Abstract | Ovaj završni rad se bavi običajima hercegovačkog naroda, on svjedoči o dugogodišnjoj tradiciji sela Vašarovići. Ovaj rad ne samo da govori o svakidašnjem životu ljudi koji žive na ovom prostoru, o njihovim dogodovštinama, o pjesmama koje su se pjevale i o običajima koji slijede određena vremenska razdoblja kao što su Uskrs i Božić, nego također daje sliku određenog naroda u određeno vrijeme, sa svim svojim posebnostima.
Rad se može sadržajno i logički podijeliti u dvije veće cjeline, tj. priče i pjesme koje se onda dalje mogu podijeliti u više cjelina. Tako se priče dijele na predaje, pričanja iz života, priče o nekadašnjem životu, priče o Božiću, Badnjaku i Uskrsu. Pjesme se dijele na lirske pjesme, epske pjesme, gange i brojalice.
Govoreći o razdoblju od prije pedesetak, a možda i više godina, svakako na umu treba imati i arhaičnost i zastarjelost, a možda u određenoj mjeri i začuđenost koju će neki osjetiti čitajući neke običaje koji u današnje vrijeme i nisu više toliko uobičajeni. Neke običaje ćemo prepoznati kao i današnje, neke ćemo prepoznati pomalo izmijenjene, a neki će nam ostati potpuno neznani.
Ovaj rad se temelji na iskazu jedne kazivačice, Stojke, čiji je iskaz snimljen te prepisan točno onako kako je ona to izgovarala. Kroz oči jedne žene, kazivačice, ispripovijedan je cijeli jedan niz događaja, običaja, pjesama i svega što je u tadašnje vrijeme bilo specifično za ovo područje. |
Abstract (english) | This Final paper deals with customs of Herzegovinian people, it tells about the long tradition of the village Vašarovići. Not only is this paper talking about the everyday life of people who live in this area, about their adventures, the songs that were sung and customs that follow certain time periods such as Easter and Christmas, but it also gives a picture of people at a particular time, with all its peculiarities.
The paper can be meaningfully and logically divided into two major parts, ie., stories and songs that can then further be divided into several sections. So the stories are divided into historical tradition stories, telling the life story and the stories of a former life, stories about Christmas, Christmas Eve and Easter. The songs are divided into lyrical poems, epic poems, ''Ganga'' and nursery rhymes.
When talking about the period of about fifty, and maybe even more years, one must certainly keep in mind that, while reading about these customs, they might get the feeling of anachronism, obsolescence, and perhaps even astonishment because most of these customs are not so common anymore. Some of the practices we can identify as familiar, some will be recognized as slightly modified, and some will remain completely unknown.
This paper is based on the testimony of one informant, Stojka, whose testimony was recorded and transcribed exactly as she said it, word by word. Through the eyes of a narrator, there is said the entire sequence of events, customs, songs and everything that was specific for this area at that time. |