Author Bartul Budimir
Mentor Zorana Šuljug Vučica (mentor)
Committee member Ivanka Buzov (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zorana Šuljug Vučica (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Lončar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Sociology) Split
Defense date and country 2022-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology
Abstract Body art je oduvijek bio dio raznih kultura svijeta. Primjere tetoviranja, piersanja,
skarifikacije možemo pronaći diljem svijeta. Njihov značaj i svrha se razlikovala od vremena,
mjesta i kulture u kojoj se nalazila ali su gotovo sveprisutne. Postoje razni stilovi tetoviranja,
ljudi se odlučuju na tetovaže iz raznih razloga, neki ih vežu uz događaje iz osobnog života,
neki uz osobne vrijednosti ili interese a neki se na njih odlučuju čisto iz estetske vrijednosti.
Body art se može promatrati i kao oblik neverbalne komunikacije
Činjenica jest da i danas postaju sve popularnije, bilo zbog utjecaja medija, pop idola
ili zbog održavanja i populariziranja određenih kultura i supkultura. Kada promatramo body
art kao oblik neverbalne komunikacije, govorimo o fenomenu gdje se značenja, ideje i ponekad
i predrasude prenose s tijela tetovirane osobe na druge. Kada se govori o tome često se
spominju „zatvorske tetovaže“ zbog poznate činjenice da u zatvorima postaju dio inicijacijskog
procesa u pridruženju bandi ali u ovom istraživanju više nas je zanimala komunikacija među
mladim osobama. Neverbalna komunikacija je bilo koji oblik komunikacije u kojem se ne
koristi govor, može obuhvaćati sve od gesta, izraza lica, položaju tijela, izgledu tijela te ovisi
u velikoj mjeri o kontekstu situacije u kojoj se odvija. U provedenom istraživanju velik dio
sudionika nije imao siguran stav o tome šalje li body art poruke drugima, ipak, većina smatra
kako se tetovažama pridodaju osobna značenja ili se čak vežu uz osobna iskustva i događaje iz
života te smatraju da tetovaže mogu otkriti karakter osobe. Sudeći po tome, kao što i prijašnja
istraživanja ukazuju, tetovaže su doista oblik neverbalne komunikacije, htjeli to ili ne,
tetovirane osobe „govore“ o sebi putem svojim oznaka ili ukrasa na tijelu. Dakako, javlja se
pitanje o predrasudi s kojom se takve osobe znaju susretati u svakodnevnom životu. Koliko je
prisutna stigma prema body artu i tretira li se takve osobe dikriminatorno?
Stavovi ispitanika prema tetoviranim osobama su bili većinski pozitivni i nisu
upućivali na postojanje stigme ili predrasuda, barem kod proučavane populacije, međutim kada
su im postavljena pitanja imaju li tetovirani ljudi probleme sa zapošljavanjem i postoji li stigma
prema takvim osobama, većina se složila s takvim tvrdnjama što sugerira da postoje društvene
posljedice koje idu uz odluku na body art.
Abstract (english) Body art has always been a part of different cultures around the world. Examples of
tattoos, piercings, scarification can be found all over the globe. Their meaning and purpose has
differed depending on the time, location and culture it was set it, but they were present almost
everywhere. There are many styles of tattooing, people choose to get a tattoo for different
reasons, some get tattoos as a sort of memento for events in their life, some get tattoos that
have personal meaning and some choose to get tattoos for their esthetic value.
The fact is tattoos are getting even more popular, whether it's due to the influence of
media, pop idols or traditional reasons. When we look at body art as a form of non verbal
communication, we are talking about a phenomena where meaning, ideas or sometimes even
prejudice gets transfered from the body of a tattooed person to another. We hear a lot about
„prison tattoos“ as they are notorius as a part of an initiation process to become a gang member,
but in this research we were more interested in communication among young people. Non
verbal communication is any form of communication which excludes verbal conversation, and
can include gestures, the look on someones face, body position, body shape and depends quite
heavily on the context of the situation it's happening in. The research results show that a large
proportion of participants didn't have a defined opinion on whether body art sends a message
to others. Most, however, believe that people have tattoos with personal meaning or they
connect them with their experiences and life events and belive that tattoos can reveal an
individuals character. Judging by the data, as previous research points out, tatttoos are indeed
a form of non verbal communication. Willingly or unconsciously, people with tattoos „talk“ or
share about themselves through the markings on their bodies. Of course, this raises a question
about prejudice with which people with tattoos have to deal with in everyday life. How present
is the stigma towards body art and are people with body art treated in a discriminatory fashion?
Attitudes and opinions of participants towards tattooed people were mostly positive and
didn't suggest any stigma or prejudice was involved, at least not within the studied population,
however, when they were asked questions if people with tattoos have problems with
employment or wheter there is stigma towards those individuals they mostly answered
affirmatively which suggests that there are indeed social concequences that come with the
decision to get body art.
body art
neverbalna komunikacija
stavovi mladih
Keywords (english)
: body art
non verbal communication
attitudes of young people
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:916863
Study programme Title: Sociology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) sociologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) sociologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2023-10-12
Terms of use
Created on 2023-04-12 09:07:41