Author Tomislav Čulin
Mentor Marita Brčić Kuljiš (mentor)
Committee member Bruno Ćurko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marita Brčić Kuljiš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tonći Kokić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Philosophy) Split
Defense date and country 2021-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy Political Philosophy
Abstract U ovome radu, supranacionalizam se istražuje kroz dva vida - kao ideja (koja se ponajprije odnosi na 'Europski projekt', tj. povijesni proces europske integracije od 1945. do danas); također, suodnosno - kao ideologija; i/ili - kao faza nadređenog/nadređenih procesa 'komunogeneze' ('globalizacije' i 'civilizacije'), konceptualizirane u širem filozofsko-političkom okviru - istraživanja tzv. 'kozmokracije' ili 'svjetske (globalne) vladavine. Započinjem istraživanje impliciranih značenja i prospektnog budućeg razvoja svjetske politike (uzete kao jedne cjeline), prvotno ispitivajući - povijesni kontinuum pretvorbi političke zajednice (iz "zapadnjačke" perspektive), kao i nužnih pretvorbi njihova središnjega koncepta - 'suvereniteta'. U drugom dijelu ispitujem supstancijalizirani radni (teoretski) okvir za analizu supranacionalnog fenomena preko dva velika djela političke filozofije (klasične i suvremene) - Kantovog Vječnog mira te Rawlsove Teorije pravednosti zajedno s Pravom naroda. Konačno, u trećem dijelu započinjem s ispitivanjem supranacionalnog fenomena u praksi, isključivo u kontekstu 'Europskog projekta' kao modela koji bi u budućnosti mogli pratiti i drugi. Europsku uniju uzimam kao primjer koji nam pomaže u razmatranju mogućih puteva/načina realizacije pretpostavki danih u drugom dijelu. Zaključujem s optimističnom perspektivom Europske unije kao (povijesne) jezgre moguće 'Globalne Zajednice' ili 'Svjetske Federacije', arbitrarno, ali znakovito nazvane - 'Sjedinjenom Zemaljskom Republikom'.
Abstract (english) In this paper, 'supranationalism' is being explored three-fold - as an idea (most commonly attributed to the 'European Project', i.e. historical process of european integration, from 1945. until today; also, conversely - as an ideology; and/or - as a phase of an overarching process(es) of 'communogenesis' ('globalisation' and 'civilization' or, following Nancy - 'mondialization') - conceptualised in the wider (meta-theoretical) philosophical and political framework of 'cosmocracy' or 'world (global) governance'. I'm starting the exploration of the implicated meanings and prospects for the future development of the world politics (taken as a whole), by examining firstly - the historical continuum of community's transformations (from 'the Western' perspective), as well as the neccessary transformations of it's central concept of 'sovereignty'; Secondly, I'm examining the substantiated framework for the theoretization of supranational phenomena via two major works in political philosophy - Immanuel Kant's Philosophical Essay on Eternal Peace and the Theory of Justice together with the Right of Nations by John Rawls (whose work is a direct continuation of Kant's opus). As a conclusion of the II. Part, I'm examining the idea and the theory of cosmocracy (or universal governance) in more detail, and then offering a working hypothesis of an 'emergent nature of the process as a whole, and of supranationalism as it's integral part or phase);Finally, I'm starting the examination of the supranational phenomena in practice - exclusevely in the context of the 'European Project' as a model to be followed in the future by others, and the EU as a central actor on the world stage, when contemporarily considering the possible realizations of the given theoretical presuppositions from the Part II. I'm conluding with the optimistic prospect of the European Union as a (historical) core of the future Global Community or World Federation, arbitrarily but significantly named - 'United Earth Republic'.
politička zajednica
nacionalna država
globalna pravednost
Keywords (english)
political community
global justice
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:370695
Study programme Title: Philosophy; specializations in: / Course: / Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije filozofije (magistar/magistra edukacije filozofije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-11-12 15:05:44