Abstract | U ovom radu obrađena je tema usmene epske književnosti na području imotske krajine.
usmena književnost prenosi se s generacije na generaciju i stoljećima se razvija, mijenja i
prilagođava okolini u kojoj nastaje. Usmene priče dijele se na novele, bajke, basne, predaje,
legende, anegdote i šale. Novela je zatvoreni kratki prozni oblik, bajka je specifična zbog uloge
fantastičnog i mitološkog a basna zbog uloge životinjskih likova, svoje kratkoće i didaktičnosti.
Predaje razlikuje pripovjedačevo uvjerenje da je događaj koji pripovijeda istinit, podređene su
lokalnoj sredini a dijele se na; povijesne, etiološke, eshatološke, mitološke, demonološke
predaje i pričanja iz života. Povijesne predaje ističe fascinacija za prošlošću i povijesnim
ličnostima. Predaje o ilirskim temama najčešće govore o ilirskoj kraljici Teuti, a
srednjovjekovne teme o dolasku Hrvata i hrvatskim narodnim kraljevima dok je najviše
povijesnih predaja iz doba osmanske okupacije. Etiološke predaje tumače uzrok i podrijetlo
nastanka naziva za lokalitete i općenito za nastanke različitih pojava u društvu. Mitološke
predaje govore o nadnaravnim bićima, vilama i božanstvima, demonološke svjedoče o
izravnom susretu sa demonskim silama kao što su vještice i vukodlaci dok eshatološke predaje
pripovijedaju o dušama pokojnika. S druge strane, legende govore o Božjim čudima i životima
svetaca. Raširene su i usmene epske pjesme koje su opjevavale slavne narodne junake. Usmena
književnost svjedoči o narodnoj prošlosti te je kao takva pravo nacionalno blago koje je
potrebno očuvati. |
Abstract (english) | This paper deals with the topic of oral epic literature in the Imotski region. oral literature
is passed down from generation to generation and for centuries it develops, changes and adapts
to the environment in which it was created. Oral stories are divided into novels, fairy tales,
fables, traditions, legends, anecdotes and jokes. The novella is a closed short prose form, the
fairy tale is specific because of the role of the fantastic and mythological, and the fable because
of the role of animal characters, its brevity and didactic nature. Oral traditions are distinguished
by the narrator's belief that the event he is narrating is true, they are subordinated to the local
environment and are divided into; historical, etiological, eschatological, mythological,
demonological traditions and stories from life. Historical traditions are characterized by a
fascination for the past and historical figures. Legends about Illyrian themes most often talk
about the Illyrian queen Teuta, and medieval themes about the arrival of Croats and Croatian
national kings, while the majority of historical legends are from the era of the Ottoman
occupation. Etiological traditions explain the cause and the origin of names for localities and,
in general, for the emergence of various phenomena in society. Mythological traditions speak
of supernatural beings, fairies and deities, demonological traditions testify to direct encounters
with demonic forces such as witches and werewolves, while eschatological traditions narrate
about the souls of the deceased. On the other hand, legends narrate about God's miracles and
the lives of saints. Oral epic songs sung by famous folk heroes were also widespread. Oral
literature bears witness to the people’s past and as such is a real national treasure that needs to
be preserved. |