Abstract | Vrijednosni stavovi oblikuju identitet mladih ljudi te utječu na njihov način provođenja slobodnoga vremena. U današnje je vrijeme tempo života ubrzan te je teško pronaći vrijeme za sebe i provesti ga kvalitetno. Stoga se ovim istraživanjem htjelo ispitati količinu slobodnoga vremena i zadovoljstvo količinom i načinom provođenja slobodnoga vremena, aktivnosti slobodnoga vremena, vrijednosne stavove i oblike ponašanja te naposljetku povezanost u količini i načinu provođenja slobodnoga vremena te vrijednosnim stavovima i oblicima ponašanja mladih. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 172 ispitanika s područja Splita i okolice, a rezultati su pokazali postojanje djelomične statistički značajne razlike u količini i načinu provođenja slobodnoga vremena i vrijednosnim stavovima s obzirom na spol, dob, mjesto boravka, stupanj obrazovanja i trenutno zaposlenje te povezanosti količine i načina provođenja slobodnoga vremena, vrijednosnih stavova i oblika ponašanja mladih s obzirom na spol, dob, mjesto boravka, stupanj obrazovanja i trenutno zaposlenje. Osim toga, nisu pronađene razlike u oblicima ponašanja mladih s obzirom na spol, dob, mjesto boravka, stupanj obrazovanja i trenutno zaposlenje. |
Abstract (english) | Value attitudes shape the identity of adolescents and influence the way they spend their leisure time. The pace of life is fast nowadays and it is difficult to find some time for yourself and spend it properly. Therefore, the aim of this research was to examine the amount of leisure time and satisfaction with the amount and way of spending leisure time; leisure time activities, value attitudes, types of behaviours and finally the connection between the amount and way of spending leisure time, value attitudes and types of behaviours of adolescents. 172 respondents from Split and its suburbs participated in this research, and the results showed the existence of a partial statistically significant difference in the amount and way of spending leisure time and value attitudes based on their gender, age, place of residence, level of education and current employment, and there was also a partial statistically significant connection between the amount and way of spending leisure time, value attitudes and types of behaviours of young people based on their gender, age, place of residence, level of education and current employment. Apart from that, the results showed no differences in types of behaviours of young people based on their gender, age, place of residence, level of education and current employment. |