Title Ženska tijela kao modus komunikacije u tragedijama Williama Shakespearea
Author Ana Penjak
Mentor Gordana Galić Kakkonen (mentor)
Committee member Helena Sablić Tomić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Split
Defense date and country 2014-12-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 821.111 - English literature
Abstract Tema istraživanja iščitavanje je i tumačenje tjelesnosti kao modusa komunikacije na primjerima ženskih likova u tragedijama Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, Romeo i Julija, Kralj Lear i Tit Andronik Williama Shakespearea. U uvodnom dijelu iznose se razlozi, predmet i cilj istraživanja. Nakon osvrta na teorijske postavke novoga historizma, teorije kulture, pitanja identiteta i tjelesnosti analizira se društveno-povijesno-kulturološka konstrukcija kraja 16. i početka 17. stoljeća, uzimajući kao
... More polazišnu točku dihotomiju odnosa žene i muškarca. Središnji dio rada bavi se iščitavanjem i tumačenjem pozicije ženskog tijela kao drugoga kroz četiri različita odnosa: žena kao drugi koji je osuđen na šutnju, pozicija maltretiranog tijela drugoga, tijelo drugoga kao žrtva tuđe volje te tijelo drugoga kao moćnik.
Cilj je istraživanja ukazati na koji se način 'klasično' kanonsko djelo iz prošlosti može preoblikovati, transfomirati i iskoristiti u svrhu stvaranja jedne nove, suvremene priče u kojoj bi se svaki nadolazeći naraštaj čitatelja mogao prepoznati i objasniti aspekte vlastitoga iskustva.
U disertacije je korištena eksplikativna metoda analize kojom se raščlanjuje prostor ženskog subjekta, ali i precizira položaj ženskog tijela suspregnutog pravilima patrijarhalnog društva. Istraživanje uključuje i analitičko-deduktivnu metodu koja polazi od teorija novih historista, teorija kulture kao i problematike ženskog tijela primijenjenih na ženske likove u odabranim tragedijama Williama Shakespearea. Induktivnim pristupom doći će se do općih zaključaka i stavova o načinu, funkciji, rezultatu i posljedicama iščitavanja ženske tjelesnosti na razini cjelokupnoga društva.
Na osnovu iznesenog, iščitavanja i tumačenja tjelesnosti na primjerima ženskih likova u odabranim tragedijama Williama Shakespearea, ukazuje se na povezanost književnosti, kulture i (de)institucionalizacije društvenih struktura, kao i na važnost Williama Shakespearea. U kontekstu nepostojane recepcije tjelesnosti i ženskoga tijela u odabranim tragedijama Williama Shakespearea, ovaj rad poslužit će i kao poticaj daljnjem istraživanju i novim interpretacijama opusa istoimenog autora te kao prilog daljnjem proučavanju problematike ženskoga tijela i tjelesnosti. Less
Abstract (english) This doctoral thesis deals with the comparisons and interpretations of the ways we communicate with the body, based on the examples of female characters in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear and Titus Andronicus. In the Introduction, we read on purpose, subject and aim of the research. After review of the works of the New Historicism, cultural theories, question of identity and question of body, social, historical and cultural framework of the
... More late 16th and early 17th century is analysed. The relationship between man and woman the time has been taken as the starting point for further analysis. The main part of the research is focused on four different possible readings and explanations of the female body seen from two perspective: today’s perspective where the female body is perceived as the body of the Other; gender perspective where the female body is perceived in comparison the male body. The four readings are: position of the tortured body of the Other; body of the Other as a victim of other wills, body of the Other as a powerful one; woman as Other destined to silence.
The aim of this research is to show in which way ‘classical’ canonical literary work of the past can be transformed, modified and used for the purpose of creating new, contemporary stories in which each upcoming generation of readers could identify and explain the aspects of their experience.
By using the explicative analysis method, the author defines the context of the female subject, as well as precises the position of the female body suppressed by the rules of the patriarchal society. The research also includes analytical and deductive method which are used in analyzing the theory of the New Historicism, culture theories, and issues on female bodies all of which being applied on the female characters in selected William Shakespeare’s tragedies. By applying the inductive approach, the author draws conclusions and views on ways, function, outcome, and consequences of such a reading of female corporeality, at the level of the whole society.
Based on the presented readings and interpretations of the female characters’ bodies from the selected William Shakespeare’s tragedies, the author would like to point out the connection between literature, culture, and social structures, as well as to proof the importance of Shakespeare’s literary work even today. In the context of volatile reception issues of physical and female bodies in the selected William Shakespeare’s tragedies, this
research could serve as a stimulus for further researches and new interpretations of works of the eponymous author, and as a contribution to the further study on female body and the issue of physical. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:198651
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral studies in humanities Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje interdisciplinarne humanističke znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje interdisciplinarne humanističke znanosti)
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Created on 2017-03-02 11:47:08