Title Razvoj socio-emocionalnih kompetencija predškolske djece za vrijeme COVID pandemije
Title (english) Development of Socio-emotional Competences of Early and Preschool Children during Covid pandemic
Author Andriana Marušić
Mentor Ivana Visković (mentor)
Committee member Branimir Mendeš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Visković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Esmeralda Sunko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Pre-school Education) Split
Defense date and country 2022-07-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Institucionalni rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje, kao dio odgojno-obrazovnog
sustava, značajan je čimbenik socio-emocionalnog razvoja djece. Svakodnevna interakcija djece i
odgajatelja te djece međusobno - dodir, fizička blizina, poticajna komunikaciju i facijalna
ekspresija emocija može afirmativno doprinijeti razvoju socio-emocionalnih kompetencija djece.
Razvoj ovih kompetencije je iznimno važan za izgradnju djece otpornosti (rezilijentnosti).
Opravdano je pretpostaviti da su promjene odgojno-obrazovnog procesa inicirane
pandemijom COVID-19 odrazile na socio-emocionalni razvoj djece rane i predškolske dobi.
Istraženo je zato mišljenje odgajatelja o socio-emocionalnom statusu djece tijekom i nakon
provedbe epidemioloških mjera zbog pandemije. Odgajatelji se prihvaćaju kao profesionalci
kompetentni procijeniti promjene ponašanja djece.
Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 153 odgajatelja zaposlenih u dječjim vrtićima u Splitu i
okolici. Istraživački instrument Upitnik post pandemijskog socio-emocionalnog statusa djece
predškolske dobi / UP-SES konstruiran je temeljem relevantne literature za potrebe ovog
istraživanja. Istraživanje je provedeno online u skladu s Etičkim kodeksom FFST. Sudionici su bili
upoznati s mogućnošću slobodnog odustajanja i potpunom anonimnošću.
Korištena skala procjena primjerena je za faktorsku analizu. Metodom glavnih komponenti
izdvojeno je 5 faktora koji objašnjavaju 49,5% zajedničke varijance. Temeljem matrice
komponenti moguće ih je tumačiti kao negativne, afirmativne i razvojne promjene,
promjene ponašanja djece, te otpore.
Nalazi istraživanja ukazuju na statistički značajnu blagu negativnu povezanost procjene
afirmativnih ishoda i životne dobi odgajatelja u uzorku. Istodobno, procjena odgajatelja o
negativnim ishodima razvoja socio-emocionalnog statusa djece tijekom pandemije blago pozitivno
korelira s procjenom afirmativnih ishoda, promjenama ponašanja i zamijećenim otporima djece.
Iako se temeljem ovih nalaza ne može generalizirati o efektima pandemije na socio-emocionalni
status djece, promjene kao ishodi su neosporne. To upućuje na potrebu istraživanja optimalnih
odgovora na socio-emocionalne potrebe djece rane i predškolske dobi izložene pandemijskim
Abstract (english) Institutional early and preschool education (ECE), as part of the educational system, is a
significant factor in the socio-emotional development of children. The daily interaction of children
and educators and children with each other - touch, physical proximity, encouraging
communication and facial expression of emotions can affirmatively contribute to the development
of children’s socio-emotional competences. The development of these competencies is extremely
important for building children’s resilience. It is reasonable to assume that the changes in the
educational process initiated by the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on the socio-emotional
development of early and preschool children. Therefore, the opinion of preschool teachers on the
socio-emotional status of children during and after the implementation of epidemiological
measures due to the pandemic was investigated. Preschool teachers are accepted as professionals
competent to assess changes in children’s behaviour.
The research included 153 preschool teachers working in kindergartens in Split and near
area. The research instrument Post pandemic socio-emotional status of preschool children’s
questionnaire / UP-SES was constructed based on the relevant literature for the purposes of this
The research was conducted online in accordance with the Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences Code of Ethics. The participants were informed about the possibility of free withdrawal
and complete anonymity.
The assessment scale used is suitable for factor analysis. Using the method of principal
components, 5 factors were extracted that explain 49.5% of the common variance. Based on the
matrix of components, it is possible to interpret them as negative, affirmative and developmental
changes, changes in children’s behaviour, and resistance. The research findings indicate a
statistically significant slight negative association between the assessment of affirmative outcomes
and the age of preschool teachers in the sample. At the same time, teachers’ assessment of the
negative outcomes of the development of children’s socio-emotional status during the pandemic
correlates slightly positively with the assessment of affirmative outcomes, behavioural changes and observed resistance of children. Although, based on these findings, it is not possible to
generalise about the effects of the pandemic on the socio-emotional status of children, the changes
as outcomes are indisputable. This points to the need to research optimal responses to the socioemotional needs of early and preschool children exposed to pandemic events.
djeca rane i predškolske dobi
razvojna regresija
socijalna i emocionalna depriviranost
socio-emocionalni kurikulum
terapija igrom
Keywords (english)
children of early and preschool age
developmental regression
play therapy
social and emotional deprivation
socio-emotional curriculum
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:406090
Study programme Title: Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistra /magistar ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistra /magistar ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2022-07-18 09:25:50