Title Postmoderna obitelj: stavovi i mišljenja mladih
Title (english) Postmodern Family: Attitudes and Opinions of Young People
Author Antonija Bitunjac
Mentor Gorana Bandalović (mentor)
Committee member Marija Lončar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gorana Bandalović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivanka Buzov (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Sociology) Split
Defense date and country 2017-03-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology Specific Sociologies
Abstract Rad prikazuje stavove i mišljenja mladih o postmodernoj obitelji, koji nastaju u okviru stavova o kohabitaciji, braku, ravnopravnosti između partnera te razvodu braka. Postmoderno doba karakterizira raznolikost i različitost. Dakle, ne postoji jedinstvena definicija obitelji, a cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati što mladi misle o promjenama koje su utjecale na strukturu obitelji i u kojoj mjeri ih oni sami prihvaćaju. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom ankete, a obuhvaća 248 ispitanika, studente Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu i studente Filozofskog fakulteta u Mariboru. Rezultati su pokazali kako većina ispitanika smatra da je za uspješan brak važna ljubav i poštivanje među partnerima; siguran i dobro plaćen posao kao i vlastiti stambeni prostor. S druge strane, većina ispitanika smatra kako je brak izgubio vrijednost i značenje koje je nekad imao. Obje skupine se slažu da je kohabitacija zajednički život kao početak trajnog partnerstva. Ipak, mariborski studenti preferiraju kohabitaciju, dok se splitski studenti odlučuju za brak. Obiteljske obveze za većinu ispitanika predstavljaju radost zajedničkog života, a jedna i druga skupina ispitanika podržava zakon o životnom partnerstvu osoba istog spola. Ispitanici se djelomično slažu s tvrdnjom da je u današnjoj obitelji podjela rada između muškarca i žene ravnopravna. Ukoliko je bračni odnos ozbiljno narušen, ispitanici smatraju da partneri trebaju potražiti stručnu pomoć. Opći zaključak rada jest da mladi smatraju kako ljudi ulaze u brak iz ljubavi,a da je ljubav veoma važna kako bi brak uspješno funkcionirao. Ipak, većina mladih smatra kako se ljudi jednim dijelom odlučuju za brak upravo zato što im društvo, odnosno tradicija to nalaže. Uočljive razlike između dvije skupine ispitanika vide se u preferencijama prema braku, odnosno prema kohabitaciji. Također, mariborski ispitanici iznijeli su jasniji stav prema kojem smatraju da za uspješan brak nisu važna djeca. Dakle, za razliku od splitskih ispitanika, mariborski ispitanici pokazuju „postmodernističku orijentaciju“ s obzirom na stavove i mišljenja o današnjoj obitelji.
Abstract (english) This paper presents attitudes and opinions of young people on the postmodern family that occur in the attitudes about cohabitation, marriage, equality between partners and divorce. The postmodern era is characterized by diversity and difference. So, there is no single correct definition of what a family is. The aim of this research was to examine what do young people think about changes in the family structure and do they accept them. The survey research included a total of 248 respondents, divided into two subsets: students at Faculty of Philosophy in Split and students at Faculty of Philosophy in Maribor. The results indicated that most respondents consider that for a succesful marriage is important love and respect between partners, safe and well-paid job and own living space. On the other hand, most respondents believe that marriage lost it`s value and meaning. Respondents in both samples believe that cohabitation is the beginning of a lasting partnership. Students from Maribor prefer cohabitation and students from Split prefer marriage. Family responsibilities for the majority of respondents represent the joy of living together. Also, they support civil partnership between two persons of the same sex. Respondents partially agree with the statement that in today's family division of labor is equally between men and women. If the marital relationship has been seriously breached, respondents consider that partners should seek professional help. The general conclusion oft his paper is that young people believe that love is the main foundation of marriage. However, most of them think that people partly decide for marriage because society and tradition requires that. Notable differences between the two groups can be seen in preferences toward marriage and cohabitation. Students from Maribor consider that having children is not essential to a successful mariage. Therefore, they show “postmodernism orientation”given the opinions about today's families.
razvod braka postmoderna obitelj.
Keywords (english)
postmodern family.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:572482
Study programme Title: Sociology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sociologije (magistar/magistra sociologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-04-13 15:58:03