Author Karla Milat
Mentor Aleksandar Jakir (mentor)
Committee member Edi Miloš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandar Jakir (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladenko Domazet (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of History) Split
Defense date and country 2022-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Abstract Hrvatsko proljeće je reformno razdoblje u hrvatskoj povijesti koje započinje krajem 1960-ih i završava početkom 1970-ih. Uzročnici toga razdoblja su bila tri čimbenika: gospodarsko pitanje, nacionalno pitanje i ravnopravnost te jezično pitanje. Gospodarstvo Jugoslavije je 60-ih godina prošlog stoljeća zahvatila ekonomska kriza, a u poduzećima u Hrvatskoj, ali i općenito u partijskom vrhu, su prevladavali Srbi. Pitanje hrvatskog jezika se pokušalo riješiti Novosadskim dogovorom i stvaranjem zajedničkog srpskohrvatskog pravopisa koji nije sadržavao hrvatsku terminologiju. Svi ovi čimbenici zajedno su utjecali na stvaranje hrvatskog nacionalnog pokreta. Hrvatsko proljeće je imalo tri središta: reformisti unutar CK SKH, intelektualci i znanstvenici okupljeni oko Matice hrvatske u Zagrebu te zagrebački studenti i njihov pokret. Zajednički su djelovali s ciljem reformiranja Federacije, kako bi se ona demokratizirala te kako bi se uvelo samoupravljanje. Međutim, javljanje političke oporbe, a samim time i pojava nacionalnog osjećaja kod naroda, nije naišlo na odobravanje komunističkog režima. Ubrzo je Hrvatsko proljeće ugušeno sječom hrvatskog političkog vrha u Karađorđevu, nakon čega su uslijedili smjene, progoni, uhićenja i suđenja proljećarima. Isto je bilo i u Dalmaciji. Oni koji su predvodili Hrvatsko proljeće u Dalmaciji su bili članovi SKH, Matičari i studenti. Preko Zadra, Splita, Sinja i Dubrovnika do manjih dalmatinskih gradova i mjesta, hrvatski je nacionalni pokret buktao sve do prosinca 1971. godine. Tada je za proljećare i njihove podržavatelje uslijedila ista sudbina kao i onih u Zagrebu.
Abstract (english) The Croatian Spring is a reform period in Croatian history that begins at the end of the 1960s and ends at the beginning of the 1970s. The causes of that period were three factors: the economic issue, the national issue and equality, and the language issue. In the 1960s the economy of Yugoslavia was affected by an economic crisis, and Serbs predominated in companies in Croatia, as well as in municipalities and in the party leadership. The issue of the Croatian language was brought into question by the Novi Sad Agreement and the creation of a common Serbo-Croatian orthography that did not contain Croatian terminology. All these factors together influenced the creation of the Croatian national movement. The Croatian Spring had three centers: reformists within the Central Committee of the SKH, intellectuals and scientists gathered around Matica Hrvatska in Zagreb, and students from Zagreb and their movement. They worked together with the goal of reforming the Federation, to ensure that it would become democratized and that self-governance would be introduced. However, the emergence of political opposition, and at the same time the appearance of national sentiment among the people, did not meet with the approval of the communist regime. Soon the Croatian Spring was suppressed by the cutting down of the Croatian political leadership in Karađorđevo, which was followed by dismissals, persecutions, arrests and trials of the reformists. The same was happening in Dalmatia. Those who were part of the Croatian Spring in Dalmatia were SKH members, members of Matica hrvatska and students. Through Zadar, Split, Sinj and Dubrovnik to smaller Dalmatian cities and towns, the Croatian national movement raged until December 1971. Then the same fate followed the reformists and their supporters as the ones in Zagreb.
Hrvatsko proljeće
hrvatski nacionalni pokret
Matica hrvatska
studentski pokret
Keywords (english)
Croatian spring
Croatian national movement
Matica hrvatska
student movement
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:795931
Study programme Title: History; specializations in: Teacher education or research, teacher education, research Course: Teacher education or research Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti (magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-09-27 09:30:12