Author Slobodan Stamatović
Mentor Igor Mikecin (mentor)
Committee member Tonći Kokić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Split
Defense date and country 2022-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 1(091) - History of philosophy
Abstract Autor se u disertaciji bavi istraživanjem problematičnog pojma helenističke filozofije i s tim
povezanim aktualnim problemima periodizacije i terminologizacije postaristotelovskog
razdoblja antičke filozofije. U Uvodu najprije ocrtava kontekst, razlog i svrhu svog
istraživanja: kontekst je znanstvena revolucija koja je rezultirala izgradnjom nove slike
antičke filozofije u kojoj je prevladao suženi pojam helenističke filozofije, razlog se sastoji u
tome što je pojam helenističke filozofije tokom povijesti doživljavao razne preinake jer je od
samog početka izazivao nedoumice te ih još uvijek izaziva, dok je svrha bolje povijesno
razumijevanje pojma helenističke filozofije: dublji uvid u značenje tog pojma i iznalaženje
periodizacijske terminologije koja bi imala bolju utemeljenost i funkcionalnost u kontekstu
novouspostavljajuće slike antičke filozofije.
Najprije se ispituje tradicionalni pojam helenističke filozofije koji je dugo prevladavao
zahvaljujući utjecaju njemačke historiografije. Poznato je naime da je tvorac historiografskog
pojma helenizma Johann Gustav Droysen, no manje je poznato da je pojam helenističke
filozofije ušao u širu upotrebu tek s utjecajnim djelima Wilhelma Windelbanda.
Kontekstualnom analizom Windelbandovih filozofijsko-historiografskih priručnika
ustanovljeno je da pojam helenističke filozofije kod njega ima sasvim drugo značenje od onog
koji je prevladao u novije vrijeme kada se ograničio na predcarsko razdoblje
postaristotelovske filozofije. Pokazano je da se njegov pojam helenističke filozofije zasniva
kako na Droysenovom shvaćanju helenizma kao sinteze Istoka i Zapada, tako i na opsežnoj
recepciji literature koja se bavila istraživanjem aleksandrijske kulture i helenističke pozadine
kršćanstva. Pritom je ukazano da su takva istraživanja u najvećoj mjeri dolazila od Hegelovih
učenika te i da Droysenovo shvaćanje helenizma ima svoje zasade kod Hegela.
Kako je Windelband cjelokupno postaristotelovsko razdoblje nazvao helenističko-rimskom
filozofijom, no pritom pojam helenističke filozofije mahom upotrebljavao za njen religiozni
dio koji pripada dobu Rimskog carstva, njegova je periodizacija i terminologizacija prirodno
izazivala nedoumice te je utvrđeno da je početkom 20. st. opseg pojma helenističke filozofije
značajno varirao te je stoga bio nejasan i neodređen. Činjenica da je tradicionalni pojam
helenističke filozofije ipak na koncu obično podrazumijevao svu postaristotelovsku filozofiju
objašnjena je kako velikim utjecajem Windelbandove Povijesti filozofije tako i usvajanjem
takve koncepcije kod najistaknutijih proučavatelja postaristotelovskog razdoblja s početka 20.
stoljeća: Augusta Schmekela i Karla Praechtera.
Najveći dio disertacije posvećen je analizi Praechterove periodizacije postaristotelovske
filozofije. Nalazeći da je njegova koncepcija helenističke filozofije teorijski bolje zasnovana
od one koja se razvila u novije vrijeme kada se nastoji uskladiti s konvencionalnim granicama
helenističkog doba prema kriterijima političke povijesti, autor pristupa kritičkom ispitivanju
Praechterove periodizacije uzimajući u obzir rezultate najnovijih istraživanja s kojima je došlo
do rehabilitacije postaristotelovske filozofije. Kritičkom analizom njegovih vanjskih i
nutarnjih granica autor je nastojao iznaći dobro zasnovanu i funkcionalnu sintezu
tradicionalne i moderne periodizacije.
U drugom dijelu disertacije pristupa pomnijem razmatranju pojma helenizma kako bi se
raščistile nedoumice oko njegove primjene u periodizaciji antičke filozofije. Ukazuje na
uzroke koje su taj pojam činile nejasnim te rješenje vidi u povratku izvornom Droysenovom
pojmu helenizma. Tu izvornu koncepciju helenizma kao grčko-orijentalne sinteze autor nalazi
usvojenu kod Hansa Jonasa te na tim zasadama predlaže novu periodizaciju koja se, premda
zasnovana na drugačijoj terminologiji, u svojim glavnim dijelovima pokazuje podudarnom s
Hegelovom podjelom antičke filozofije.
Abstract (english) The research presented in this PhD-thesis deals with the problematic concept of Hellenistic
philosophy and the related actual problems of periodization and terminologization of the PostAristotelian period of Ancient philosophy. In the Introduction, the author briefly provides the
context, reason and purpose of his research: context is a scientific revolution that resulted in
the construction of a new image of Ancient philosophy in which the narrower concept of
Hellenistic philosophy has prevailed; the reason is that the concept of Hellenistic philosophy
has undergone various changes throughout history because it has caused doubts from the very
beginning and still causes them; while the purpose is a better historical understanding of the
concept of Hellenistic philosophy: a deeper insight into the meaning of this concept and
finding the periodization terminology that would have better foundation and functionality in
the context of the emerging image of Ancient philosophy.
First we explore the traditional notion of Hellenistic philosophy that has long prevailed thanks
to the influence of German historiography. Namely, it is well known that the creator of the
historiographical notion of Hellenism was Johann Gustav Droysen, but it is less known that
the notion of Hellenistic philosophy came into wider use only with the influential works of
Wilhelm Windelband. Contextual analysis of Windelband's philosophical manuals has
revealed that he used the notion of Hellenistic philosophy in rather a different sense from the
one that prevailed in recent times when it was limited to the pre-imperial period of PostAristotelian philosophy. It has been shown that his notion of Hellenistic philosophy was based
both on Droysen's understanding of Hellenism as a synthesis of East and West, and on the
extensive reception of literature dealing with the study of Alexandrian culture and the
Hellenistic background of Christianity. It was pointed out that such research came mostly
from Hegel's students, and also that Droysen's understanding of Hellenism has its roots in
As Windelband called the entire Post-Aristotelian period Hellenistic-Roman philosophy, but
mostly used the term Hellenistic philosophy for its religious part belonging to the Roman
Empire, his periodization and terminologization naturally caused doubts and it was found that
at the beginning of the 20th century the scope of the term Hellenistic philosophy varied
significantly and was therefore unclear and undefined. The fact that the traditional notion of
Hellenistic philosophy, after all, usually meant all Post-Aristotelian philosophy was explained
both by the great influence of Windelband's History of Philosophy and by the adoption of
such a concept by the most prominent scholars of the Post-Aristotelian period of the early
20th century: August Schmekel and Karl Praechter.
The most extensive part of the dissertation is devoted to the analysis of Praechter's
periodization of Post-Aristotelian philosophy. Finding his conception of Hellenistic
philosophy theoretically better grounded than that developed in recent times when it seeks to
conform to the conventional boundaries of Hellenistic period according to the criteria of
political history, the author enters into a critical examination of Praechter's periodization
taking into account the results of recent research that resulted in the rehabilitation of PostAristotelian philosophy. Critically analysing its external and internal boundaries, the author
sought to find a well-founded and functional synthesis of traditional and modern
The second part of the dissertation takes a closer look at the concept of Hellenism in order to
clear up doubts about its application in the periodization of Ancient philosophy. The causes
that made this notion unclear are pointed out, and the solution is seen in the return to
Droysen's original notion of Hellenism. His original conception of Hellenism as a GreekOriental synthesis is found adopted by Hans Jonas and author on this ground proposes a new
periodization which, although based on different terminology, in its main parts proves to
coincide with Hegel's division of Ancient philosophy.
nova slika antičke filozofije
helenistička filozofija
kasnoantička filozofija
Keywords (english)
New Image of Ancient Philosophy
Hellenistic Philosophy
Late Antique Philosophy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:492369
Promotion 2022-09-28
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral studies in humanities Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje interdisciplinarne humanističke znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje interdisciplinarne humanističke znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-12-13 08:54:01