Abstract | Tema ovog diplomskog rada bila je Žudnja za hranom: Emocionalno konzumiranje hrane. Početni dio rada sadrži teorijski dio u kojem smo se upoznali sa simboličkim, društvenim i emocionalnim značajem hrane i prehrane te smo obradili dva teorijska pristupa i hranu kroz različita značenja. Nakon toga, osvrnuli smo se i na razvoj i definiciju pojma utješne hrane, te smo poglavlje upotpunili prikazima različitih istraživanja. Slijedeće su navedeni svi metodološki aspekti istraživanja.
U našem istraživanju odlučili smo se za korištenje kvalitetne metodologije, točnije metode polustrukturiranog intervjua, a kojemu je pristupilo dvadeset sugovornika/ica. Intervjui su provedeni u razdoblju od početka lipnja do početka rujna 2022. godine, te su svi razgovori doslovno transkribrirani i nalaze se u poglavlju Prilozi. Ovim istraživanjem otkrili smo kako je većina sugovornika/ica doživjela je žudnju za utješnom hranom iako uopće nisu fizički osjećali glad. Pritom je i većina sugovornika/ica u potpunosti razlikovala pojmove žudnje i fizičke gladi, njihova obilježja i osjećaje koji su povezani s njima. Također, većina sugovornika/ica je općenito češće doživljavala žudnje kada su bili pod utjecajem negativnih emocija. Ustanovili smo kako se većina tijekom zadovoljenja žudnji osjeća dobro, no jednako tako se kod većine ubrzo nakon jedenja javlja grižnja savjest, najčešće zbog pretjerivanja u količini ili zbog vrste i kvalitete namirnice koje su konzumirali. Dobiveni rezultati impliciraju kako hrana igra središnju ulogu u našim životima, sadrži mnoštvo značenja i ima fizičke, psihološke i emocionalne učinke. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this thesis was Food craving: Emotional consumption of food. The initial part of the paper contains a theoretical part in which we got acquainted with the symbolic, social and emotional significance of food and nutrition, and we discussed two theoretical approaches and food through different meanings. After that, we talked about the development and definition of the concept of comfort food, after which we made presentations of various researches. Then, all methodological aspects of the research were listed.
In our research, we decided to use a quality methodology, more precisely the semi-structured interview method, which was accessed by twenty participants. The interviews were conducted in the period from the beginning of June to the beginning of September 2022, and all the conversations were transcribed and can be found in the Appendix chapter. Through this research, we discovered that most participants experienced a craving for comfort food even though they did not feel physically hungry at all. At the same time, the majority of participants completely distinguished between the concepts of craving and physical hunger, their characteristics and the feelings associated with them. Also, the majority of participants generally experienced cravings more often when they were under the influence of negative emotions, and the majority, although they feel good during the eating the food they were craving, also feel guilty shortly after eating, most often due to exaggeration in the amount or type and the quality of the food they consumed. The obtained results imply that food plays a central role in our lives, contains a multitude of meanings and has physical, psychological and emotional effects. |