Title Kvaliteta života mladih na otoku Hvaru: sociološko istraživanje
Title (english) Quality of Life of Young People Living on the Island of Hvar: Sociological Research
Author Klara Šimunović
Mentor Gorana Bandalović (mentor)
Committee member Zorana Šuljug Vučica (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gorana Bandalović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Toni Popović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Sociology) Split
Defense date and country 2022-07-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology
Abstract Tema sociološkog istraţivanja ovog diplomskog rada je kvaliteta ţivota mladih na
otoku Hvaru. Rad je podijeljen u nekoliko cjelina. Prvu cjelinu predstavlja teorijski dio gdje
smo predstavili neke ključne pojmove relevantne za istraţivanje, a oni su koncept kvalitete
ţivota u sociologiji, specifičnost mladih kao društvene skupine te posljednje, mladi na
hrvatskim otocima. U idućoj cjelini smo pojasnili metodologiju istraţivanja, a to uključuje
predmet, cilj istraţivanja, istraţivačka pitanja, uzorak, mjerni instrument te postupak
provedbe istraţivanja.
Kao metoda prikupljanja podataka u ovom kvalitativnom istraţivanju se koristio
polustrukturirani intervju, a uzorkovanje je provedeno metodom snjeţne grude. U istraţivanju
je sudjelovalo 30 sugovornika/ca u dobi od 18 do 34 godine. Svi sugovornici/ce prebivaju na
otoku Hvaru. Proces intervjuiranja je trajao od veljače do sredine svibnja 2022. godine. Svi
razgovori su snimani i s pristankom sugovornika/ca su transkribirani kako bi se ti transkripti
mogli analizirati za potrebe istraţivanja.
Analiza podataka je pokazala da većina sugovornika ima završen srednjoškolski stupanj
obrazovanja te su preteţito zadovoljni svojim obrazovanje. Za sugovornike sa završenim ili u
procesu završavanja visokoškolskog obrazovanja traţenje posla u struci na otoku je problem
zbog nedostatka radnih mjesta u područjima van turizma. Većina naših sugovornika radi u
turizmu, i najveći broj njih radi isključivo tijekom sezone, no zadovoljni su svojim
profesionalnim statusom. U pogledu slobodnog vremena, istaknuta je razlika u količini
slobodnog vremena s kojom mladi na otoku Hvaru raspolaţu zimi u odnosu na ljeto - zimi
imaju previše, a ljeti premalo slobodnog vremena. Većina ih nije zadovoljna ponudom
sadrţaja za provoĎenje slobodnog vremena na otoku te smatraju da fali sadrţaja primjerenog
mladima, posebno u periodu van turističke sezone. Na turizam naši sugovornici gledaju kao
nešto pozitivno, a najveće prednosti ţivota na otoku tijekom sezone za njih su mogućnost
zarade, zaposlenja i bogata ponuda sadrţaja za mlade ljeti. Najveći nedostatci su nedostatak
slobodnog vremena, posljedice party turizma i poskupljenje ţivotnog standarda. U ţivotu
mladih na otoku zimi je pozitivno uţivanje u prirodi i mir, ali nedostaje sadrţaja i društvenog
ţivota na otoku. Razlozi zbog kojih mladi najčešće odlaze na kopno su posjeta liječniku ili
zubaru, kupovina ili zabava. Naši sugovornici su podijeljeni oko odluke o ostanku ili odlasku
s otoka, no najveći broj njih ipak ţeli ostati na otoku. Razlozi za to su ljubav prema rodnom
mjestu, posao na otoku i obitelj. Najčešći razlog naveden za odlazak s otoka je problem
nedostatka posla van turističkog sektora na otoku.
Abstract (english) The topic of the sociological research for this master's thesis is the quality of life of
youth on the island of Hvar. The thesis is divided into several parts. The first part is theory
where we presented some key concepts relevant for this research, and that includes the
concept of the quality of life in sociology, the specificity of youth as a social group and
finally, youth on croatian islands. In the next part we explained the methodology of the
research, which includes the subject, the purpose of the research, research questions, the
sample, the measuring instrument and the procedure of the implementation of the research.
We used a semi-structured interview as a method of gathering data and the snowball
method for sampling. The research included 30 participants from the ages of 18 to 34. All
participants reside on the island of Hvar. The interviewing process was conducted from
February until the middle of May 2022. All interviews were taped and transcribed after
obtaining consent from the participants, so the transcripts could be analyzed for the purpose of
Our data analysis showed that most of our participants have finished a secondary
education and they are mostly pleased with their education. Those that have a finished tertiary
or are in a process of obtaining it have a problem with finding work in their respective fields
on the island, due to shortage of work in fields besides tourism. Most of our participants work
in tourism and most of them work only during the tourist season period, but they are pleased
with their professional status. There is a difference in the amount of leisure time young people
living on the island have during winter and during summer and the tourist season – in the
winter they have too much of it, in the summer too little. For our participants, tourism is a
positive thing for the island, and the biggest perks of living on Hvar during the tourist season
are financial gain, possibility of employment and various content available for young people.
Biggest shortcomings include the lack of leisure time, the consequences of party tourism and
rising living standards. The perks of living on the island in the winter are enjoying nature and
peace, but there are shortcomings such as lack of content for youth and lack of social life on
the island. Reasons for leaving the island and going to the shore are most commonly a visit to
the doctor or a dentist, shopping or entertainment. Our participants are divided on the question
of staying on or leaving the island of Hvar, but the largest number of them want to remain on
the island. Some reasons that influenced their decision to stay include love for their
hometown, a job on the island or family. The biggest reason listed for leaving is the problem
of finding work outside of tourism.
kvaliteta ţivota
otok Hvar
profesionalne aspiracije
slobodno vrijeme
Keywords (english)
quality of life
Hvar island
professional aspirations
leisure time
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:744708
Study programme Title: Sociology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sociologije (magistar/magistra sociologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-18 06:59:18