Title Djetinjstvo nekad i danas
Title (english) Childhood in the past and today
Author Karla Jurić
Mentor Sanja Stanić (mentor)
Committee member Branimir Mendeš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Stanić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Toni Maglica (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Split
Defense date and country 2021-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Abstract U ovom će se radu promatrati djetinjstvo i njegovo povijesno formiranje. Prikazuje se višestruko oblikovanje djetinjstva kao socijalnog konstrukta. Različite ekonomske, društvene, političke i kulturne promjene formulirale su djetinjstvo kakvo poznajemo danas. Proučavanje povijesne paradigme započelo je antičkom kulturom i opisivanjem života koji su djeca živjela. Svako društvo unutar kojeg se djetinjstvo stvaralo ima svoje elemente koji su karakteristični za život u tom razdoblju. Najveće je promjene u razumijevanju pojma djetinjstva izazvao je autor Phillipe Aries izdavanjem knjige Centuries of Childhood koji se odmiče od antičkog i srednjovjekovnog pogleda na dijete kao „malog odraslog“ i mijenja pogled društva na najmlađe pojedince. Predstavlja djecu kao socijalne aktere i ravnopravne članove društva. Istraživanje i proučavanje razne literature baziralo se na društvo zapadne Europe ali se širi i na svjetsku razinu. Svako geografsko područje donijelo je vlastite probleme s kojima se djetinjstvo nosi. Promotrili smo pitanja na Bliskom istoku, djecu robove, vojnike, djetinjstvo kao konstrukt u ruralnim i urbanim područjima kao i mnoga druga koja su aktualna u današnjici. Mnogi čimbenici utječu na kvalitetu odrastanja. Omogućavanje prirodnog razvoja svakog djeteta uvelike je ovisno o Konvenciji o pravima djeteta koja je donesena tek u 20. stoljeću. U suvremenom se dobu djetinjstvo suočava sa novim, neistraženim prijetnjama kao što su medijsko djelovanje, potrošačka kultura, raspad tradicionalne strukture obitelji ali i teški ekonomski uvjeti. Budućnost je djetinjstva usmjerena na omogućavanje jednakih prava svakom djetetu i zadovoljenjem potrebe svakog djeteta za samoostvarenjem.
Abstract (english) This thesis explores the concept of childhood and how it was construed through history. The thesis aims to present childhood as a social construction dependant on various social factors. A number of economic, social, political and cultural changes had impact on forming the notion of childhood as we know it today. The beginnings of the study of the childhood paradigm formation through history can be found in illustrations of culture and life of children in ancient times. Any society in which the concept of childhood was being construed has had its own elements, characteristic of life in said period in time. The most significant shift from the ancient and medieval understanding of the concept of childhood was made by Phillipe Aries in his book Centuries of Childhood that modified the view the society had on its youngest individuals, no longer perceiving them as “miniature adults”. The author positions children as social actors and equal members of a society. Research and study of different units of bibliography were oriented towards societies of Western Europe, to later be expanded to societies of the world. The problems of childhood are indicative of different geographical areas. The challenges of the Middle East, child slavery and child soldiers, childhood as a construct in rural and urban areas, along with other topical issues were observed. Diverse factors affect the quality of childhood. The Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted in the 20th century contributes a great deal in ensuring healthy development of every child. In modern times childhood faces new, not yet thoroughly investigated threats such as the impact of the media, consumerism, breakdown of the traditional nuclear family, as well as harsh economic conditions. The future of childhood is oriented towards enabling equal rights for every child and satisfying every child's need for self-actualization.
povijesna paradigma
djetinjstvo danas
budućnost djetinjstva
Keywords (english)
history of childhood
childhood today
the future of childhood
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:301227
Study programme Title: Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistra /magistar ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistra /magistar ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2021-10-13 11:46:53