Abstract | U podnožju brda Glama i uz rijeku Janjevku nekada je bila smještena najstarija hrvatska dijaspora. Kotlina i u njoj malo mjesto zvano Janjevo, gdje su Hrvati podrijetlom iz Dubrovnika i s prostora Dubrovačke Republike stoljećima živjeli. Moglo bi se reći da je prirodni položaj odnosno smještaj Janjeva upravo ono što im je dugi niz godina, pred raznim opasnostima pružalo sigurnost, ali jedno je sigurno – oni će uvijek svjedočiti zaštitu i pomoć svetoga Nikole.
Vrijeme adventa, korizma, svetci poput svetoga Jurja, Marka, Antuna Padovanskoga, Ivana Krstitelja, Stjepana, svete Lucije, Barbare, hodočašća i brojni drugi blagdani, potkrijepljeni su pričama triju kazivača. Priče su upravo ono što im je nakon odlaska s Kosova ostalo te one čine osnovu ovoga rada, stoga je njima potrebno posvetiti pozornost. One su se oduvijek prenosile s koljena na koljeno. One su izuzetan primjer da su katolička vjera, običaji i tradicija neizostavan dio života janjevačke zajednice.
Štoviše, nakon sedamsto dvadeset godina od prvoga pisanog spomena Janjeva, usmena je predaja i ovoga puta odigrala važnu ulogu – ona je prenositeljica tradicijske kulture, čuvarica identiteta Hrvata Janjevaca. |
Abstract (english) | At the foot of the hill Glama and along the river Janjevka there once was the oldest Croatian diaspora located. The basin, and in it a small village called Janjevo, where the Croats originating from Dubrovnik and from the area of the Republic of Dubrovnik have lived for centuries. It could be said that the natural position of Janjevo, or better said its location is exactly what has provided them security during many years when facing various dangers, but one thing is certain – they will always witness the protection and help of St. Nicholas.
The time of Advent, Lent, saints such as St. George, Marko, Anthony of Padua, John the Baptist, Stephen, St. Lucia, Barbara, pilgrimage and many other holidays, are backed up by the stories of the three narrators. The stories, after they left Kosovo, is just what they were left with and those stories from the basis of this work, therefore it is necessary to pay special attention to them. They have always been passed down from generation to generation and are an exceptional example that the Catholic faith, customs and traditions are an indispensable part of the Janjevo community.
Furthermore, after seven hundred and twenty years since the first written mention of Janjevo, oral tradition has played an important role this time as well – it is the transferor of traditional culture, the guardian of the identity of the Croats of Janjevo |