Abstract | U ovom radu prikazan je život i politička karijera bana Ivana Mažuranića s posebnim naglaskom na njegovu ulogu u reformskom radu tijekom 19. stoljeća. Ukratko je opisan njegov rani život i obrazovanje. Njegovo napredovanje u politici možemo pratiti od stanovanja u Karlovcu kada se uključio u hrvatsku politiku tijekom revolucionarne 1848. godine nakon čega je uključen u Jelačićevo Bansko vijeće. Nakon toga potpuno se adaptira u sferu hrvatske politike obnašajući različite značajne uloge poput dvorskog kancelara, saborskog zastupnika, saborskog perovođe, glavnog urednika saborskih zaključaka i zakona kao i predsjednika Hrvatskog sabora. Godine 1873. postaje banom, prvim banom iz redova pučanstva, gdje se iskazao u svojim modernim liberalističkim vizijama, koje su ga vodile za vrijeme njegovog mandata. Iako je tijekom banovanja prolazio kroz različite faze, naročito osjetljive u određenim trenutcima, po pitanju podrške, bio je dosljedan svojim uvjerenjima. Iako je bio kritiziran da je tih i kompromisan, svojim je radom dokazao da je iznimno dalekosežan političar i državnik koji je bio ispred svog vremena te je zbog toga ponekad bio i neshvaćen. Upravo je on zaslužan za stvaranje temelja moderne demokratske Hrvatske. Bez obzira na to što je tijekom cijelog mandata kočen Nagodbom učinio je sve što je bilo u njegovoj moći za unaprjeđenje hrvatske autonomije. U reformskom radu obavezno je naglasiti unaprjeđenje školstva i obrazovanja te osnivanje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Na kraju se povukao s banske funkcije 1880. zbog zakulisnih političkih igara ugarske vlade koja je opet težila mađarizaciji Hrvatske, gledajući Mažuranića kao najvećeg političkog protivnika, a zbog toga stolice se odrekao razočaran zaželjevši Hrvatskoj sve najbolje. Mirovinu provodi u povučenom životu s obitelji radeći na različitim interesima i hobijima. Smrt ga je zadesila u 76 godini života 1890. |
Abstract (english) | This paper presents the life and political career of ban Ivan Mažuranić with special emphasis on his role in reform work during the 19th century. His early life and education are briefly described. We can trace his progress in politics from living in Karlovac when he became involved in Croatian politics during the revolutionary year of 1848, after which he was included in Jelačić's Ban council. After that, he completely adapted to the sphere of Croatian politics, holding various important roles such as court chancellor, parliamentary representative, parliamentary pen-leader, editor-in-chief of parliamentary conclusions and laws, as well as president of the Croatian Parliament. In 1873, he became a Ban, the first Banthat came from the common people, where he expressed his modern liberal visions, which guided him during his mandate. Although during his reign he went through different phases, particularly sensitive at certain times, in terms of support, he was consistent with his beliefs. Although he was criticized for being quiet and compromising, his work proved that he was an extremely far-reaching politician and statesman who was ahead of his time, and because of this he was sometimes misunderstood. He is responsible for creating the foundations of the modern democratic Croatia. Regardless of the fact that during his entire mandate he was hampered by the Settlement,he did everything in his power to improve Croatian autonomy. In his reform work, it is important to emphasize the improvement of schooling and education and the establishment of the University of Zagreb. In the end, he retired from the post of ban in 1880 due to the behind-the-scenes political games of the Hungarian government, which was again striving for the Hungarianization of Croatia, seeing Mažuranić as the biggest political opponent, and because of that, he renounced the chair in disappointment, wishing Croatia all the best. He spent his retirement living a secluded life with his family working on various interests and hobbies. He died at the age of 76 in 1890. |