Abstract | Nakon što je Sabor RH 18. travnja 1991. godine donio Zakon o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o unutarnjim poslovima Republike Hrvatske, počelo je stvaranje Zbora narodne garde (ZNG) iz kojeg je 15. svibnja 1991. godine stvorena Prva gardijska brigada, javnosti poznatija po nadimku Tigrovi. Kao dan njihova ustroja radije se obilježava 5. studenoga kada je u Rakitju započeo ustroj policijske jedinice za specijalne zadatke iz koje je i nastala kasnija Brigada. Prve zadaće Tigrova tada su bile vezane za osiguranje predsjednika RH, Vladem Sabora i Zapovjednika ZNG-a, kao i objekata vezanih za te funkcije.
Unutar same Brigade sveukupno je ustrojeno šest bojni, Oklopno-mehanizirana bojna i pristožerne rodovske postrojbe koje su aktivno sudjelovale na Istočnoslavonskom, Zapadnoslavonskom i Banovninsko-pokupskom bojištu. U tim su se akcijama posebno istaknuli djelujući u Iloku gdje su sprječavali ulazak neprijateljskih snaga na naš teritorij, kao i u Vukovaru, gdje su nastojali osloboditi prometnicu Vinkovci – Vukovar kako bi se moglo nesmetano prevesti ranjene iz Vukovara koji je bio pred padom. Na Banovinsko-pokupskom bojištu Tigrovi su se istaknuli u borbama na području Petrinje i Hrvatske Kostajnice u kojima su boravili sve do njihova pada u rujnu 1991. godine. Na prostoru zapadne Slavonije posebno se ističe djelovanje u Novskoj i Novoj Gradiški pri čemu su Tigrovi spriječili širenje neprijateljske vojske na taj teritorij.
U travnju 1992. godine Brigada napušta položaje u Slavoniji te odlazi na Južno bojište gdje sudjeluje u deblokadi Dubrovnika i okolice, djelujući zajedno s 4. gardijskom Brigadom, provodeći operacije Tigar i Oslobođena zemlja. Od 1993. sudjeluju na Karlovačko-ogulinskom bojištu gdje sprječavaju proboj srpskih snaga kojima bi se sjever i jug RH potpuno odvojio. Veliki utjecaj Tigrovi su imali u operacijama Bljesak i Oluja kojima su oslobodili preostali okupirani teritorij. |
Abstract (english) | After the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia passed the Act on Amendments of the Act on Internal Affairs of the Republic of Croatia on April 18th, 1991, the creation of the National Guards Corps (NGC) has begun, from which the First Guards Brigade, better known to the public as Tigers, was created od May 15th. The day of their formation is rather celebrated on November 5th, when the formation of a Police unit for special tasks in Rakitje began, from which the later Brigade was formed. The first tasks of the Tigers at that time were related to securing the President of the Republic, the Government, the Parliament, the Commander of the ZNG, as well as facilities related to these functions.
Within the Brigade itself, a total of six battalions, the Armored Mechanized Battalion, the adjoining clan units were organized, which actively participated in the East Slavonian, West Slavonia, Banovina-Pokup battlefields. In these actions, they stood up in Ilok, where they prevented the entry of enemy forces into our territory, as well as in Vukovar, where they tried to clear the road Vinkovci - Vukovar so that the wounded could be transported from Vukovar, which was about to fall. On the Banovina-Pokupje battlefield, the Tigers distinguished themselves in the battles in the area of Petrinja and Hrvatska Kostajnica, in which they stayed until their fall in September 1991. In the area of western Slavonia, the activities in Novska and Nova Gradiška stand out, with the Tigers preventing the spread of the enemy army to that territory.
In April 1992, the Brigade left its positions in Slavonia and went to the Southern Battlefield, where it took part in the unblocking of Dubrovnik and its surroundings, working together with the 4th Guards Brigade, conducting operations Tiger and Liberated Land. Since 1993, they have been participating in the Karlovac-Ogulin battlefield, where they are preventing the breakthrough of Serbian forces that would completely separate the north and south of the Republic of Croatia. The Tigers had a great influence in Operation Flash and Storm, which liberated the remaining occupied territory. |