Abstract | Na stupanj rane uključenosti djece s posebnim potrebama znatno utječe želja za
dostupnošću različitih aktivnosti, igračaka i ostalih materijala u aktivnosti same igre. Načela
univerzalnog dizajna, koja pozivaju na prepoznavanje i uvažavanje ljudske raznolikosti, kao što
su ljudi različite dobi, sposobnosti, veličine ili tome slično, uvelike su odgovorna za postizanje
pristupačnosti dječje igre u okruženju. Poželjno je da je to okruženje uključivo i da nudi puno
mogućnosti, uz prilagodbu prostora i sadržaja za igru prema individualnim dječjim potrebama.
Iako se ideja univerzalnog dizajna proširila tek posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća i sada se odnosi
na sve aspekte društvenog života, univerzalni je dizajn u biti definiran kao dizajn i sastav
proizvoda i okruženja tako da im mogu pristupiti, razumjeti i koristiti svi ljudi bez potrebe
posebne prilagodbe ili specijaliziranog dizajna.
Uzimajući u obzir značaj igre i kvalitetnog okruženja odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova za
cjelokupni razvoj djeteta, ovaj će rad u teorijskom dijelu prikazati što je to univerzalni dizajn i
kako ga je moguće ukomponirati u svakodnevni život djece koja su glavni sudionici ranog i
predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Dat će se u uvid i prostorna organizacija u ustanovama
ranog i predškolskog odgoja, koja uključuje vrtiće i jaslice, te pružanje stručne i druge pomoći
djeci s posebnim potrebama. Istraživanje ovog rada, odnosno empirijski dio, prikazat će
rezultate mišljenja odgajatelja o samom konceptu univerzalnoga dizajna u odgojnoobrazovnom
procesu te će se na kraju interpretirati rezultati. U ovome je istraživanju
sudjelovalo 111 odgajatelja u Republici Hrvatskoj te se njihova znanja i razmišljanja razlikuju,
iako se većinski slažu kako je univerzalni dizajn potreban u ustanovama ranog i predškolskog
odgoja i obrazovanja. |
Abstract (english) | The degree of early involvement of children with special needs is significantly
influenced by the desire for availability of different activities, toys and other materials in the
children's play itself. Universal design principles, which call for the recognition and
appreciation of human diversity, such as people of different ages, abilities, sizes, or the like, are
largely responsible for making children's play accessible in the environment. It is desirable that
this environment is inclusive and offers a lot of possibilities, with the adaptation of space and
content for children's play according to individual children's needs. Although the idea of
universal design has spread only in the last few decades and now refers to all aspects of social
life, universal design is essentially defined as the design and composition of products and
environments so that they can be accessed, understood, and used by all people without the need
for special adaptation or specialized design.
Considering the importance of play and the quality environment of educational
institutions for the overall development of a child, in the theoretical part, this thesis will show
what universal design is and how it can be integrated into the daily life of children who are the
main participants in early and preschool education. Spatial organization in early and preschool
education institutions, which includes kindergartens and crèches, as well as the provision of
professional and other assistance to children with special needs, will also be reviewed. The
research of this work, that is, the empirical part, will show the results of educators' opinions
about the very concept of universal design in the educational process, and the results will be
interpreted at the end. 111 kindergarten teachers/educators in the Republic of Croatia
participated in this research, and their knowledge and thoughts differ, although the majority
agree that universal design is needed in early and preschool education institutions. |