Author Marija Marinović
Mentor Tonći Kokić (mentor)
Committee member Tonći Kokić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Philosophy) Split
Defense date and country 2022-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy
Abstract 1928. godine objavljena je antropološka studija Helmutha Plessnera Stupnjevi organskoga i
čovjek u kojem čovjek zbog svoje ekscentrične pozicionalnosti dobija titulu najvišeg stupnja
organskog svijeta. Pozicionalnost je termin koji se odnosi na specifičnu povezanost živih tijela s
okolinom. Temelj razlikovanja organskih i anorganskih tijela leži upravo u toj pozicionalnosti.
Biljka je prvi stupanj organskog života i ima otvorenu formu, usmjerena je na svoju okolinu. Nema
svijesti ni sposobnost voljnog djelovanja, nego se njen život svodi na kretnje rasta i razmnožavanja
koje ovise o njenoj okolini. Životinja je drugi stupanj organskog i ima zatvorenu, centralističku
organizacijsku formu. Ima dva aspekta, tjelesnost i bitak u toj tjelesnosti. Ima specijalizirane
instinkte i sposobnost asocijativnog pamćenja, ali nema svijesti o samoj sebi, to jest, nije potpuno
refleksivna. Potpuna refleksivnost rezervirana je za čovjeka. Čovjek je treći, najviši stupanj
organskog i ima ekscentričnu pozicionalnost. On je s tjelesnog aspekta i dalje centrično organiziran
kao i životinja, ali pošto ima svijest i promatra sebe kao tjelesno i duševno biće, njegovu poziciju
zovemo ekscentričnom (nadilazi vlastitu centralnost). Čovjek ima sposobnost opredmećivanja
sebe i stvari oko sebe, što nije slučaj kod biljke i životinje. On, kao najviše biće od navedenih,
posjeduje sve vrste inteligecije koje su do sada opisane. Čovjekov svijet dijeli se na tri sfere. Prva
sfera je vanjski svijet, to jest, okolina ispunjena stvarima koju najjednostavnije možemo nazvati
prirodom. Druga sfera je unutarnji svijet – čovjekov unutrašnji bitak, duševnost koju je on
sposoban promatrati sa distance. Treća sfera je susvijet koji za čovjeka realno postoji jer on shvaća
da je društveno biće u odnosu sa drugim bićima iste vrste. Ta bića su također osobe i imaju iste
osnovne sposobnosti i karakteristike kao on. Čovjek je svjestan tog postojanja drugih Ja
Abstract (english) In the year 1928. Helmuth Plessner published an anthropological study Levels of Organic Life
and the Human in which the human is given the title of the highest level of the organic world due
to his eccentric positionality. Positionality is a term that refers to the specific connection of living
bodies with the environment. The basis of the distinction between organic and inorganic bodies
lies precisely in this positionality. The plant is the first level of organic life and has an open form,
oriented towards its environment. It has no consciousness or the ability to act voluntarily, but its
life is reduced to movements of growth and reproduction that depend on its environment. The
animal is the second level of organic and has a closed, centralistic organizational form. It has two
aspects, physicality and being in that physicality. It has specialized instincts and the ability of
associative memory, but it has no awareness of itself, it is not fully reflexive. Full reflexivity is
reserved for humans. A human being is the third, highest level of organic and has an eccentric
positionality. From the physical aspect, the human being is still centrally organized like an animal,
but since it has consciousness and observes itself as a physical and mental being, we call that
position eccentric (it goes beyond its centrality). Man can objectify himself and the things in the
environment, which is not the case with plants and animals. As the highest being of the above,
humans possess all types of intelligence that have been described so far. The human world is
divided into three spheres. The first sphere is the external world, the environment filled with things
we can most simply call nature. The second sphere is the inner world - man's inner being, his
spirituality, which he can observe from a distance. The third sphere is the universe that realistically
exists for man because he understands that he is a social being in relation to other beings of the
same kind. These beings are also persons and have the same basic abilities and characteristics as
him. Man is aware of the existence of other-selves.
živa tijela
ekscentrična pozicionalnost
vanjski svijet
Keywords (english)
living bodies
eccentric positionality
external world
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:573216
Study programme Title: Philosophy Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučililišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) filozofije (sveučililišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) filozofije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2023-09-27
Terms of use
Created on 2022-09-27 08:27:58