovana je mnogim vidljivim i latentnim čimbenicima. Kako RPOO bio kvalitetan
prema Europskom izvješću za kvalitetu (2019), traži se kvaliteta strukture, kvaliteta odgojnoobrazovnog
procesa i kvaliteta ishoda. Kvaliteta odgojno obrazovnog procesa i kvaliteta
ishoda spada pod kulturu ustanove i temelji se na vrijednostima (Bouillet, 2018). |
Abstract (english) | In the modern pedagogy, educational values are advocated, which are determined by
public education policies through the document National Curriculum for Early and Preschool
Education (2015), which are: knowledge, identity, humanism and tolerance, responsibility,
autonomy and creativity. This paper examines the opinion of kindergarten teachers on the
importance they attach to educational values as a predictor of the quality of the educational
process and the culture of the institution of early childhood and preschool education. The
opinion of the educators in the Split-Dalmatia County was surveyed on a sample of 162
respondents. The measuring instrument Questionnaire of educators` opinion on the
educational values was constructed and based on the relevant literature. Descriptive data
analysis found that kindergarten teachers put less significant on having toys separated for
girls and boys (M=2,3; SD=1,267), and the highest in assessing the nurturing of friendly
relations among children (M=4,82; SD= 0,40). Respondents also singled out the most
important values: ensuring equal conditions for all children (M=4,72;SD= 0,551), nurturing
empathy among children (M= 4,77; SD= 0,463), providing support to the child by
kindergarten teachers (M=4,76; SD= 0,508), respect for diversity in children (M=4,76; SD=
0,508). Factor analysing led out five factors that can be interpreted as educators` focus on
encouraging children`s development, democratic decision-making, individual approach to the
child, documentation and the role of kindergarten teachers. There search found a statistically
significant negative correlation between age and work experience with the assessment of
another factor. The level of education of kindergarten teachers correlates with the assessment
to the second, third and fourth factors, which may indicate how kindergarten teachers strive
for the values of the modern curriculum. The quality of institutional early childhood and
preschool educations conditioned by many visible and latent factors. As the early childhood
and preschool educations was of good quality according to the European Quality Report
(2019), the quality of structure, the quality of the educational process and the quality of the
outcomes are required. The quality of the educational process and the quality of out comes
fall under the culture of the institution and are based on values (Bouillet, 2018). |