Abstract | Ovaj rad istražuje razvoj privrženosti kod djece i njezin utjecaj na socijalni i emocionalni razvoj tijekom života. Uvodno se objašnjava teorijska osnova privrženosti, s naglaskom na Bowlbyjevu teoriju i radove Ainsworthove. Razvoj privrženosti počinje odmah nakon rođenja, a kvaliteta ranih odnosa između djeteta i skrbnika utječe na oblikovanje unutarnjih radnih modela koji kasnije utječu na socijalne i emocionalne odnose. Različite metode procjene privrženosti koriste se u istraživanju djece različitih dobnih skupina, uključujući Metodu nepoznate situacije, Q-sort i Manchester Child Attachment Story Task (MCAST). Također, opisuju se stilovi privrženosti u ranom djetinjstvu, srednjem djetinjstvu i adolescenciji, kao i njihova povezanost s razvojem emocija i sposobnostima regulacije emocija. U kasnijim fazama rada, obrađuje se utjecaj privrženosti na socijalne odnose, samopouzdanje, te interakcije s vršnjacima i odraslima, uključujući učitelje i članove šire obitelji. Također se raspravlja o dugoročnim posljedicama sigurnih i nesigurnih stilova privrženosti, posebno na partnerske odnose i roditeljstvo u odrasloj dobi. Značajan dio rada posvećen je intervencijama za podršku razvoju sigurne privrženosti, s naglaskom na ulogu stručnjaka, poput psihologa i socijalnih radnika, te na programe rane intervencije. Na kraju, istražuje se utjecaj digitalne tehnologije na obiteljske interakcije i socijalni razvoj djece, naglašavajući izazove koje ekrani i online interakcije predstavljaju u kontekstu razvoja privrženosti. |
Abstract (english) | This paper explores the development of attachment in children and its impact on social and emotional development throughout life. In the introduction, the theoretical basis of attachment is explained, with an emphasis on Bowlby's theory and the works of Ainsworth. The development of attachment begins immediately after birth, and the quality of early relationships between the child and the caregiver affects the formation of internal working models that later affect social and emotional relationships. Various attachment assessment methods are used in research on children of different age groups, including the Unfamiliar Situation Method, the Q-sort, and the Manchester Child Attachment Story Task (MCAST). Also, attachment styles in early childhood, middle childhood and adolescence are described, as well as their connection with the development of emotions and the ability to regulate emotions. In the later stages of the work, the impact of attachment on social relationships, self-confidence, and interactions with peers and adults, including teachers and extended family members, is addressed. It also discusses the long-term consequences of secure and insecure attachment styles, particularly on partner relationships and parenting in adulthood. A significant part of the work is devoted to interventions to support the development of secure attachment, with an emphasis on the role of professionals, such as psychologists and social workers, and on early intervention programs. Finally, the impact of digital technology on family interactions and children's social development is explored, highlighting the challenges that screens and online interactions present in the context of attachment development. |