Abstract | Ivan Raos (01.01.1921.-08.07.1987.) jedan od najplodnijih i najraznovrsnijih hrvatskih književnika desetljećima je bio marginaliziran i cenzuriran. Inspiriran isključivo rodnim zavičajem i vlastitim djetinjstvom, ispisao je na stotine stranica tzv. seoske tematike. Iako je dugo proveo na marginama, i objavljivao djela u vlastitoj nakladi, kritika je prepoznala njegovu zanatsku vještinu koju mu nije mogla osporiti neuklapanjem u određene pomodne stilske šablone. Ono što je kritika svojedobno (ne)namjerno zanemarila je tipična ambijentalnost koja se ne otkriva isključivo u koloritnim opisima njegova zavičaja i ljudi te u izvornim idiolektima domicilnog stanovništva, nego u svim slojevima njegove proze koja je, kvantitetom i kvalitetom, srž njegova opusa. Iako još uvijek nedovoljno istražen opus sadrži kapitalna djela hrvatske proze – autobiografsku trilogiju i roman „Prosjaci i sinovi“. Stvoreni na kultu zavičaja i djetinjstva, odnosno na onim neraskidivim sponama kojim je Raos ostao vezan za svoju rodnu Imotsku krajinu, otkrivaju cjelokupni svjetonazor, običaje, način života koji stoljećima egzistira na tom kamenitom i škrtom prostoru Dalmatinske zagore. Roman „Prosjaci i sinovi“, sa svojom TV inačicom, prihvaćen je od šire publike. Čitatelji i gledatelji uočili su razne usmenoknjiževne vrste interpolirane u radnju. Interferencije usmene i pisane književnosti možemo pratiti od srednjeg vijeka do suvremene književnosti, ali Ivan Raos je i u tome podcrtao svoj neosamljeni, ali majstorski profil. Interpolacijom poslovica, uzrečica, zdravica, gangi, epskih pjesama i usmenih predaja u neorealistički roman, uspio je stvoriti umjetničko djelo koje je svojevrsni spomenik Imotske krajine, ali i šireg područja Hrvatske. „Prosjaci i sinovi“ u svim slojevim sadrži bogato kulturno i tradicijsko blago te kao takvo zahtijeva interdisciplinarno proučavanje. |
Abstract (english) | Ivan Raos (01/01/1921 – 08/07/1987), one of the most prolific and diverse Croatian writers, has been marginalized and censored for decades . Inspired solely by his homeland and his own childhood, he filled out hundreds of pages with so – called rural themes. Even though he spent a long time on the sidelines publishing self – published works, critics did recognize
his indisputable craft skills that could not be denied simply because they did not fit into certain fashionable stylistic patterns. What the critics (un)intentionally ignored was the typical ambience that does not reveal itself exclusively in the colourful descriptions of his native land and people, or in the original idiolects of the domicile population, but in all the layers of his prose that is, by its quantity and quality, the essence of his work. Although still not sufficiently investigated, his literature includes major works of Croatian prose - autobiographical trilogy and the novel "Beggars and Sons". Created thanks to the cult of the homeland and childhood, or thanks to those unbreakable bonds that kept Raos attached to his native region of Imotski, they reveal the entire worldview, customs and a way of life that existed for centuries in this rocky and barren area of the Dalmatinska zagora. The "Beggars and Sons" novel, with its TV adaptation, was accepted by the general public. Readers and viewers noticed a variety of oral literary genres that were interpolated into the story. The interference of oral and written literature can be traced back to the Middle Ages and followed until contemporary literature, but Ivan Raos incorporated that interference into his, not lonely, but masterful profile. By the interpolation of phrases, sayings, toasts, ganga songs, epic poems and oral traditions in the neo-realistic novel, he managed to create a work of art which is a kind of monument of the Imotski region, but also of the wider Croatian area. "Beggars and Sons" contains rich cultural and traditional treasure in all its layers and, as such, requires an interdisciplinary study. |